September 2013 Cape Town Convention Journal 165Generation II Of The In ترجمة - September 2013 Cape Town Convention Journal 165Generation II Of The In العربية كيف أقول

September 2013 Cape Town Convention

September 2013 Cape Town Convention Journal 165
Generation II Of The International Registry Website
The Closing Room: A Transactional Approach to
William B. Piels and Tan Siew Huay*
The International Registry, established pursuant to the Cape Town Convention and its Aircraft Protocol, will be
establishing a new generation of its website during its eighth year of operations. The most significant change that will occur
is the establishment of a closing room facility for assembling registrations. The closing room facility is expected to be in
operation by mid-year 2014. The closing room facility will enable registry users to assemble all the data required to make
the full set of registrations for a transaction, and will give the transaction participants the opportunity to review and agree
to revise a complete set of planned registrations, all in advance of conducting a closing and placing such registrations into the
International Registry data base. This article will examine the concepts underlying the closing room facility, describe the
process for using this new facility and consider some expected practices and questions.
1. Introduction
The international registry for aircraft
objects (the ‘International Registry’) was
established in March 2006 pursuant to
the Convention on International Interests
in Mobile Equipment (the ‘Convention’)
and the Protocol to the Convention on
Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment (the
‘Protocol’), both signed at Cape Town on
November 16, 2001.1 Other articles in this
* William B. Piels is a partner in the law firm
Holland & Knight LLP and served as Chairperson of
the regulation drafting committee of the International
Registry Advisory Board (‘IRAB’). Tan Siew Huay
is Director (Legal) of the Civil Aviation Authority
of Singapore and served as Chairperson of the
Regulations drafting group of ICAO’s Commission
of Experts for the Supervisory Authority of the
International Registry (‘CESAIR’). The authors wish
to thank Rob Cowan, Susan Haught and Frank Polk
for their comments and other helpful contributions
to this article, and to Marla Weinstein and Nathan
Leavitt for their valuable assistance. The authors take
responsibility for any errors.
1 Also commonly referred to as the Cape Town Convention
2001 and the Protocol to the Cape Town Convention
2001, respectively.
journal have ably described the way in which
the International Registry has operated since
its inception, the supervisory framework
for the International Registry, and its
tremendous success as measured by how the
number of states adopting the Convention
has grown and by the virtual absence of
controversy regarding the operation of the
International Registry.2 This article describes
the way in which the International Registry
website is evolving to become a better
facility for the aircraft finance and leasing
The Official Commentary identifies
the principal objective of the Convention
as facilitating the efficient financing
and leasing of mobile equipment.3 The
success of the International Registry has
2 Jane K. Winn, ‘The Cape Town Convention’s
International Registry: Decoding the Secrets of Success
in Global Electronic Commerce’ (September 2012)
Cape Town Convention Journal 25.
3 Roy Goode, Official Commentary on the Convention
on International Interests in Mobile Interests and Protocol
thereto on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment (3rd edn,
UNIDROIT 2013) (the ‘Official Commentary’), para
Generation II of the International Registry Website – The Closing Room
166 Cape Town Convention Journal September 2013
been built upon the focus of its registrar4
(the ‘Registrar’) on the following elements of
the International Registry system, all of which
are essential to establishing the foundation for
an efficient registry of interests:
• careful adherence to the requirements
found in the Convention in relation to:
o what may be registered,
o who is required to act in order to effect
a registration, and
o what data is required to ensure the
accurate identification of an aircraft
object and constitute a valid registration
against it; and
• the willingness to explore, develop and
implement improved technological processes
that ensure data security and integrity,
system speed and system reliability.
With these elements in place, the Registrar
has expanded its focus to finding ways in which
the registration process can be streamlined and
the overall experience in using the International
Registry website can be enhanced.
The most recent development in the
evolution of the International Registry, which
occurred in September 2013, is referred to as
‘Generation II’, and it includes a comprehensive
redesign of the International Registry website
that will be implemented in two primary
phases.5 The Generation II website has been
thoughtfully reconstructed to provide users of
4 Pursuant to Article 17(2)(b) of the Convention,
Aviareto Limited, based in Dublin, Ireland, has been
appointed by the Supervisory Authority and serves as
Registrar for the International Registry.
5 The features of the International Registry system
that are available in Generation II are subject to the
ICAO Regulations and Procedures for the International
Registry (5th edn, 2013) doc 9864, http://www.icao.
int/publications/Documents/9864_5ed.pdf, accessed
August 13, 2013 (the ‘Regulations’). All references
herein to the ‘Regulations’ and to the ‘Procedures’ are
to those found in the currently effective and published
fifth edition, except that the Closing Room Regulation
(n 10) is found in the not yet published sixth edition.
Note that the section references in the fifth edition of
the Regulations differ substantially from those in the
sixth edition of the Regulations.
the system with a simpler and more intuitive
process for assembling and entering the
data required to place registrations into the
International Registry data base.
The most significant single innovation in the
first phase of the Generation II website is the
addition of what is referred to as the capability
for making multiple object registrations. This
new capability makes available features that
will enable the International Registry users to
group several aircraft objects together for the
purpose of registering the same international
interest against each of them. For example, an
aircraft consisting of three aircraft objects (an
airframe and two engines) may be grouped
together for the purpose of registering a
lease that is common to them all. Previously,
the registration process for constituting an
international interest registration with respect
to an aircraft object had to be completed in its
entirety before a registry user could go on to
a registration for the next object. As a result,
all the required information had to be entered
for each registration against each aircraft object
(e.g., certain information for the registry user,
names and capacity of the parties to, and the
type of, registrations, passwords to use the
system and payment information), necessitating
a great deal of repetitive data entry. The multiple
object registration facility will eliminate such
repetitive effort.
While the first phase of the Generation II
website will be a significant step forward in the
efficiency of the International Registry, the more
revolutionary development is scheduled to occur
in a second phase, which is expected to become
operational by midyear 2014.6 The second phase
of the Generation II website will include the establishment
of a new user facility called the ‘closing
room’.The Supervisory Authority7 has ap-
6 Email from Rob Cowan, Managing Director of
Aviareto Limited, to the authors (22 July 2013).
7 The International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO) is the Supervisory Authority for the
International Registry having been designated
by Resolution No. 2 adopted by the Diplomatic
Conference (held under the joint auspices of the
International Institute for the Unification of Private
Generation II of the International Registry Website – The Closing Room
September 2013 Cape Town Convention Journal 167
proved8 the new regulation (comprising Section
5.18 of the Sixth Edition of the Regulations and
its Appendix) that will allow for the establishment
of the closing room (the ‘Closing Room
Regulation’).9 An advance copy of the Closing
Room Regulation is attached as an Annex to
this article.10 The Closing Room Regulation will
be officially published and take effect before the
closing room facility becomes functional.
This article: (i) examines the principal
concepts underlying the closing room facility
and the structure of the Closing Room
Regulation; (ii) describes the user process for
creating a closing room on the International
Registry website, entering data and consents,
and releasing registrations for entry into the
International Registry data base; and (iii)
considers some expected user practices and
questions on the use of a closing room.
2. Closing Room Concepts and
Regulation Structure
A. Concepts
In the prior versions of the International
Registry website, all registrations were
submitted for entry into the International
Registry data base, and became effective,
on an object-by-object and registration-byregistration
basis, as soon as all the registration
data and consents for a particular registration
on a particular object had been assembled.
The multiple object registration capability
(coinciding with the Fifth Edition of the
Regulations) improves the efficiency of the
Law (‘UNIDOIT’) and ICAO at Cape Town from 29
October to 16 November 2001) pursuant to Article
XVII of the Protocol.
8 Convention, Article 17(2)(d).
9 The Supervisory Authority is advised by a
Commission of Experts for the Supervisory Authority
of the International Registry (CESAIR). CESAIR
considered the Closing Room Regulation and
recommended to the Council of ICAO its adoption
with certain modifications in April 2013.
10 The reproduction of the Closing Room
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
أيلول/سبتمبر 2013 يومية اتفاقية كيب تاون 165الجيل الثاني من موقع التسجيل الدوليإغلاق الغرفة: نهج معاملات إلىالتسجيلاتWilliam باء بيلس وتأن سيو هواي *سوف يكون "التسجيل الدولية"، المنشأة بموجب اتفاقية كيب تاون وبروتوكول الطائرات،إنشاء جيل جديد من موقعها على الإنترنت خلال السنة الثامنة من العمليات. التغيير الأكثر أهمية التي سوف تحدثيتم إنشاء علامة إغلاق الغرف منشأة لتجميع التسجيلات. الإغلاق مرفق غرفة ومن المتوقع أن يكون فيالعملية قبل منتصف عام 2014. الإغلاق مرفق غرفة ستمكن المستخدمين التسجيل بتجميع كافة البيانات المطلوبة لجعلالكامل مجموعة من التسجيلات الخاصة بحركة، وسيعطي المشاركون الحركة فرصة للاستعراض والموافقةلإعادة النظر في مجموعة كاملة من تسجيلات المخطط لها، كل شيء قبل إجراء إغلاق ووضع مثل هذه التسجيلات إلىقاعدة بيانات "التسجيل الدولية". هذه المادة سوف تدرس المفاهيم الكامنة وراء الإغلاق الغرف مرفق، ووصفعملية لاستخدام هذا المرفق الجديد والنظر في بعض الممارسات المتوقعة وأسئلة.1-مقدمةالتسجيل الدولي للطائراتوكان الكائنات (التسجيل الدولي)أنشئت في آذار/مارس 2006 عملااتفاقية المصالح الدوليةفي المعدات المتنقلة ('الاتفاقية')والبروتوكول الملحق باتفاقيةالمسائل الخاصة بمعدات الطائرات ('بروتوكول')، سواء وقعت في كيب تاون16 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر، 2001.1 المواد الأخرى في هذا* William "بيلس باء" شريك في مكتب محاماةهولندا & فارس LLP وشغل منصب رئيسلجنة الصياغة في التنظيم الدوليالتسجيل في المجلس الاستشاري ('عرب'). هواي تان سيووهو مدير "هيئة الطيران المدني" (القانونية)من سنغافورة وعملت كرئيسةفريق من اللجنة لمنظمة الطيران المدني الدولي صياغة اللوائحمن الخبراء لسلطة الإشرافالتسجيل الدولي ('سيسير'). أتمنى المؤلفينأن أشكر روب كوان وهوت سوزان وفرانك بولكلتعليقاتهم وغيرها من المساهمات المفيدةلهذه المادة، وإلى اينشتاين مارلا وناثانليفيت لمساعداتهم القيمة. أخذ الكتابالمسؤولية عن أي أخطاء.1 كما يشار إلى "اتفاقية كيب تاون"2001 والبروتوكول الملحق باتفاقية كيب تاون2001، على التوالي.دفتر اليومية واقتدار وصف الطريقة التيمنذ تشغيل "السجل الدولي"نشأتها، الإطار الإشرافي"التسجيل الدولي"، ولهانجاحا هائلا قياسا بالكيفية التيعدد من الدول اعتماد الاتفاقيةوقد نمت وغياب الظاهريالجدل فيما يتعلق بالعمليةتوضح المقالة "هذا Registry.2 الدولية"الطريقة التي "التسجيل الدولي"موقع على شبكة الإنترنت وتتطور لتصبح أفضلمرفق للطائرات التمويل والتأجيرالمجتمع.يحدد "التعليق الرسمي"الهدف الرئيسي للاتفاقيةكتيسير تمويل كفاءةوالتأجير من equipment.3 المحمولنجاح "التسجيل الدولي" وقدوين ك. جين 2، ' اتفاقية كيب تاونالسجل الدولي: فك أسرار النجاحفي التجارة الإلكترونية العالمية ' (أيلول/سبتمبر 2012)مجلة اتفاقية كيب تاون 25.3 روي غود، تعليق رسمي على الاتفاقيةعلى المصالح الدولية في المصالح المتنقلة والبروتوكولالملحق بها المتعلق "المسائل التي تخص معدات الطائرات" (edn الثالث،اليونيدروا 2013) ('"التعليق الرسمي"')، الفقرة2-1.الجيل الثاني من موقع التسجيل الدولي – إغلاق الغرفةمجلة 166 كيب تاون اتفاقية أيلول/سبتمبر 2013بني على التركيز على registrar4(المسجل) على العناصر التالية مننظام "التسجيل الدولي"، كل منهاضرورية لإنشاء مؤسسةقلم كفاءة المصالح:• الالتزام الدقيق بمتطلباتوجدت في الاتفاقية فيما يتعلق:o ما يمكن تسجيلها،o الذي يكون مطلوباً العمل من أجل التأثيرالتسجيل، وo البيانات ما هو مطلوب ضمانتحديد دقيق لطائرةالكائن وتشكل تسجيلاً صحيحاًضدها؛ و• الرغبة في استكشاف وتطوير وتنفيذ العمليات التكنولوجية المحسنةأن ضمان أمن البيانات وسلامتها،سرعة النظام وإمكانية الاعتماد على النظام.مع هذه العناصر في مكان، المسجلاتسع نطاق تركيزه على إيجاد السبل التيويمكن تبسيط عملية التسجيل ومجمل التجربة في استخدام الدوليويمكن تعزيز موقع التسجيل.أحدث التطورات فيتطور "التسجيل الدولي"، الذيوقع في أيلول/سبتمبر 2013، ويشار إلى'الجيل الثاني'، وأنه يتضمن شاملةإعادة تصميم موقع "التسجيل الدولي"التي ستنفذ في المرحلة الابتدائية اثنينتم phases.5 "الجيل الثاني" الموقعأعيد بناء مدروس لتزويد المستخدمين من4 عملا بالمادة 17(2)(b) من الاتفاقية،وقد تم أفياريتو المحدودة، ومقرها في دبلن، أيرلندا،عينته "السلطة الإشرافية"، ويخدمالمسجل للتسجيل الدولي.5 ميزات نظام "التسجيل الدولي"أن تتوفر في "الجيل الثاني" التي يخضع لهاأنظمة منظمة الطيران المدني الدولي والإجراءات الدوليةالتسجيل (edn 5th، 2013) وثيقة 9864،، الوصول إلى13 أغسطس 2013 (الأنظمة). كافة المراجعهنا هي 'النظام' وأن 'الإجراءات'لتلك التي عثر عليها في الوقت الراهن فعالة والمنشورةالطبعة الخامسة، إلا أن "تنظيم الغرفة إغلاق"تم العثور على (n 10) في الطبعة السادسة لم ينشر حتى الآن.علما بأن المقطع مراجع في الطبعة الخامسة منالأنظمة تختلف كثيرا عن تلك الموجودة فيالطبعة السادسة من النظام الأساسي.النظام مع أبسط وأكثر بديهيةعملية لتجميع ودخولالبيانات المطلوبة لوضع التسجيلات فيقاعدة بيانات "التسجيل الدولية".واحد أهم ابتكار فيالمرحلة الأولى من الموقع "الجيل الثاني"بالإضافة لما يشار إليه كالقدرة علىلجعل تسجيلات وجوه متعددة. وهذاقدرات جديدة تجعل الميزات المتوفرةسيمكن للمستخدمين "التسجيل الدولي"تجميع عدة كائنات طائرة معاالغرض من التسجيل الدولي نفسهالفائدة ضد كل واحد منهم. على سبيل المثال،الطائرات التي تتألف من الكائنات (ثلاث طائراتيمكن تصنيف أبدان الطائرات واثنين من محركات)معا من أجل تسجيلالتأجير التي مشتركة بين كل منهم. سابقا،عملية التسجيل التي تشكلتسجيل الفائدة الدولية مع الاحترامإلى كائن طائرات يجب أن تكتمل في بهكاملة قبل أن يمكن الذهاب مستخدم تسجيل الدخول إلىتسجيل للكائن التالي. وكنتيجة لذلك،جميع المعلومات المطلوبة يجب أن تكون دخلتلتسجيل كل ضد كل كائن الطائرات(على سبيل المثال، بعض معلومات للمستخدم التسجيل،أسماء والقدرات للأطراف،نوع، والتسجيلات، وكلمات المرور استخداممعلومات النظام والدفع)، مما استلزمقدرا كبيرا من إدخال البيانات المتكررة. المتعددةمرفق تسجيل الكائن سيتم القضاء على هذهالجهود المتكررة.أثناء المرحلة الأولى من "الجيل الثاني"موقع على شبكة الإنترنت سوف تكون خطوة هامة إلى الأمام فيالكفاءة "التسجيل الدولي"، الأكثرمن المنتظر أن يحدث تطور ثوريفي مرحلة ثانية، التي من المتوقع أن تصبحالتشغيلية بحلول منتصف العام 2014.6 المرحلة الثانيةالجيل الثاني سيتضمن الموقع إنشاءمرفق جديد للمستخدم ودعا ' سدالغرفة '.وقد Authority7 الإشرافية ap-أرسل 6 من روب كوان، المدير الإداريأفياريتو المحدودة، للمؤلف (22 يوليه 2013).7 منظمة الطيران المدني الدولي(منظمة الطيران المدني الدولي) هو "السلطة الإشرافية"التسجيل الدولي وقد تم تعيينبالقرار رقم 2 التي اعتمدتها في الدبلوماسيةالمؤتمر (الذي عقد تحت رعاية مشتركةالمعهد الدولي لتوحيد الخاصةالجيل الثاني من موقع التسجيل الدولي – إغلاق الغرفةأيلول/سبتمبر 2013 يومية اتفاقية كيب تاون 167proved8 اللائحة الجديدة (التي تضم قسم5.18 الطبعة السادسة من النظام الأساسي وملحقها) التي سيتم السماح بإنشاءلإغلاق الغرفة ('"إغلاق الغرفة"لائحة ').9 نسخ مسبقة من الإغلاقيتم إرفاق لائحة غرفة كمرفق إلىسيقوم هذا تنص "إغلاق غرفة التنظيم"ينشر رسميا وسارية المفعول قبلإغلاق مرفق غرفة يصبح وظيفية.هذه المادة: (ط) يدرس الرئيسيةالمفاهيم الأساسية للإغلاق الغرف مرفقوالهيكل "إغلاق الغرفة"التنظيم؛ (ثانيا) يصف عملية المستخدمإنشاء غرفة لإغلاق على الدوليموقع التسجيل، إدخال البيانات والموافقات،والإفراج عن التسجيلات للدخول إلىبيانات "التسجيل الدولية" الأساسية؛ و (الثالث)ويرى بعض الممارسات المستخدم المتوقعة وأسئلة بشأن الاستخدام غرفة للإغلاق.2-إغلاق الغرفة المفاهيم وهيكل التنظيمألف-المفاهيمفي الإصدارات السابقة من الدوليموقع التسجيل، كانت جميع التسجيلاتمقدمة لدخول الدوليتسجيل البيانات الأساسية، وأصبح نافذا،على كائن من كائن والتسجيل-بيريجيستريشنأساسا، بمجرد تسجيل جميعالبيانات والموافقات لتسجيل خاصوقد تم تجميعها على كائن معين.القدرة على تسجيل متعددة في كائن(تزامن ذلك مع "الطبعة الخامسة" مناللوائح) يحسن من الكفاءةالقانون ('أونيدويت')، ومنظمة الطيران المدني الدولي في كيب تاون من 29تشرين الأول/أكتوبر إلى 16 نوفمبر 2001) عملا بالمادةسابع عشر البروتوكول.8-الاتفاقية، المادة 17(2)(d).9 السلطة الإشرافية ينصح بهالجنة خبراء للسلطة الإشرافيةللتسجيل الدولي (سيسير). سيسيريعتبر "تنظيم الغرفة إغلاق" و"مجلس منظمة الطيران المدني الدولي" وأوصت باعتمادهمع بعض التعديلات في نيسان/أبريل عام 2013.10 الاستنساخ "إغلاق الغرفة"Re
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
September 2013 Cape Town Convention Journal 165
Generation II Of The International Registry Website
The Closing Room: A Transactional Approach to
William B. Piels and Tan Siew Huay*
The International Registry, established pursuant to the Cape Town Convention and its Aircraft Protocol, will be
establishing a new generation of its website during its eighth year of operations. The most significant change that will occur
is the establishment of a closing room facility for assembling registrations. The closing room facility is expected to be in
operation by mid-year 2014. The closing room facility will enable registry users to assemble all the data required to make
the full set of registrations for a transaction, and will give the transaction participants the opportunity to review and agree
to revise a complete set of planned registrations, all in advance of conducting a closing and placing such registrations into the
International Registry data base. This article will examine the concepts underlying the closing room facility, describe the
process for using this new facility and consider some expected practices and questions.
1. Introduction
The international registry for aircraft
objects (the ‘International Registry’) was
established in March 2006 pursuant to
the Convention on International Interests
in Mobile Equipment (the ‘Convention’)
and the Protocol to the Convention on
Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment (the
‘Protocol’), both signed at Cape Town on
November 16, 2001.1 Other articles in this
* William B. Piels is a partner in the law firm
Holland & Knight LLP and served as Chairperson of
the regulation drafting committee of the International
Registry Advisory Board (‘IRAB’). Tan Siew Huay
is Director (Legal) of the Civil Aviation Authority
of Singapore and served as Chairperson of the
Regulations drafting group of ICAO’s Commission
of Experts for the Supervisory Authority of the
International Registry (‘CESAIR’). The authors wish
to thank Rob Cowan, Susan Haught and Frank Polk
for their comments and other helpful contributions
to this article, and to Marla Weinstein and Nathan
Leavitt for their valuable assistance. The authors take
responsibility for any errors.
1 Also commonly referred to as the Cape Town Convention
2001 and the Protocol to the Cape Town Convention
2001, respectively.
journal have ably described the way in which
the International Registry has operated since
its inception, the supervisory framework
for the International Registry, and its
tremendous success as measured by how the
number of states adopting the Convention
has grown and by the virtual absence of
controversy regarding the operation of the
International Registry.2 This article describes
the way in which the International Registry
website is evolving to become a better
facility for the aircraft finance and leasing
The Official Commentary identifies
the principal objective of the Convention
as facilitating the efficient financing
and leasing of mobile equipment.3 The
success of the International Registry has
2 Jane K. Winn, ‘The Cape Town Convention’s
International Registry: Decoding the Secrets of Success
in Global Electronic Commerce’ (September 2012)
Cape Town Convention Journal 25.
3 Roy Goode, Official Commentary on the Convention
on International Interests in Mobile Interests and Protocol
thereto on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment (3rd edn,
UNIDROIT 2013) (the ‘Official Commentary’), para
Generation II of the International Registry Website – The Closing Room
166 Cape Town Convention Journal September 2013
been built upon the focus of its registrar4
(the ‘Registrar’) on the following elements of
the International Registry system, all of which
are essential to establishing the foundation for
an efficient registry of interests:
• careful adherence to the requirements
found in the Convention in relation to:
o what may be registered,
o who is required to act in order to effect
a registration, and
o what data is required to ensure the
accurate identification of an aircraft
object and constitute a valid registration
against it; and
• the willingness to explore, develop and
implement improved technological processes
that ensure data security and integrity,
system speed and system reliability.
With these elements in place, the Registrar
has expanded its focus to finding ways in which
the registration process can be streamlined and
the overall experience in using the International
Registry website can be enhanced.
The most recent development in the
evolution of the International Registry, which
occurred in September 2013, is referred to as
‘Generation II’, and it includes a comprehensive
redesign of the International Registry website
that will be implemented in two primary
phases.5 The Generation II website has been
thoughtfully reconstructed to provide users of
4 Pursuant to Article 17(2)(b) of the Convention,
Aviareto Limited, based in Dublin, Ireland, has been
appointed by the Supervisory Authority and serves as
Registrar for the International Registry.
5 The features of the International Registry system
that are available in Generation II are subject to the
ICAO Regulations and Procedures for the International
Registry (5th edn, 2013) doc 9864, http://www.icao.
int/publications/Documents/9864_5ed.pdf, accessed
August 13, 2013 (the ‘Regulations’). All references
herein to the ‘Regulations’ and to the ‘Procedures’ are
to those found in the currently effective and published
fifth edition, except that the Closing Room Regulation
(n 10) is found in the not yet published sixth edition.
Note that the section references in the fifth edition of
the Regulations differ substantially from those in the
sixth edition of the Regulations.
the system with a simpler and more intuitive
process for assembling and entering the
data required to place registrations into the
International Registry data base.
The most significant single innovation in the
first phase of the Generation II website is the
addition of what is referred to as the capability
for making multiple object registrations. This
new capability makes available features that
will enable the International Registry users to
group several aircraft objects together for the
purpose of registering the same international
interest against each of them. For example, an
aircraft consisting of three aircraft objects (an
airframe and two engines) may be grouped
together for the purpose of registering a
lease that is common to them all. Previously,
the registration process for constituting an
international interest registration with respect
to an aircraft object had to be completed in its
entirety before a registry user could go on to
a registration for the next object. As a result,
all the required information had to be entered
for each registration against each aircraft object
(e.g., certain information for the registry user,
names and capacity of the parties to, and the
type of, registrations, passwords to use the
system and payment information), necessitating
a great deal of repetitive data entry. The multiple
object registration facility will eliminate such
repetitive effort.
While the first phase of the Generation II
website will be a significant step forward in the
efficiency of the International Registry, the more
revolutionary development is scheduled to occur
in a second phase, which is expected to become
operational by midyear 2014.6 The second phase
of the Generation II website will include the establishment
of a new user facility called the ‘closing
room’.The Supervisory Authority7 has ap-
6 Email from Rob Cowan, Managing Director of
Aviareto Limited, to the authors (22 July 2013).
7 The International Civil Aviation Organization
(ICAO) is the Supervisory Authority for the
International Registry having been designated
by Resolution No. 2 adopted by the Diplomatic
Conference (held under the joint auspices of the
International Institute for the Unification of Private
Generation II of the International Registry Website – The Closing Room
September 2013 Cape Town Convention Journal 167
proved8 the new regulation (comprising Section
5.18 of the Sixth Edition of the Regulations and
its Appendix) that will allow for the establishment
of the closing room (the ‘Closing Room
Regulation’).9 An advance copy of the Closing
Room Regulation is attached as an Annex to
this article.10 The Closing Room Regulation will
be officially published and take effect before the
closing room facility becomes functional.
This article: (i) examines the principal
concepts underlying the closing room facility
and the structure of the Closing Room
Regulation; (ii) describes the user process for
creating a closing room on the International
Registry website, entering data and consents,
and releasing registrations for entry into the
International Registry data base; and (iii)
considers some expected user practices and
questions on the use of a closing room.
2. Closing Room Concepts and
Regulation Structure
A. Concepts
In the prior versions of the International
Registry website, all registrations were
submitted for entry into the International
Registry data base, and became effective,
on an object-by-object and registration-byregistration
basis, as soon as all the registration
data and consents for a particular registration
on a particular object had been assembled.
The multiple object registration capability
(coinciding with the Fifth Edition of the
Regulations) improves the efficiency of the
Law (‘UNIDOIT’) and ICAO at Cape Town from 29
October to 16 November 2001) pursuant to Article
XVII of the Protocol.
8 Convention, Article 17(2)(d).
9 The Supervisory Authority is advised by a
Commission of Experts for the Supervisory Authority
of the International Registry (CESAIR). CESAIR
considered the Closing Room Regulation and
recommended to the Council of ICAO its adoption
with certain modifications in April 2013.
10 The reproduction of the Closing Room
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