We use like and love to describe things positively.
You can say that you like something or somebody.
I like dogs.
I like Josie.
To say this more strongly, we can add very much or really.
I like dogs very much.
I really like Josie.
Or to say it even more strongly, we can use love.
I love dogs.
I love Josie very much.
We can also say that we like, or love doing things.
I like swimming.
I love going to the beach.
The opposite is not liking.
We say don't like.
I don't like John.
To make this less blunt, we can use very much.
I don't like John very much.
To make a very strong statement we use hate.
I hate dogs.
This is a very strong statement, and you need to be careful when using the word hate in case you offend someone.
You can also use don't like and hate with verbs.
I don't like travelling.
I hate running.
Mark hates travelling. I love it.