Regular attendance is expected and reading should be done prior to class discussion to enable participation. Students who must miss a class should contact the instructor in advance or as soon as possible and may need to make up work.
The research project should use economics to analyze a topic related to project management. You may wish to consider the attached list of a few potential topics. If you are currently working at an institution or firm facing project related decisions you may wish to consider an economic analysis of the tradeoffs involved in those decisions. Whatever project you choose you are required to meet individually with the professor to work on a research plan for exploring that topic. Be careful to use your own words. Plagiarism will result in a failing grade. Short assignments may be announced in class or via email. All students should check their email regularly and will be included on a class discussion list. Any necessary changes to the schedule below will also be announced in class or via email.
Students are encouraged to work together in studying, but not during exams. Cheating will result in a failing grade. Exams may involve multiple choice questions, short problems, and short essays, but will tend to focus on essays.