النتائج (
العربية) 1:
tWhat do we know about the impact of microfinance?
· Outreach is important. Financial institutions must
reach poor clients to have an impact. As shown in
the graphic, most microfinance clients today fall in
a band around the poverty line. The extreme poor
are rarely reached by microfinance. (Social safety
net programs are often more appropriate for the
destit ute and extreme poor.)
· Product characteristics count. Specific
characteristics of financial products, such as loan
terms and transaction size, affect impact. Shortterm
working-capital loans may work well for
traders wanting to purchase inventory. For
producers who need to make one-time investments in equipment purchases, however, they work less well.
These clients may require other services like term savings or longer-term loans.
· The asset base of clients is relevant. The initial resource base of a client affects impact. The impact of
financial services on clients who begin with more resources (financial, physical, or social) tends to be
greater than on clients who start from a very low resource base.
· Sustainability matters. The length of time that an individual has been a client of an institution has a
positive correlation with
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