Daniyal 11th Sep 1572- 8th Apr 1604: Akbar’s 3rd son and 9th child is  ترجمة - Daniyal 11th Sep 1572- 8th Apr 1604: Akbar’s 3rd son and 9th child is  العربية كيف أقول

Daniyal 11th Sep 1572- 8th Apr 1604

Daniyal 11th Sep 1572- 8th Apr 1604: Akbar’s 3rd son and 9th child is buried in lahore tomb along with his mother an cocubbine (Bibi Miriam an Armenian died in 1596 and buried in Lahore along with Daniyal in same tomb). Daniyal was given to Mariam-uz-zamani to be raised by Akbar.

Description as per Jehangirnama

On the night of Jumada-1-awwal 10th, a.h. 979 (September, 1572), another son was born to one of the concubines. As his birth took place at Ajmir in the house of one of the attendants of the blessed shrine of the reverend Khwaja Mu’Inu-d-dln Chishti, whose name was Shaikh Daniyal, this child was called Daniyal. Daniyal took to improper ways, like his brother Shah Murad, and soon died from excessive drinking, in the 33rd year of his age. His death occurred in a peculiar way. He was very fond of guns and of hunting with the gun. He named one of his guns yaka u janaza, ‘ the same as the bier,’ and himself composed this couplet and had it engraved on the gun :—

“From the joy of the chase with thee, life is fresh and new ;

To everyone whom thy dart strikes, ’tis the same as his bier.”

When his drinking of wine was carried to excess, and the circumstance was reported to my father, farmans of reproach were sent to the Khankhanan. Of course he forbade it, and placed cautious people to look after him properly. When the road to bring wine was completely closed, he

began to weep and to importune some of his servants, and said : ” Let them bring me wine in any possible way.” He said to Murshid Quli Khan, a musketeer who was in his immediate service :

” Pour some wine into this yaka u janaza, and bring it to me.” That wretch, in hope of favour,

undertook to do this, and poured double-distilled spirit into the gun, which had long been nourished on gunpowder and the scent thereof, and brought it. The rust of the iron was dissolved by the strength of the spirit and mingled with it, and the prince no sooner drank of it than he fell down.

” No one should draw a bad omen :

If he does, he draws it for himself.”

Daniyal was of pleasing figure, of exceedingly agreeable manners and appearance ; he was very fond of elephants and horses. It was impossible for him to hear of anyone as having a good horse or elephant and not take it from him. He was fond of Hindi songs, and would occasionally compose verses with correct idiom in the language of the people of India, which were not bad.

Khusrau Mirza: Eleventh child of Akbar born to Raj Kunwari, princess of Bikaner and died in infancy(not to be confused with Jehangir’s eldest son)

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Akbar Children
Akbar's kids (who lived to adulthood) Salim 30th Aug 1569- 8th Nov 1627 : Fourth and eldest surviving child born in 1569 august was Akbar's first child born to Hira Kunwari aka Mariam uz zamani Khannum 1569: Akbar's fifth child born 15 days after Salim was born in 1569 to a secondary wife(Born to…
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Family tree - Mughal Dynasty
Siblings of Emperor Humayun (Children of Emperor Babar) 1) Babul Mirza by Daulat Begum (died young) 2) Fakhr-al-nisa by Aisah sultan begum (died as baby) 3) Humayun by Maham begum 1508-1556 4) Kamran Mirza by Gulrukh Begum 1509-1557 5) Askari Mirza by Gulrukh Begum 1516-1558 6) Hindal Mirza by Dildar Begum 1518-1551…
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
Daniyal 11th Sep 1572- 8th Apr 1604: Akbar’s 3rd son and 9th child is buried in lahore tomb along with his mother an cocubbine (Bibi Miriam an Armenian died in 1596 and buried in Lahore along with Daniyal in same tomb). Daniyal was given to Mariam-uz-zamani to be raised by Akbar.Description as per JehangirnamaOn the night of Jumada-1-awwal 10th, a.h. 979 (September, 1572), another son was born to one of the concubines. As his birth took place at Ajmir in the house of one of the attendants of the blessed shrine of the reverend Khwaja Mu’Inu-d-dln Chishti, whose name was Shaikh Daniyal, this child was called Daniyal. Daniyal took to improper ways, like his brother Shah Murad, and soon died from excessive drinking, in the 33rd year of his age. His death occurred in a peculiar way. He was very fond of guns and of hunting with the gun. He named one of his guns yaka u janaza, ‘ the same as the bier,’ and himself composed this couplet and had it engraved on the gun :— “From the joy of the chase with thee, life is fresh and new ;To everyone whom thy dart strikes, ’tis the same as his bier.” When his drinking of wine was carried to excess, and the circumstance was reported to my father, farmans of reproach were sent to the Khankhanan. Of course he forbade it, and placed cautious people to look after him properly. When the road to bring wine was completely closed, hebegan to weep and to importune some of his servants, and said : ” Let them bring me wine in any possible way.” He said to Murshid Quli Khan, a musketeer who was in his immediate service :” Pour some wine into this yaka u janaza, and bring it to me.” That wretch, in hope of favour,undertook to do this, and poured double-distilled spirit into the gun, which had long been nourished on gunpowder and the scent thereof, and brought it. The rust of the iron was dissolved by the strength of the spirit and mingled with it, and the prince no sooner drank of it than he fell down. ” No one should draw a bad omen :If he does, he draws it for himself.”Daniyal was of pleasing figure, of exceedingly agreeable manners and appearance ; he was very fond of elephants and horses. It was impossible for him to hear of anyone as having a good horse or elephant and not take it from him. He was fond of Hindi songs, and would occasionally compose verses with correct idiom in the language of the people of India, which were not bad. Khusrau Mirza: Eleventh child of Akbar born to Raj Kunwari, princess of Bikaner and died in infancy(not to be confused with Jehangir’s eldest son) About these adsShare this:TwitterFacebookGoogleAkbar ChildrenAkbar's kids (who lived to adulthood) Salim 30th Aug 1569- 8th Nov 1627 : Fourth and eldest surviving child born in 1569 august was Akbar's first child born to Hira Kunwari aka Mariam uz zamani Khannum 1569: Akbar's fifth child born 15 days after Salim was born in 1569 to a secondary wife(Born to…In "Family"
Murad Mirza - Family
Murad Mirza - Family
In "Mughal"
Family tree - Mughal Dynasty
Siblings of Emperor Humayun (Children of Emperor Babar) 1) Babul Mirza by Daulat Begum (died young) 2) Fakhr-al-nisa by Aisah sultan begum (died as baby) 3) Humayun by Maham begum 1508-1556 4) Kamran Mirza by Gulrukh Begum 1509-1557 5) Askari Mirza by Gulrukh Begum 1516-1558 6) Hindal Mirza by Dildar Begum 1518-1551…
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akbars son akbars sons hassan hussein Khusrau murad salim
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النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
دانيال 11 سبتمبر 1572- 8 أبريل 1604: ابن 3rd و دفن الطفل 9TH في قبر لاهور جنبا إلى جنب مع والدته وcocubbine (بيبي مريم مات والأرمينية في عام 1596 ودفن في لاهور جنبا إلى جنب مع دانيال في نفس القبر) في أكبر. أعطيت دانيال إلى جودا باي إلى أن تثيرها أكبر. الوصف وفقا Jehangirnama وفي ليلة 10 جمادى-1-صفر، آه 979 (سبتمبر 1572)، ولدت ابنا آخر إلى واحدة من السراري. كما استغرق ولادته مكان في Ajmir في بيت واحد من الحاضرين الضريح المبارك القس شيشتي DLN Mu'Inu-د-خواجة، الذي كان اسم الشيخ دانيال، وكان يسمى هذا الطفل دانيال. تولى دانيال إلى طرق غير سليمة، مثل أخيه شاه مراد، وتوفي في وقت قريب من الإفراط في شرب الكحول، في السنة ال33 من عمره. وقعت وفاته بطريقة غريبة. كان مولعا جدا من البنادق والصيد بالبندقية. سماها احد من البنادق ياكا ش الجنازة، "في نفس النعش"، ونفسه تتألف هذه الاثنان ولو محفورة على بندقية: - "من فرحة مطاردة معك، والحياة هي الطازجة والجديدة؛ إلى كل شخص منهم خاصتك الضربات نبله، 'تيس نفس النعش له. " وحين أجريت شرب له من النبيذ إلى فائض، وأفيد الظروف إلى والدي، وأرسلت الفرمانات من اللوم إلى Khankhanan. بالطبع نهى عن ذلك، وضعت الناس حذرا لتعتني به بشكل صحيح. عندما الطريق لتحقيق النبيذ كانت مغلقة تماما، وقال انه بدأ يبكي وتلحوا بعض عبيده، وقال: "فليأتوا لي النبيذ في أي طريقة ممكنة" وقال لمرشد قولي خان، وهو الفارس الذي كان في خدمة فورية: "صب بعض النبيذ في هذه ياكا ش الجنازة، وجعله لي" هذا البائس، على أمل صالح، تعهد للقيام بذلك، وسكب روح المقطر المزدوج في البندقية، والذي كان قد يتغذى طويلة على البارود ورائحة لها، وانها جلبت. تم حل الصدأ من الحديد من قبل قوة الروح واختلط معها، والأمير شرب لا عاجلا منه من سقط. "لا ينبغي لأحد أن يوجه نذير شؤم: إذا كان لا، وقال انه توجه لنفسه. " كان دانيال من الرقم السرور، الأدب مقبولة جدا والمظهر. وكان مولعا جدا من الفيلة والخيول. وكان من المستحيل بالنسبة له أن نسمع من أي شخص وجود حصان جيد أو الفيل ولا يأخذها منه. كان مولعا من الأغاني الهندية، وسوف يؤلف أحيانا الآيات مع لغة الصحيح في لغة أهل الهند، والتي لم تكن سيئة. خسرو ميرزا: الطفل الحادي عشر من أكبر ولدوا لراج Kunwari، أميرة بيكانير وتوفي في سن الطفولة (لا وينبغي عدم الخلط مع الابن الأكبر جهانجير ل) عن هذه الإعلانات حصة هذا: TwitterFacebookGoogle أكبر الأطفال أطفال أكبر (الذي عاش إلى سن الرشد) سالم 30 أغسطس 1569- 8TH نوفمبر 1627: الرابع والابن الاكبر على قيد الحياة ولدت في 1569 أغسطس كان الطفل الأول أكبر من ولد إلى غار حراء Kunwari الملقب جودا باي Khannum 1569: طفل خامس أكبر يولد بعد 15 يوما ولد سليم في 1569 لزوجة ثانوية (ولد ل... في "العائلة" مراد ميرزا ​​- عائلة مراد ميرزا ​​- أسرة في "المغول" شجرة العائلة - المغولي أسرة الأشقاء الإمبراطور همايون (أطفال الإمبراطور بابر) 1) بابول ميرزا ​​بواسطة دولت البيجوم (توفي الشاب) 2) فخر سورة النساء التي كتبها Aisah السلطان البيجوم (توفي كما طفل) 3) همايون التي كتبها محم البيجوم 1508-1556 4) كامران ميرزا ​​بواسطة Gulrukh البيجوم 1509-1557 5) العسكري ميرزا ​​التي كتبها Gulrukh البيجوم 1516-1558 6) حنظل ميرزا ​​التي كتبها دلدار البيجوم 1518-1551 ... في "التاريخ" أكبارس أكبارس ابن أبناء حسن حسين خسرو مراد سليم آخر الملاحة ← لماذا يسمى أكبر من GreatEmperor جهانجير الأطفال → ترك الرد أدخل تعليقك هنا ... مقالات في WordPress.com. | في موضوع التكيف. اتبع متابعة

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