Tutorial step by step thing for people who want to know how I colour.
I’ll start by saying that I use Paintool SAI and Photoshop to colour.
1. I have the cap/page I want to colour, sometimes I will clean the cap/page, take away any censor bars and re-draw some areas.
2. Base colours first, I do this by making a layer above the cap and setting the layer to multiply. I use the ink pen tool to colour, the pen toolcan also be used.
3. Now I do the shading. I make a new layer set to multiply above the base colour and use a slightly darker shade then the base colour, at this point any colour can be used for the shading because after the shading is placed in the areas I think are correct, I then go to the filter drop down bar and choose Hue and Saturation, here I will play with the options a little to see what looks best. I used the Ink pen tool and AirBrush tool for this step
(When there are actual tones in the caps, I use them as help with placing the shading.)
4. This is where I just add little details like blush. Again, I make a new layer set to multiply and use the AirBrush tool.
5. For the background I usually keep them super simple and add a dash of colour using the AirBrush tool.
(The background is on a new layer underneath all the colour layers but above the cap layer.)
6. I now use Photoshop to add effects. ( Any Adobe Photoshop will be fine.) Firstly I merge all the layers together and go to Image -> Adjustments -> Selective Colour, I play around a lot with this option until I like the colours.
7. Now the final part is where I make it all shiny, I do this by duplicating the layer and setting the layer to Overlay, then I use Gussian Blur at around 35 Radius. I set this layer to around 50% or less Opacity.
Finished coloured cap here