The third and latest Protocol to the Cape Town Convention, on Matters specific to Space Assets, was opened to signature in Berlin on 9 March 2012, at the conclusion of a diplomatic Conference held at the kind invitation of the Government of Germany. Three of the 40 States represented at the Conference, namely Burkina Faso, Saudi Arabia and Zimbabwe, signed the Protocol at the closing ceremony of the Conference.
The new Protocol will enter into force – and, with it, the Cape Town Convention as applied to space assets – on the later of the date of the deposit of the tenth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession and the date of the deposit by the Supervisory Authority with the Depositary of a certificate confirming that the International Registry for space assets is fully operational.
Inthis article the author, fi rst, reports on the Berlin Conference, focusing in particular on the principal issues that fell to be resolved at the Conference, secondly, recounts the history of the project, thirdly, explains the basic legal and economic assumptions underpinning UNIDROIT’s preparation of the Protocol and, fourthly, introduces the key features of the Protocol.
Finally,he essays some preliminary conclusions, focusing in particular on the benefits that it is hoped the Protocol may bring to not only emerging and developing economies, start-up companies and smaller operators but also manufacturers and
financiers, as these see their markets significantly broadened as a result of the increased availability of asset-based fi nance as an alternative and, on balance, cheaper method of financing