there was an awkward silence ..."uh...uh.. I ...I ..." she blushes. .. her soft voice quivers she spoke quietly ..."I dreamed it would be with someone I love, I always dreamed it to be with my husband on my wedding night..." Jalal slumps back on the bed ... shoulder hunched ...buries his head between his hands ...looking all miserable, says ...".I'm sorry I snatched your dream away, you had told me you had live in relations before we got married and it was too late when I realized you were a virgin... I could not hold myself...I took away from you a gift you can give only once" Jo walks over to him, moves his hands away from his head, sits on his lap, wraps her arms around his neck and whispers into his ears ..." my dreams were partially fulfilled, I believe in my heart that my dream will come true...I will fall in love with my husband, I like him a lot already ... ..." that very moment, she feels Jalal's hands gripping her waist moving her away from his lap onto her back on the bed, brings his body on top of hers and presses ...