Well this is going to be a doozy to get Esdeath killed. And contrary to all people who want her to win. She does deserve to at least die for all she's pulled. I get people like her a lot as a villain. I'm not surprising since it makes all their dark sides feel better since villains are more interesting than heroes if you look at it another way. She's definitely one I wouldn't be around, knowing that she needs people to be willing to start wars just things to fit with her philosophy with the weak and the strong thing. In this case, what good is it if no many people or perhaps all people die with no way of recovering from her Russian Winter, right down to affecting the planet itself if possible? (Although it seems to affect only a country at least) It's a thought concerning how much abuse the world could take before it becomes uninhabitable, it depends on her power and how much that's put into it.
Anyway that's my shot on the whole thing. All I know is that while some people want her to win, they at least know this whole situation is wacked, and even if the whole thing goes in her favor and she wins...that's just it, no one starts out strong at the start, it becomes a hot mess of a progress that affects people, and not many people comes clean with it. And she's willing to do all that because she's truly set on the mindset that's been drilled into her, I doubt humanity could last that long before they make themselves extinct with her way the world should be. Power doesn't exactly cure stupidity or worse.