Analysis phase: the following steps were taken:Setting the objective of the experiential experiment: There is a need to investigatethe effect of the different types of infographic designing - static versus animated - ondeveloping the skills of visual learning design and on recognizing its elements andprinciples among the students of the College of Education. And this is the overallpurpose of developing the experiment material.Determining the characteristics of the targeted learners: The learners are studentsfrom the College of Education who are enrolled to study the course "Design and Productionof instructional media (EDUM 195N)". The course is supposed to enable thestudents with the necessary knowledge and skills to produce visual learning resources.And since the teacher or the educational designer’s recognition of visual designingelements on the one hand, and the principles of visual designing on the other, as wellas clarifying their core functions in designing, and since producing digital learningresources is very essential as an indispensable outcome for students of the college ofEducation as teachers and designers of different learning sources, we have suggesteddesigning the experiential experiment for this research.Analysis of educational tasks: The educational tasks were pinpointed in skills ofdesigning and producing visual learning materials, as well as in the skills of recognizingvisual designing elements and its principles. These tasks require prior expertiseand practical skills in computer usage, computer file management systems, electronictext writing, digital multimedia production skills and different computer visuals suchas Publisher, PowerPoint, Photoshop, and Edrawmax. And the researcher has madesure that the research sample are versed in these skills as a prerequisite requirementbefore the implementation of the research experiment.