النتائج (
العربية) 1:
Hydroquinone (HQ, 1,4-dihydroxybenzene) and catechol (1,2-dihydroxybenzene, CC) are two important isomers of phenoliccompounds, which are often used in cosmetics, pesticides, flavoringagents, antioxidant, secondary coloring matters, and photographychemicals [1–3]. During the application and manufacturing pro-cess of these compounds, some of them are inevitably releasedinto the environment and contaminate rivers and ground waters.Thus, in industrial effluents and sanitary wastewater exists alarge number of dihydroxybenzene isomers [3–5]. Meanwhile,most of them are highly toxic to both environment and humaneven at very low concentrations [6]. High concentration of HQcan lead to fatigue, headache and tachycardia in humans [7]; itcan also lead to cancer such as acute myeloidleukemia [8]. Theabsorption of HQ or CC from the gastrointestinal tract can induce∗ some disease such as renal tube degeneration and liver functiondecrease [9]. Because of their high toxicity and low degradabil-ity in the ecological environment, HQ, and CC are consideredas environmental pollutants by the US Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) and the European Union (EU) [10]. They have beenextensively studied due to their biological and environmentalimportance.Because of their similar structures and properties, they usuallycoexist in products and environmental samples and it is a chal-lenge to directly and simultaneously determinate the isomers [11].Therefore, reliable analytical procedures are required for simulta-neous determination of HQ and CC in various matrices with highsensitivity.Up to now, various analytical methods have been exploitedfor the determination of the dihydroxybenzenes, such as highperformance liquid chromatography (HPLC) [12], spectropho-tometry [13], chemiluminescence [4], synchronous fluorescence[14], gas chromatography/mass spectrometry [15], capillary elec-trochromatography [16], pH-based-flow injection analysis [17],and electrochemical methods [2,3,11]. The established methods for the determination of HQ and CCare commonly performed after pretreatment and separation [4].Compared with the chromatographic and optical methods, elec-trochemical methods [18–27] are preferable and attractive for thesimultaneous detection of such phenolic compounds due to theadvantages of fast response, cheap instrument, low cost, simpleoperation, time saving, high sensitivity, and excellent selectivity[3] being also more feasible for miniaturization of analysis.Since HQ and CC have a basic quinone structures they areboth electrochemically active and thus can be determined withelectrochemical techniques [28] such as cyclic voltammetry (CV),differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) and square wave voltam-metry (SWV). The major difficulty for the sensitive, selective andsimultaneous detection of HQ and CC is that the voltammetricpeaks corresponding to oxidation/reduction of two phenol iso-mers are, in many cases, highly overlapped for most conventionalsolid electrodes. Moreover, the competition of the phenolic isomersby electrode surface makes the relationship between the voltam-metric response and the isomers concentrations, in the mixtures,non-linear [29].In order to address the above problems, many materials havebeen used to fabricate chemically modified electrodes (CMEs) toachieve simultaneous voltammetric determination of dihydroxy-benzene isomers [2,3,11,22–43]. A CME is an excellent approachto address the signal separation problem by introducing a modi-fier with which the extent of the interaction differs significantlyfrom analyte to analyte [18,22]. Hence, some carbon [23,33] or car-bon nanotubes (CNTs) modified electrodes [21,22] were used forthe determination of dihydroxybenzene isomers. For instance, Yuet al. [23] reported that CC and HQ can be high sensitive simulta-neously determined at mesoporous carbon CMK-3 electrode withthe peak-to-peak separation of the oxidation potential (_Epa) of125 mV. The simultaneous determination of HQ and CC at a glassycarbon electrode modified with multiwall carbon nanotubes hasbeen also proposed with potential wave separations of 102 mVbetween the oxidation peaks of HQ and CC [20]; consequently, theauthors used multi-electrode array modified with MWCNTs andlowered the detection limits of dihydroxybenzene isomers [21]. Liet al. reported that a disposable screen-printed electrode which wasmodified by multiwalled carbon nanotubes and gold nanoparticles[28] can separate oxidation peaks of HQ and CC. Another method forthe simultaneous determine HQ and CC was investigated by Wangand co-workers [22], using modified electrode like covalent mod-ification of glassy carbon electrode with PASA/MWNTs compositefilm. Polymer-modified electrodes prepared by electropolymeriza-tion were also used for the simultaneous determination of CC andHQ isomers [2,24,33,37,44–48]. Other methods for the simulta-neous determination of HQ and CC have been investigated by Wanget al. with the GCEs modified by penicillamine [11], and asparticacid [49]. Li et al. [27] developed a sensitive and simultaneous HQand CC determination method in the presence of resorcinol witha Zn/Al layered double hydroxide modified GCE and de Carvalhoet al. [29] reported another electrochemical method for the simulta-neous determination of phenol isomers using carbon fiber electrodemodified by titanium oxide.Nevertheless, it is still interesting to investigate novel elec-trode material for the simultaneous determination of HQ and CC.The aim of this work was to develop an amperometric sensor forsimultaneous hydroquinone and catechol measurement based onPrussian Blue (PB) modified screen-printed carbon electrode (SPCE)and which should possesses properties such as low cost, goodstability, rapid response time, low detection limit and good selec-tivity toward some possible interferents. To our best knowledge,the simultaneous determination of the mentioned compounds atan activated PB-SPCE has not been reported. CV and DPV resultsshow that the isomers can be detected selectively and sensitively atPB-SPCE with peak-to-peak separation of about 0.11 V. The pro-posed method has been applied to simultaneous determination ofHQ and CC in a water sample with simplicity and high selectivity. [3]2. ConclusionsThis research has developed a cheap, sensitive, and rapidmethod for the electrochemical determination of HQ and CCin aqueous pH 6.64 PBS solution without previous separation.By employing both electrochemically pretreated screen-printed carbon electrodes modified with Prussian Blue and DPV tech-nique, a direct and simultaneous determination of the twopositional isomers was achieved. The oxidation peak potentialsfor HQ and CC were completely separated at the activated PB-SPCE, exhibiting well-defined and quasireversible redox peaksand showing greatly enhanced activity. Under optimized condi-tions, the linear calibration curves for HQ and CC were in theranges of 4.0 × 10−6–9.0 × 10−5M and 1.0 × 10−6–9.0 × 10−5M,with detection limits of 1.17 × 10−7M and 4.28 × 10−7M, respec-tively calculated by linear regression analysis. This method wasapplied to the direct determination of HQ and CC in tap water withsatisfactory recovery results. A successful elimination of the foulingeffect by the oxidized product of HQ on the response of CC has beenachieved at the activated PB-SPCE. Moreover the PB-SPCE exhib-ited good selectivity toward ascorbic acid, phenol and uric acid.The response of PB-SPCE was remarkably high compared to thenegligible current responses of the studied interferents
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