The two families encounter each other at various points, but things ge ترجمة - The two families encounter each other at various points, but things ge العربية كيف أقول

The two families encounter each oth

The two families encounter each other at various points, but things get awkward after Helen and Paul embarrassingly fall in and out of love over the span of 24 hours. However, Margaret and Mrs. Wilcox strike up an odd friendship, despite the awkwardness between the two clans, and before Mrs. Wilcox dies rather suddenly, she changes her will and leaves her beloved family home, Howards End, to Margaret. This upsets the Wilcoxes, who don't think that Margaret, a stranger, has any right to the house, so they ignore the change and go about their business.

Meanwhile, the Schlegels befriend a lower-middle class young man, Leonard Bast, who has ambitions of intellectualism, but is held back by his lack of funds (and by his trashy wife, Jacky). Leonard provides a kind of tragic counterpoint to the life of effortless bohemianism of the Schlegels, and to the businesslike, bustling Wilcoxes; instead, he's always yearning for more than is available to him. Through a rather complicated turn of events, Leonard loses his job as a clerk, and falls into even worse circumstances; this was caused by advice that Henry Wilcox gave the Schlegels, which they passed on to Leonard. Helen sees their young friend's fall as Henry's fault.

Against all odds, Henry and Margaret become friends – and then more than friends. They get married, despite the differences between the two of them. It later scandalously emerges that Leonard's lowbrow wife, Jacky, used to be Henry's mistress, and that he abandoned her abroad (contributing to her bottom-of-the-barrel social position), and Henry and Margaret have to work through the issues produced by this revelation. Helen and Margaret drift further and further apart as Margaret is absorbed into the Wilcox clan. Their relationship hits a low when Helen tries to get Henry to financially help the Basts (he refuses because of his former relationship with Jacky).

This is where things go a little crazy. Helen, caught up in her sympathy for Leonard, has an affair with him, the result of which is pregnancy. She flees to Germany, trying to hide her pregnancy from her family and friends, but ultimately is forced to return to England. There, Henry and Margaret ambush her at Howards End, where they discover the truth; Margaret forces Henry to forgive her sister for her scandalous affair, since she herself has forgiven him his (with Jacky). Charles, Henry's hot-headed son, accidentally kills Leonard with a sword (yep, you heard that right) for bringing shame upon the family, and is sentenced to prison for manslaughter.

It seems that everything is falling apart for the Wilcoxes and Schlegels – but, in fact, it's the beginning of a new life for them. Henry finally begins to sympathize and truly connect with other people, as Margaret's been encouraging him to do all along. In the end, the two of them, along with Helen and her baby, form a kind of new, unified family, out of the fragments of the old ones. We end up at Howards End, which Henry bequeaths to Margaret and her nephew, as a beautiful summer arrives, along with a tentative new hope for England.
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
اثنين من الأسر تواجه بعضها البعض عند نقاط مختلفة، ولكن الأمور محرجا بعد هيلين و Paul مخجل تقع داخل وخارج الحب على مدى فترة 24 ساعة. ومع ذلك، مارغريت والسيدة ويلكوكس الإضراب تصل إلى صداقة غريبة، على الرغم من الأحراج بين العشيرتين، وقبل وفاة السيدة ويلكوكس بل فجأة، أنها تغييرات لها إرادة ويترك منزلها الأسرة الحبيبة، "نهاية هاوارد"، لمارغريت. وهذا يزعزع ويلكوكسيس، الذين لا أعتقد أن مارغريت، غريبا، وقد أي حق في البيت، حتى يتمكنوا من تجاهل التغيير والتوجه نحو أعمالهم.وفي الوقت نفسه، شليجيلس إقامة علاقات صداقة مع رجل شاب في طبقة السفلي الأوسط، اللحاء ليونارد، الذي لديه طموحات intellectualism، بل هو عقد مرة أخرى بأن الافتقار إلى الأموال اللازمة (وزوجته مليء بالقمامة، جاكي). ليونارد يوفر نوعا من الطباق المأساوية إلى حياة بوهيمية دون عناء شليجيلس، وإلى ويلكوكسيس الصاخبة، وعملي؛ بدلاً من ذلك، أنه هو دائماً تتوق لأكثر مما هو متاح له. من خلال دورة تعقيداً بدلاً من الأحداث، ليونارد يفقد وظيفته ككاتب، ويندرج تحت أسوأ الظروف؛ وهذا ناجم عن المشورة التي أعطت ويلكوكس هنري شليجيلس، التي كانت تنتقل إلى ليونارد. ترى هيلين على الشباب صديق تقع كخطأ هنري.رغم كل الصعاب، أصبح هنري ومارغريت الأصدقاء – ومن ثم أكثر من أصدقاء. أنها تحصل على المتزوجين، وعلى الرغم من الاختلافات بين اثنين منهم. يتضح في وقت لاحق فاضح لووبروو الزوجة أن ليونارد، جاكي، اعتادت أن تكون عشيقة هنري، وأن تخلى لها في الخارج (المساهمة في منصبها الاجتماعي السفلي للبرميل)، وهنري ومارغريت العمل من خلال القضايا التي تنتجها هذه الرؤيا. هيلين ومارغريت تفسخ المزيد والمزيد كما مارغريت يتم استيعابهم في عشيرة ويلكوكس. يضرب العلاقة بينهما منخفض عند هيلين يحاول الحصول على هنري للمساعدة ماليا في بسطس (أنه يرفض بسبب علاقته السابقة مع جاكي).وهذا حيث تسير الأمور قليلاً مجنونة. هيلين، المحاصرين في تعاطفها لليونارد، لديه علاقة معه، ونتيجة لذلك هو الحمل. قالت أنها يهرب إلى ألمانيا، في محاولة لإخفاء حملها من عائلتها وأصدقائها، ولكن في نهاية المطاف هو أجبر على العودة إلى إنكلترا. هناك، هنري ومارغريت كمين لها في "نهاية هاوارد"، حيث يكتشفون الحقيقة؛ مارغريت قوات هنري يغفر شقيقتها للقضية فاضحة لها، نظراً لأنها هي نفسها قد غفر له له (مع جاكي). تشارلز، ابن هنري الساخنة التي ترأسها، يقتل بطريق الخطأ ليونارد بحد سيف (نعم، هل سمعت ذلك الحق) لجلب العار على الأسرة، وهو حكم عليه بالسجن بتهمة القتل الخطأ.ويبدو أن كل شيء يتهاوى ويلكوكسيس وشليجيلس--ولكن، في الواقع، أنها بداية حياة جديدة بالنسبة لهم. يبدأ هنري أخيرا التعاطف وحقاً التواصل مع أشخاص آخرين، كما مارغريت تم تشجيعه على القيام بكل شيء على طول. في نهاية المطاف، اثنان منهم، جنبا إلى جنب مع هيلين وطفلها الرضيع، تشكل نوعا من أسرة جديدة وموحدة، الخروج من الأجزاء القديمة. ونحن في نهاية المطاف في "نهاية هاوارد"، الذي يورث هنري مارغريت وأخيها، كما يصل صيف جميلة، جنبا إلى جنب مع أمل جديد مؤقت لانكلترا.
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النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]

The two families encounter each other at various points, but things get awkward after Helen and Paul embarrassingly fall in and out of love over the span of 24 hours. However, Margaret and Mrs. Wilcox strike up an odd friendship, despite the awkwardness between the two clans, and before Mrs. Wilcox dies rather suddenly, she changes her will and leaves her beloved family home, Howards End, to Margaret. This upsets the Wilcoxes, who don't think that Margaret, a stranger, has any right to the house, so they ignore the change and go about their business.

Meanwhile, the Schlegels befriend a lower-middle class young man, Leonard Bast, who has ambitions of intellectualism, but is held back by his lack of funds (and by his trashy wife, Jacky). Leonard provides a kind of tragic counterpoint to the life of effortless bohemianism of the Schlegels, and to the businesslike, bustling Wilcoxes; instead, he's always yearning for more than is available to him. Through a rather complicated turn of events, Leonard loses his job as a clerk, and falls into even worse circumstances; this was caused by advice that Henry Wilcox gave the Schlegels, which they passed on to Leonard. Helen sees their young friend's fall as Henry's fault.

Against all odds, Henry and Margaret become friends – and then more than friends. They get married, despite the differences between the two of them. It later scandalously emerges that Leonard's lowbrow wife, Jacky, used to be Henry's mistress, and that he abandoned her abroad (contributing to her bottom-of-the-barrel social position), and Henry and Margaret have to work through the issues produced by this revelation. Helen and Margaret drift further and further apart as Margaret is absorbed into the Wilcox clan. Their relationship hits a low when Helen tries to get Henry to financially help the Basts (he refuses because of his former relationship with Jacky).

This is where things go a little crazy. Helen, caught up in her sympathy for Leonard, has an affair with him, the result of which is pregnancy. She flees to Germany, trying to hide her pregnancy from her family and friends, but ultimately is forced to return to England. There, Henry and Margaret ambush her at Howards End, where they discover the truth; Margaret forces Henry to forgive her sister for her scandalous affair, since she herself has forgiven him his (with Jacky). Charles, Henry's hot-headed son, accidentally kills Leonard with a sword (yep, you heard that right) for bringing shame upon the family, and is sentenced to prison for manslaughter.

It seems that everything is falling apart for the Wilcoxes and Schlegels – but, in fact, it's the beginning of a new life for them. Henry finally begins to sympathize and truly connect with other people, as Margaret's been encouraging him to do all along. In the end, the two of them, along with Helen and her baby, form a kind of new, unified family, out of the fragments of the old ones. We end up at Howards End, which Henry bequeaths to Margaret and her nephew, as a beautiful summer arrives, along with a tentative new hope for England.
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