النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 1:
1 Introduction:Babylon ancient city in Mesopotamia (Tigris and Euphrates), which, after the fall of Assyria, the base of the Babylonian Empire. The Babylonian civilisation emerged between (18 BC) (6 BCE), as mentioned in the Quran, saying the Almighty: "And that which was revealed to the two angels in Babel EPC also encourages and Marut/Sura: 2 meaning of Babylon: The word "Babylon" in the Akkadian language means "door God", and has named several senior names such as: "bablonia", the land of Mesopotamia, Babylonia and Mesopotamia, webabila (door).3 the location of Babylon: Fall of Babylon in the middle section of Iraq, about away from the Baghdad (100) kilometers from the county seat, and accessories: spend Hilla, walmhaoil, Mussaib, Hindi, Jordan.High sloping lands towards the South (35) m above sea level, dominated by desert climate with low rainfall and high temperatures in the summer as up to (50), and a warm winter, and there were two, one: is the Babylon of old which was the capital of alamorih and marine walkishih States, either Babel II: it was the capital of the State of the Chaldean. And between the first and second Babylon hundreds of years of Babylonian civilization. 4 Governors of Babylon: The foundations of alamori leader (Sumo Ibom) Babylon (1880 BC), and the Kings of the dynasty of Babylon, known as (alamorih dynasty) eleven King, reigned over three centuries, was the greatest of the ancient kings of Babylon is King (Hammurabi), the ruling King Hammurabi (about 2100 b.c.) and his civilization reached its zenith and prosperity of Iraq, swept the Babylonian language, speaking and writing, the region as a whole. Upgraded knowledge and science, and the arts. Trade has grown wider is unparalleled in the history of this region. The Department was centralized, unified law governing the country's years of King Hammurabi of all its peoples. The rule of Hammurabi has lasted (43) years where the Babylonian civilization flourished, aserhamorabi is the golden age of Mesopotamia, and it will come. 5 architecture in Babylon: Probably the most famous of the ancient ruins of Babylon (Tower of Babel), composed of seven layers topped with a circular Temple had higher imagine form artist (Peter air) in one of the most beautiful paintings. Either the old Babylonian palaces FA entered the Palace with thick walls, Mary (40 feet) built-up of milk on the basis of limestone, with defensive towers used for defence. City walls were height approximately (3, 5) meters and about her thickness (2, 5) metres, these fences 100 door made of gold, and all door jambs and roofs of gold too. The ancient ruins of Babylon and head of the King (Hammurabi) made of diorite, and one of bronze, there are many statues of gods and people, there are seals flat filled with Babylonian inscriptions, symbols of religious and folk tales. There are stunning frescoes found at Castle city Mary of Ishtar and the Chaldean Kings, has given us the greatest and prettiest monuments (haidi), is a statue of stone lion preys people pointing at the enemy, and the length of the statue (2.6) meters, height (11.95). Show (Ishtar Gate) as a luxury model of the Castle and surfaces decorated with animal forms fairy made from ceramic or glazed porcelain and stained and alnkshih plants, appear black (Ishtar) and calves (add) and Dragon (more khosh) code Murdoch fairy structure (cm long tail dog, snake, Lion, feet of birds background). 6 the hanging gardens of Babylon: One of the seven wonders, the greatest in city gardens or hanging gardens, named for it's grown on terraces and balcony of the Royal Palace of Babylon, about (600 BC), built by Nebuchadnezzar to honor his wife, and he wanted to renew the city of Babylon to suit the beauty of luxury and grandeur of his wife are charm and fantastic States and antiquity. Built on decades of precious stone presented gifts to the King, and in agriculture were layers suitable for different plants and trees, and raising water and stored in the upper layers of the tanks for watering trees. The layers are related to each other by a wide staircase, and when spring comes blooming and foliate trees and flowers in spikes in amid high temperatures, these gardens a paradise on Earth tnshralraehh fragrant, and cold and chilled to deserve to be the seven wonders built by Nebuchadnezzar to enjoy his wife.He has alailamion invaders after the fall of Babylon to the alamorih (Sousse) as their capital, and the French mission was found in the ruins of the town of Sousse (1901), and was transferred to the Louvre Museum in Paris. 7 King Hammurabi: The great King of Babylon (1792-1750 BC), when the verdict was delivered in the country different forces, and sporadic conflict States, could that unites them, that builds its sprawling Empire said, all over Iraq, and the nearby cities of the Levant until Mediterranean coast lands of Elam and other areas. Although Hammurabi high-powered military figure, the administrative and organizational side has not less on the military side. The famous his large needle is now in the Louvre Museum in Paris, and is considered one of the oldest and most comprehensive laws in the Valley of Mesopotamia and the world. Code of Hammurabi Obelisk Contains an obelisk of Hammurabi (282) legislative substance, dealing with various life. Find reader conscious of structured all spheres of life, specifically the accuracy of individual duties and rights in society, each according to its function and responsibility. I have found in Sousse, the capital of Elam during prospecting mission excavations (1901-1902), arranged in four articles of this code
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