Aesthetic criticism is that part of aesthetics which is concerned with critically judging beauty and ugliness, tastefulness and tasteles style and fashion, the meaning and quality of design, and issues of human sentiment and affect (the evocation of pleasure and pain, likes and dislikes) 2 Logical criticism In a logical c objection is raised about an idea, argument, action or situation on the that it does not make rational sense (there is something wrong with it because it is illogical, it does not follow, or it violates basic conventions of meaning 3 Positive criticism A positive criticism draw attention to a good or positive aspect of something which is being ignor "disregarded or overlooked. People may be able to see only the negative side of something, so that becomes necessary to highlight the positive side. A positive criticism may also be a type of self- justification or self-defense The term "positive criticism" is also used in the sense that the criticism is "well-meant" or "well intentioned" ("I mean it in a positive way") Negative criticism SI Negative criticism means voicin an ob somethin nly with the purpos showing tha is wrong, false, mis cal, objectio isr ble Generally, it suggests disapprov of something, or disagreement with something it emphasizes t dot aretAd as an attack against a person lso often int something Negative criticis 5 Constructive criticism to buil Constructive criticism aims to show that the intent or purpose of something is better served by an alternative a In this case, making the criticism is not necess dee d its purpose is respected; rather, it is c that the same foal could be better achieved via a differen oute Constructive criticisms are often suggestions for improvement- how things could be done