E-government and innovation can provide significant opportunities to transform
public administration into an instrument of sustainable development. E-government
is “the use of ICT and its application by the government for the provision of
information and public services to the people” (Global E-Government Readiness
Report 2004). More broadly, e-government can be referred to as the use and application
of information technologies in public administration to streamline and
integrate workflows and processes, to effectively manage data and information,
enhance public service delivery, as well as expand communication channels for
engagement and empowerment of people. The opportunities offered by the
digital development of recent years, whether through online services, big data,
social media, mobile apps, or cloud computing, are expanding the way we look at
e-government. While e-government still includes electronic interactions of three
types—i.e. government-to-government (G2G); government-to-business (G2B);
and government-to-consumer (G2C)—a more holistic and multi-stakeholder approach
is taking shape.