..I have to take advantage of the time when I can still control my feelings and let you go back. Even if I’m thinking of that, I still couldn’t let you go. *Yuulin thinks, ‘..huh?’* I’m thinking that it isn’t easy to let go when it is at a critical point. *blushing and sweatdropping while holding her hand. Yuulin goes ‘!?’ and tries to say, ‘Your Majesty, ..that’* ..in the end, I’ve unexpectedly said goodbye at that kind of place. It is really quite mean. *Yuulin thinks, ‘Wait a moment, starting just now, what he is saying..’* I’m sorry, Yuulin. *stands up and goes to Yuulin* I already have no way of watching you when I’m barely able to suppress the feelings in my heart.” Blushing Yuulin thinks that it is like their countless practice, the Wolf king and bride’s whispering words of love. “His Majesty likes me? Is he lying? That wasn’t acting?” Reishou continues to say, “Yuulin, if you hate it, then reject [me]. Struggle and use this hand to knock me down. It is okay for you to go out from here. All along you are free. The prison door won’t lock. It is okay for you to run away to a place that is beyond [the influence of] my power...