Episode starts off with Santu overhearing what Jhamku told Subhadra. She comes down and asks her how she knows Malkin. Jhamku is caught off guard. Santu continues her questioning, asking her how she knows Malkin, what dies she know about Malkin? Jhamku laughs it off, says that she knows her how everyone else know her. She was known for her kindness. Malik reached such great heights only because of her support. That's what she knows as of now. Santu asks her if she knows anything else? Jhamku says no, just this much for now. Santu tells her that she heard she'd asked for a day's leave to go to her house, and tells her to go to her house the next day. Jhamku tells her alright and then leaves. Santu looks on thoughtfully.
DM is sitting thoughtfully on his bed. He's thinking about what he said to Baa, Bapuji, about Santu being the Malkin. He looks confused and guilty. Looks at Subhi's portrait, as though asking her what is happening to him. Gets up and walks to the window looks even more guilty for a second and he spots Santu there. She's drying her hair with a towel. He's staring at her almost mesmerised, looks back at Subhadra and then looks at her again, this time even she stops him and gives him a shy smile. They're looking at each other for a little while, Santu all shy and DM, as though trying to figure out what is happening to him. He sighs and walks away. Santu is very happy.
She goes singing and dancing into the house, goes to Champu who's setting the table and does a mini phugadi with her and goes singing and dancing into the kitchen. She's humming as she makes his tea and Champu brings Baa to observe Santu's behaviour. As Santu pours out tea into the kettle, Baa and Champu talk about her happiness, they pray that her happiness stays forever.
DM comes out of his bath, is in his vest and dhoti as he goes to his cupboard to get is kurta out. Santu comes there and stands at the doorway, hair loose and wet. She watches him as he takes his kurta out and puts it on. Santu wants to go in, but decides against it, knocks on the door. DM, 'Who is it?' Santu, in Gujrati, 'Its me, Santu. I've got your tea'. DM stays silent. Santu enters all smiling and keeps the tray on the coffee table. Santu waits for him to button his kurta up and tells him that she'll pour his tea. DM puts on his watch and just as she's about to pour the tea, puts out his hand, stopping her. He tells her to leave. Santu tells her she'll pour it for him. DM asks her to leave. Santu asks him if she's committed any mistake? DM gets irritated, 'Your work here is done right, leave now. Always talking so much..' Santu is hurt and leaves. DM watches her walk out with a guilty look on his face. And he looks up at Subhadra.
Santu comes running down crying, Baa sees her and asks her what the matter is? Santu is hesitant at first, but then upon Baa's insistance tells her that DM yelled at her. Baa asks her why did he? And Santu tells because she talks too much. Baa is ready to go give it good and proper to DM when Santu stops her, she tells her that she'll manage on her own. Baa asks her if she knows how to? Santu says no. Baa laughs and tells, that its good that she wants it to do on her own. DM yelled, but afterall he's her husband. And between hubby-wifey all such tiny things will happen. But its best if they sort it out on they own. Baa, fondly pats her head and leaves. Santu thanks God for bringing what she was lacking all her life in the form of Baa to her.
Taru comes across Champu and asks her where Jhamku is? Champu tells her that she's gone to her hosue to get her things. Taru asks her if she hasn't got anything at all? Champu tells her that she's left a potli there. Taru sends Champu away and goes inside the Servant's quarters to search her potli. She finds her ghungroo inside the potli. Taru is shocked.
Baa is in her room, when DM comes running all excited. DM gives her the newspaper and asks her to see it. Baa is silent. DM tells her that his photo is there in it. She still doesn't say anything. DM tells her that his pic is there in the paper with some foreign businessmen. Baa still doesn't say anything. DM sits down on the bed and asks her what the matter is? Baa, 'Why are you talking like you don't know anything?' DM, 'Arre, I donno what you are talking about?' Baa,' Well, you know very well what you did'. DM, 'Now, only if you tell me what I did, will I come to know'. Baa, 'You yelled at Santu and made her cry.' DM, resigned, 'So she came to you then..' Baa, 'No, I went to her, when I saw her crying. Why do you do this to the poor girl'? Dm, 'You know me na? I can be like that sometimes'. Baa, 'But it doesn't mean that you yell at her' . DM, 'Ya I know. I made a mistake. And I will do something. But baa, one thing haan, I'm not going to apologise. What do I do now. I'll go talk to her. You don't worry Baa'. And he gets up and goes out of the room. Baa laughs, says, 'You ask the question and answer it yourself. With what right you yell at her, the same right will make you love her as well. Duffor'.
Taru goes into her room, shuts the door and goes to her cupboardm takes out the jewelry case that contained the ghungroo. She compares the two and realises that its hers only. She gets worried, talks to Subhadra, asking her what was happening? After so many years, her past has come knocking back on her door. And this time she doesn't have her support as well. She tells Subhi that only she knew what happened and with her death, the secret was also buried. DM doesn't know about it, and if he comes to know all hell will break loose. She steels herself and says, that no matter what happens she wont let the secret come out. She will maintain the peace of this house.
Hiten brings Nanaji, Khemi and Monghi home. Santu is overjoyed seeing her nanaji. Nanaji tells hiten, now that he's dropped Khemi off, he'll go home. He'll come there at the time of the marriage. Hiten tries to talk him out of it, but no use. Nanaji says that its not right for him to stay at his daughter's house. Hiten tries to use the beta card, but no use. He tells her that he has to get used to staying alone as well. Khemi tears up thinking about her bidaai. Nanaji leaves, pauses at the gate, Khemi comes running and he strokes her head. Santu and Monghi come there as well, and the three bid a tearful goodbye to their nanaji. Hiten watches this emotional scene while a lovely song about parting plays in the background.
Khemi is keeping her clothes in the cupboard, when DM comes to the room, he knocks on the door and Khemi turns around. On seeing him, she starts babbling nervously, she tells him, 'Malik, you, here. You should've called me, I would have come myself. Come in..' DM laughs and tells, 'Enough enough now. You're just like your sister, talking a mile a minute..' He sits down and asks khemi to sit down as well, Khemi sits down on the floor. He tells her, 'You are getting married to Shambhu in a few days. Your nanaji is be very happy. I have never seen him so overjoyed or relieved. And that's good'. Santu comes and stands near the doorway, observing this scene between hubby and sis. DM tells Khemi to tell him what she wants for her wedding. Khemi, stammers, me.. Nothing.. DM, 'Don't hesitate, tell me what you want..' Khemi is confused, spots Santu at the door, who shakes her head, 'no'. Khemi looks at DM, and shakes her head No as well. DM turns toward the door, and spots Santu there. And then tells, 'So, this is the reason your telling no.. ', tells khemi, 'Tell your sister, I'm not asking her, I'm asking you'. Khemi smiles. He then tells khemi, 'Tell your sister, that your (Something I dint get) will be given from here as well..' Khemi nods. He gets up to leave, Khemi takes his ashirwaad and he tells her to be happy. He goes out, pauses at the door, gives Santu a look and walks out. He's walking down the corridor, when Santu calls out, 'Malik' and comes running out. Santu stands in front of him and says, Thankoo.. DM, rolls his eyes, and Santu continues, 'For doing this for my family.. Thankoo..' DM says, 'Popat(Parrot.)…' Santu is confused, 'Ji?' DM, 'You've become a parrot only, repeating one word all the time. Go ask Birwa to teach you some new words, other wise this will be the only English word you'll keep repeating..' And he walks off, muttering, 'Popat …'
Santu, Khemi and Monghi are sleeping on the floor of the guest room. Santu and Khemi are awake, Santu is very excited about the wedding. Khemi is lost. Santu asks her what happened? Khemi tells her nothing, she was thinking about how relations will change now, and she was trying to accept that. Santu gives a long bhashan about how they change, and how they have to accept them(Sorry guys, too long for me to remember..) Khemi, smiles fondly and tells her that she's changed so much, she's younger than her but is talking so wisely. Santu smiles and tells her to go sleep. Khemi is not able to sleep, she is very restless. On the other side of the house, Hiten is in his room, thinking about Khemi. He is ruing the fact that he never confessed his love to her earlier. If he had, things wouldn't have reached such a bad stage. He realises that he cannot see her with Shambhu, though Shambhu might a great guy…
In the other room Khemi gets up, fed up and goes out of the room, to the Mandir. Where she begs the Lord to grant her strength to forget Hiten. Hiten also comes out and sees her there. He goes upto her and asks her what the matter is? They tell each other that they cant sleep. Hiten asks her if she will be able truly tie herself to Shambhu? Khemi is shocked? She asks him what he means by that? Hiten confesses his love to her and tells her that he knows that even she loves him. Hiten starts badgering her, telling her that he made a mistake and that he should have told earlier. And that he knows she will never be able to belong to Shambhu. Khemi bursts out saying, yes she does love