The economic development in India followed socialist-inspired policies ترجمة - The economic development in India followed socialist-inspired policies العربية كيف أقول

The economic development in India f

The economic development in India followed socialist-inspired policies for most of its independent history, including state-ownership of many sectors; India's per capita income increased at only around 1% annualised rate in the three decades after its independence.[1] Since the mid-1980s, India has slowly opened up its markets through economic liberalisation. After more fundamental reforms since 1991 and their renewal in the 2000s, India has progressed towards a free market economy.[1]
In the late 2000s, India's growth reached 7.5%, which will double the average income in a decade.[1] Analysts[who?] say that if India pushed more fundamental market reforms, it could sustain the rate and even reach the government's 2011 target of 10%.[1] States have large responsibilities over their economies. The annualised 1999–2008 growth rates forTamil Nadu (9.9), Gujarat (9.6%), Haryana (9.1%), or Delhi (8.9%) were significantly higher than for Bihar (5.1%), Uttar Pradesh (4.4%), or Madhya Pradesh (6.5%).[2] India is thetenth-largest economy in the world and the third largest by purchasing power parity adjusted exchange rates (PPP). On per capita basis, it ranks 140th in the world or 129th by PPP.
The economic growth has been driven by the expansion of services that have been growing consistently faster than other sectors. It is argued that the pattern of Indian development has been a specific one and that the country may be able to skip the intermediate industrialisation-led phase in the transformation of its economic structure. Serious concerns have been raised about the jobless nature of the economic growth.[3]
Favourable macroeconomic performance has been a necessary but not sufficient condition for the significant reduction of poverty amongst the Indian population. The rate of poverty decline has not been higher in the post-reform period (since 1991). The improvements in some other non-economic dimensions of social development have been even less favourable. The most pronounced example is an exceptionally high and persistent level of child malnutrition (46% in 2005–6).[4]
The progress of economic reforms in India is followed closely. The World Bank suggests that the most important priorities are public sector reform, infrastructure, agricultural and rural development, removal of labour regulations, reforms in lagging states, and HIV/AIDS.[5] For 2012, India ranked 132nd in Ease of Doing Business Index, which is setback as compared with China 91st and Brazil 126th. According to Index of Economic Freedom World Ranking an annual survey on economic freedom of the nations, India ranks 123rd as compared with China and Russia which ranks 138th and 144th respectively in 2012.
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
التنمية الاقتصادية في الهند اتبعت السياسات الاشتراكية مستوحاة لمعظم تاريخها المستقل، بما في ذلك ملكية الدولة للعديد من القطاعات؛ ازداد نصيب الفرد من الدخل في الهند فقط حوالي 1% قد معدل في العقود الثلاثة الماضية بعد استقلالها.[1] ومنذ منتصف الثمانينات، فتحت الهند ببطء في الأسواق من خلال تحرير اقتصادي. وبعد مزيد من الإصلاحات الأساسية منذ عام 1991 وتجددها في 2000s، تقدمت الهند نحو اقتصاد سوق حرة.[1]وبلغت نسبة النمو في الهند في أواخر 2000s، 7.5 ٪، التي سوف ضعف متوسط الدخل في عقد من الزمان.[1] المحللين [من؟] يقول أنه إذا دفعت الهند الأساسية أكثر من إصلاحات السوق، يمكن أن تحافظ المعدل وحتى تصل إلى هدف الحكومة 2011 بنسبة 10%.[1] الدول مسؤوليات كبيرة على اقتصاداتها. فورتاميل معدلات النمو بلغ عام 1999 – 2008 نادو (9.9)، غوجارات (9.6 ٪)، ولاية هاريانا (9.1%)، أو دلهي (8.9%) كانت أعلى بكثير من أجل بيهار (5.1%)، وأوتار براديش (4.4 في المائة)، أو ولاية مادهيا براديش (6.5%). [2] الهند ثيتينث--أكبر اقتصاد في العالم وثالث أكبر حسب تعادل القوة الشرائية في تعديل أسعار الصرف (تعادل القوة الشرائية). على أساس نصيب الفرد، فهي في المرتبة 140th في العالم أو 129 حسب تعادل القوة الشرائية.كان مدفوعا النمو الاقتصادي بالتوسع في الخدمات التي ظلت تنمو دائماً أسرع من القطاعات الأخرى. ويقال أن نمط التنمية الهندية كانت محددة، وأن البلاد قد تكون قادرة على تخطي المرحلة المتوسطة أدى التصنيع في التحول لهيكلها الاقتصادي. قد أثيرت مخاوف خطيرة حول طبيعة البطالة للنمو الاقتصادي.[3]وقد تم أداء الاقتصاد الكلي مواتية شرط ضروري ولكنه ليس كافياً لإجراء تخفيض كبير في الفقر بين السكان الهنود. لم يكن أعلى معدل انخفاض الفقر في فترة ما بعد الإصلاح (منذ عام 1991). وكانت التحسينات في بعض الأبعاد الأخرى غير الاقتصادية للتنمية الاجتماعية حتى أقل مواتاة. المثال الأكثر وضوحاً مستوى استثنائي عالية واستمرار سوء التغذية لدى الأطفال (46 في المائة في عام 2005 – 6).[4]هو التقدم المحرز في الإصلاحات الاقتصادية في الهند عن كثب. ويقترح البنك الدولي أن أهم الأولويات هي إصلاح القطاع العام، البنية التحتية، التنمية الزراعية والريفية، وإلغاء لوائح العمل، الإصلاحات في متخلفة عن الدول، وفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية/الإيدز.[5] لعام 2012، الهند في المرتبة 132 في "سهولة للقيام بالأعمال الفهرس"، ونكسة بالمقارنة مع الصين 91 والبرازيل 126. وفقا "مؤشر من الاقتصادية حرية العالم ترتيب" دراسة استقصائية سنوية على الحرية الاقتصادية للأمم، تحتل الهند 123 مقارنة بالصين وروسيا التي تحتل المرتبة 138 و 144 على التوالي في عام 2012.
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النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
The economic development in India followed socialist-inspired policies for most of its independent history, including state-ownership of many sectors; India's per capita income increased at only around 1% annualised rate in the three decades after its independence.[1] Since the mid-1980s, India has slowly opened up its markets through economic liberalisation. After more fundamental reforms since 1991 and their renewal in the 2000s, India has progressed towards a free market economy.[1]
In the late 2000s, India's growth reached 7.5%, which will double the average income in a decade.[1] Analysts[who?] say that if India pushed more fundamental market reforms, it could sustain the rate and even reach the government's 2011 target of 10%.[1] States have large responsibilities over their economies. The annualised 1999–2008 growth rates forTamil Nadu (9.9), Gujarat (9.6%), Haryana (9.1%), or Delhi (8.9%) were significantly higher than for Bihar (5.1%), Uttar Pradesh (4.4%), or Madhya Pradesh (6.5%).[2] India is thetenth-largest economy in the world and the third largest by purchasing power parity adjusted exchange rates (PPP). On per capita basis, it ranks 140th in the world or 129th by PPP.
The economic growth has been driven by the expansion of services that have been growing consistently faster than other sectors. It is argued that the pattern of Indian development has been a specific one and that the country may be able to skip the intermediate industrialisation-led phase in the transformation of its economic structure. Serious concerns have been raised about the jobless nature of the economic growth.[3]
Favourable macroeconomic performance has been a necessary but not sufficient condition for the significant reduction of poverty amongst the Indian population. The rate of poverty decline has not been higher in the post-reform period (since 1991). The improvements in some other non-economic dimensions of social development have been even less favourable. The most pronounced example is an exceptionally high and persistent level of child malnutrition (46% in 2005–6).[4]
The progress of economic reforms in India is followed closely. The World Bank suggests that the most important priorities are public sector reform, infrastructure, agricultural and rural development, removal of labour regulations, reforms in lagging states, and HIV/AIDS.[5] For 2012, India ranked 132nd in Ease of Doing Business Index, which is setback as compared with China 91st and Brazil 126th. According to Index of Economic Freedom World Ranking an annual survey on economic freedom of the nations, India ranks 123rd as compared with China and Russia which ranks 138th and 144th respectively in 2012.
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