took advantage of human knowledge in the creation of machinery and the development of work in agriculture, industry and trade, and the most prominent scientific inventions of computer you're using countries in the world now in the scientific research and the development of industries and the collection of information and operating machinery and guide aircraft and missiles, as used in the diagnosis of diseases and improve the quality of agricultural production, as it uses as a source of learning is add and subtract and multiply and divide and stores the information and answer the questions and solve difficult exercises, and students can be assisted in answering his lessons questions and resolve Tmarenadtha and review the topics in speed and accuracy.
The Ministry of Education in the Arab countries realized the importance of computer so she decided to teach systems and methods of operation in its schools Arab youth to be able to keep up with Mahakgah world of progress and development, has begun Computer enters houses such as television, radio and telephone which shows the growing importance in people's lives.