يعتبر المتحف العراقي، واحداً من أبرز الرموز الوطنية العراقية، لأنه يضم ترجمة - يعتبر المتحف العراقي، واحداً من أبرز الرموز الوطنية العراقية، لأنه يضم الإنجليزية كيف أقول

يعتبر المتحف العراقي، واحداً من أبر

يعتبر المتحف العراقي، واحداً من أبرز الرموز الوطنية العراقية، لأنه يضم خلاصة الآثار العراقية لجميع حقبه التاريخية. ولا زال هذا المتحف يعاني من عدم أهليته لاستقبال الزوار الاّ بشكل محدود. وسبق أن ذكرت السيدة (أميرة عيدان) رئيسة الهيئة العامة للآثار ومديرة المتاحف بأن الأوضاع الأمنية تلعب الدور الأساسي في فكرة إعادة افتتاح المتحف الوطني العراقي.. "لا يمكن المجازفة بإعادة افتتاح المتحف في ظرف أمني قلق. لا يمكن المجازفة مرة أخرى بعرض كنوزنا الاثرية ما لم تستقر الأوضاع الأمنية بنسبة مائة في المئة." وكان المتحف قد تعرض للنهب بعد اجتياح عام 2003 من قبل عصابات دولية منظمة، تم التواطئ معها من قبل القوات الامريكية التي قامت بحراسة وزارة النفط وتركت المتحف دون حراسة.
وكانت السيدة (أميرة عيدان) قد كشفت في مقابلة صحفية عن أحد أسرار عملية النهب هذه:
((ان المتحف الوطني العراقي المركزي هو الذي تحمل عبء التخريب، فقد دمرت بناياته من قبل جماعات تحمل أغراضاً مختلفة أثناء الانفلات الأمني الذي أعقب سقوط النظام السابق، وهم أصناف مختلفون منهم اللصوص العشوائيون ومنهم المتخصصون الذين وصلوا في ساعة الفوضى وهم يحملون مخططاتهم معهم، ويعرفون بدقة ما الذي سيأخذونه وكيف يحملونه وماذا يحطمون. أما السراق الآخرون فكانوا ينقلون مسروقاتهم بشكل عشوائي ويكسرون ما لم يستطيعوا حمله من نفائس التاريخ الإنساني)).
ورغم تراجع العنف في العراق الى أدنى مستوياته منذ أربعة أعوام خلال الشهور الأخيرة واستعادة نحو ستة آلاف من 15 الف قطعة فإن ذلك لم يدفع السلطات العراقية للمجازفة بإعادة افتتاح المتحف حتى يستقر ويتوطد الأمن. وكنوع من التعويض على التقصير الأمنى فى حراسة المتاحف في الماضي أصبح الدخول الى المتحف صعباً حالياً.

السيدة أميرة عيدان
من المعلوم ان الدكتورة أميرة عيدان التي كانت تشغل منصب مدير عام المتاحف العراقية من مواليد 1967 وتحمل شهادة الدكتوراه في الكتابات المسمارية وهي أول امرأة تتولى رئاسة الهيئة العامة للآثار والتراث. وهي من مواليد محافظة الانبار- الحبانية وحصلت على شهادة البكلوريوس في الآثار من جامعة بغداد عام 1990 كما حصلت على شهادة الماجستير آثار عام 1999 عن رسالتها الموسومة (الكاهنات في العصر البابلي القديم) وحصلت على شهادة الدكتوراه آثار عن اطروحتها الموسومة (دراسة وترجمة نصوص مسمارية جديدة في العصر الاكدي القديم) وقد عينت عام 1994 موظفة في المتحف الوطني العراقي ونسبت الى المخازن المركزية للآثار ثم الى القسم التربوي في المتحف، وشغلت طيلة أعوام عدة مراكز ونشاطات تتعلق بالمتاحف والآثار العراقية، ولها عدة بحوث ودراسات في تأريخ العراق القديم.
تأريخ المتحف
تأسس المتحف العراقي عام 1923، وكان يشغل حيزاً صغيراً في بناية القشلة أو السراي القديم. وبعد مرورعدة سنوات تم جمع أعداد كبيرة من الآثار كنتيجة حتمية لعمليات التنقيب التي كانت تجري في جميع أنحاء العراق آنذاك فكان لابد من توسيع المتحف العراقي. تم نقله إلى بناية خاصة في شارع المأمون. ضاق مكانه مع مرور الزمن فكانت الفكرة أن تخصص بناية جديدة تتصف بمواصفات متحفية عالمية تضم آثار العراق. وضع تصميم خاص لبناية المتحف العراقي في منطقة الصالحية علاوي الحله من جانب الكرخ وهي منطقة واسعة روعيت فيها أساليب بناء المتاحف الأصلية. الافتتاح الفعلي تم في التاسع من تشرين الثاني سنة 1966 م أعيد افتتاحه مرة أخرى عام1984 , بعد إضافة البناية الجديدة.
يضم المتحف العراقي (18) قاعة، وكذلك يضم مجموعات متنوعة من حقبات عديدة مثل الحقبات السومرية والآشورية والبابلية ويضم مجموعات متنوعة من الفنون الإسلامية. ويحتوي على القاعات التالية: آثار عصور ما قبل التأريخ بحوالي 60 ألف سنة أو إلى 35 ألف سنة والمتمثلة بآثارٍ من عصور الإنسان القديم (النيندرتال) إلى العصور الإسلامية المتأخرة, وترجع آثار عصور ما قبل التأريخ إلى (الإنسان القديم البائد) الذي اكتشفت آثاره في مناطق المحافظات الشمالية. /آثار عصر القرى الزراعية المبكرة التي يمتد عمرها إلى (8) آلاف سنة أو7 – 6 آلاف سنة تقريباً أي إلى العصر الحجري / عصر الاستقرار في الجنوب حيث نشأت الحضارة السومرية / عصر الدولة الأكدية وفترة اختراع الكتابة / العصر البابلي القديم / الفترة الآشورية البسيطة والحديثة / الفترة البابلية البسيطة والحديثة / فترات ما قبل الإسلام (فترة الاحتلال الساساني) / عصرالحضارة الإسلامية / العصور المظلمة التي تلت سقوط بغداد على يد المغول والتتار. . كذلك فيه (متحف الطفل) وهو متحف مصغر ذو هدف تربوي وتعليمي يوصل فكرة كيف عاش الإنسان القديم وكيف تعلم وكيف اخترع الكتابة وبنى قرية إلى الطفل.
أما مكتبة المتحف فقد تأسست عام 1933، وكانت بالبدايه في قاعة من قاعات المديرية وصنعت لها خزانات قليلة وقد أنيطت ملاحظتها واسند الاشراف عليها حينذاك بموظف يتعهدها ويهتم بها. كذلك مجموعة هدية الآباء الكرمليين في بغداد وهي هدية نفيسة عظيمة الشأن تتألف من المكتبة الحافلة التي جمعها العلامة اللغوي الاب انستاس ماري الكرملي المتوفى العام 1947 وتتألف هذه المكتبة من الوف المجلدات المطبوعة والمخطوطة، وان ما تفضلوا بأهدائه يتألف من ستة آلاف مجلد مطبوع وألف وثلاثمائة وخمسة وثلاثين مجلداً مخطوطاً. ثم مجموعة هدية الشريف حازم في العام 1950 وهذه الهدية عبارة عن شطر من مكتبته النفيسة وقد بلغ ما أهداه زهاء ألف مجلد من المطبوعات العربية تتناول موضوعات تاريخية وأدبية ودينية ولغوية، وكذلك مجموعة هدية المتحف البريطاني في العام 1946 حيث اهدى المتحف البريطاني إلى مكتبة المتحف العراقي زهاء أربعمائة مجلد من مطبوعاته ويدور معظمها حول الآثار والتأريخ وفهارس الكتب المطبوعة والمخطوطة.
بالنسبة لموضوعات الكتب التي تضمها مكتبة المتحف فهي : موضوعات حول شؤون بلاد الشرق/ علم الآثار ولا سيما آثار العراق القديم / مصنفات تتعلق بلغات العراق القديمة وتواريخ شعوبه وحضاراتهم في العصر السومري والبابلي والآشوري والساساني والاسلامي / موضوعات تتعلق بالجزيرة العربية وحتى شمال أفريقيا والاندلس/ مجموعة كبيرة من المؤلفات الباحثة في تاريخ اليونان والرومان وحضاراتهم وآثارهم.
المتحف العراقي بعد عام2003
لقد عانى المتحف من أكبر عملية تدمير في تاريخه، حيث بدأت حملات النهب للمواقع الأثرية بعد حرب الخليج الأولى عام 1991، حين تحركت "جيوش من الناهبين" إلى المدن ونهبت محتويات 13 متحفاً على الأقل. وتعرض مجموعة المتحف من الآثار إلى عملية نهب وسرقة بعد احتلال العراق عام2003 . هناك ما يقرب من 170 ألف قطعة أثرية أصبحت في حكم المفقودة، بينها 15 ألف قطعة مسجلة ضمن مقتنيات المتحف العر
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
The Iraqi Museum is one of the most prominent national symbols, because it includes a summary of Iraq's Antiquities of all historical era. This Museum still suffers from incapacity to receive visitors only on a limited basis. And already she (Amira Eidan) President of the General Authority for Antiquities and museums Director that security conditions play a key role in the idea of reopening the Iraqi National Museum. "We cannot risk reopening the Museum within a security concern. You cannot take the risk again to view the archaeological treasures unless security conditions are 100 percent, "the Museum was looted after the 2003 invasion by international gangs, was cooperation by u.s. troops guarded oil Ministry and leave the Museum unguarded.And she (Amira Idan) has revealed in a press interview about one of the secrets of this looting:((The Iraqi National Museum, which is to shoulder the burden of vandalism, has destroyed its buildings by groups bear different purposes during the security chaos that followed the fall of the former regime, they are different varieties of them thieves camps including specialists who arrived in the hour of chaos, they carry their designs with them, and know precisely what they were from and how they destroy what others either muggers were carrying out robberies randomly break unless they campaign of educational history)).Despite the decline of violence in Iraq to four-year lows in recent months and restoring 6,000 of the 15,000 pieces that Iraqi authorities did not pay to risk reopening the Museum until it snaps and consolidated security. As a kind of compensation for default security guard in the past, museums became entry to the Museum is currently difficult.Ms. Amira IdanIt is understood that Dr Amira Edan, which was serving as Director General of the Iraqi museums, born in 1967 and holds a PhD in Cuneiform is the first woman to chair the General Organization for Antiquities and heritage. She is a native of Anbar-Habbaniyah and obtained a Bachelor's degree in archaeology from the University of Baghdad in 1970 and master effects 1999 letter tagged (priestesses in ancient Babylonian era) and got a Ph.d. thesis about the effects tagged (study and translate cuneiform texts in the Akkadian times new old) was appointed in 1994, an employee at the Iraqi National Museum and attributed to the central warehouse of Antiquities and then to the section in the Museum, and operated throughout the years several centers and activities relating to museums and monuments, And has several research and studies in the history of Iraq.History of the MuseumThe Iraqi Museum was founded in 1923, and was running a small space in the qishla or old Serail. After mroradh years of collecting large numbers of Antiquities as the inevitable result of excavations that have taken place throughout Iraq at the time, had to extend the Iraq Museum. He was transferred to special safe Street building. Crowded place with the passage of time, the idea was to allocate the new building is a global Museum specifications effects of Iraq. Special design for building the Iraqi Museum in the salhiya district of Karkh Allawi Hilla, is a vast area taking into account the methods of building indigenous museums. The actual opening was on November 9, 1966 m reopened again in 1989, after the addition of the new building.Iraqi Museum (18), as well as featuring various groups of many eras like Sumerian and Assyrian epochs and Babylonian features a variety of Islamic art. It contains the following halls: effects of prehistoric approximately 60,000 years or 35 years and of the effects of human ages old (alnindertal) to the late Islamic era, and returns the effects of Prehistory (old defunct human) who discovered in regions of the northern provinces. /Era early farming villages that extends to (8) thousands of years or 7 – 6 thousand years almost any stone age/era of stability in the South where Sumerian civilization/Acadian era and the period of invention of writing/Babylonian age old Assyrian period of simple/modern/simple and modern Babylonian period/periods of Islam (Sasanian occupation period)/asaralhadarh/the dark ages which followed the fall of Baghdad by the Mongols and Tatars. . As well as (children's Museum) is a museum with an educational objective and thumbnail tutorial conveys the idea of how ancient man lived, how they learn and how they invented writing, built the village children.The Museum Library, founded in 1933, and was the beginning of the meeting and the Directorate made her a few tanks have observed and assigned supervision then maintained by the officer concerned. As well as a gift for fathers of Carmelites in Baghdad and is a precious gift to great effect consists of the library bus collected linguistic father mark Anastas Mari deceased Carmelite 1947 this library consists of thousands of folders, printed and manuscript, and what's yours is composed of six thousand printed volumes and a thousand three hundred and thirty-five volumes susceptibilities. Sherif Hazem gift group in 1950, this gift is a portion of the precious library has nearly gave a folder of Arabic publications on topics of historical and literary, religious and linguistic minorities, as well as a gift to the British Museum in 1946, where the British Museum is dedicated to the Iraqi Museum Library of about 400 volumes of publications and revolves mostly around monuments and history books and manuscript catalogues.For the topics of the books of the library of the Museum are: topics about the Affairs of the countries of the East/archaeology, especially the effects of the old Iraq/works concerning ancient languages of Iraq and dates of its peoples and cultures in the Sumerian and Babylonian times and Assyrian and Sasanian and Islamic/Arabic Peninsula issues and even North Africa and Andalusia/wide range of literature researcher in Greece and Roman history and cultures, and their relics.The Iraqi Museum after the 2003The Museum suffered more destruction in its history, began looting campaigns to archeological sites after the first Gulf war in 1991, when it moved to "armies of looters" to cities and plundered the contents of 13 museums. And showcases the Museum of antiquities to the looting and robbery after the occupation of Iraq in 2003. There are approximately 170 000 artifact became the rule, including 15,000 pieces registered within the holdings of the Museum-'er
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]

The Iraqi Museum, one of the leading Iraqi national symbols, because it includes a summary of all Iraqi antiquities historical era. This museum is still suffering from a lack of eligibility to receive visitors, but in a limited way. It has already been Mrs. reported (Amira Edan) President of the General Authority for Antiquities and director of museums that the security conditions play a fundamental role in the idea of re-opening of the National Museum of Iraq .. "can not risk re-opening of the museum in a security envelope concern. Can not risk again offer our treasures archaeological what the security situation has not stabilized by one hundred percent. " The museum was looted after the 2003 invasion by the Organisation of international gangs, has been complicity by US troops who guarded the Oil Ministry and left the museum without a guard.
The woman (Amira Edan) have been revealed in the press about one of the secrets of this looting interview:
((The Iraqi National Museum Central is the one who bear the burden of vandalism, it has destroyed its buildings by groups carrying different purposes during the lawlessness that followed the fall of the former regime, who are varieties of different of them thieves Ashoaiaon, including specialists who have arrived in the hour of chaos, carrying out their plans with them, and they know precisely what will take it and how they carry and what smashing. The others muggers They were transported Msroqathm randomly and breaking what they could not carry the precious human history)).
Despite the decline in violence in Iraq to its lowest level in four years during the last few months and the restoration of about six thousand of the 15 000 piece, that the Iraqi authorities did not pay to risk re-opening of the museum until it snaps and consolidated security. And as a kind of compensation for the default security guard museums in the past has become access to difficult Museum currently. Ms. Amira Edan It is known that Dr. Amira Edan, which had occupied the post in Iraqi museums director, born 1967 and holds a doctorate degree in cuneiform, the first woman to hold the chairmanship of the Commission General of Antiquities and Heritage. It was born in the province of Anbar- Habbaniyah and got a bachelor's degree in effects from Baghdad University in 1990 and earned a master's degree the effects of the 1999 mission tagged (priestesses in the ancient Babylonian era) and got a doctorate effects for her thesis tagged (the study and translation of new cuneiform texts in the ancient Akkadian era) was appointed in 1994 an employee at the Iraqi National Museum and attributed to the central warehouses of the effects and then to the educational department in the museum, and operated for years several centers and activities related to museums and the Iraqi effects, and has several research and studies in the history of ancient Iraq. History Museum was established museum Iraqi in 1923, and has served in a small space Qishleh building or the old palace. After Mroraadh years we have been collecting large numbers of Antiquities as an inevitable result of the mining operations that were taking place in all parts of Iraq at the time was to be the expansion of the Iraqi Museum. It was transferred to a private street in a safe building. Fed his place with the passage of time the idea was to allocate new museum building is characterized by a global specification includes the effects of Iraq. A special design of the building of the Iraqi Museum in Salehia Allawi Hela region of the Karkh district, a vast region where the original museum building takes into account methods. The actual opening was on the ninth of November 1966 re-opened again in 1984, after the addition of the new building. Comprising the Iraqi Museum (18) hall, as well as featuring a variety of groups from many periods like eras Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian and includes diverse groups of Islamic Arts. And it contains the following halls: the effects of prehistoric about 60 thousand years or 35 thousand years, and of the effects of the old human Ages (Alnindrtal) to the Islamic eras late, due the effects of prehistoric times to (the old man of the former), who discovered its effects in areas Northern provinces. / Effects era of the early agricultural villages that life extends to (8) thousand years or 7-6 thousand years almost no to the stone age / era of stability in the South where I grew Sumerian civilization / era Akkadian state and the invention of writing / Babylonian era old / Assyrian period simple and modern / Babylonian period simple and modern / pre-Islamic (Sassanian period of occupation) / Islamic Asralhoudarh / Dark Ages that followed the fall of Baghdad by the Mongols and the Tatars. . As well as the (child's Museum), a miniature with educational and instructional goal Connects idea how he lived the old man and how to learn and how they invented writing, built a village-to-child Museum. The museum library was founded in 1933, and was originally called in the hall of the Directorate halls and made ​​her a few tanks have been entrusted observed and assigned supervision maintained by a staff member at the time and cares about them. As well as gift Carmelite Fathers group in Baghdad, a gift great Nafisa matter consisting of a bus library collected by linguistic mark Father Anastas Mary Carmelite deceased 1947 This library consisting of thousands of printed and manuscript folders, and what Yours gifting it consists of six thousand printed volumes and a thousand and three hundred and thirty-five volumes manuscripts. Then gift-Sharif Hazem group in 1950 and this gift is a portion of the precious library has reached what gave him some thousand volumes of Arabic publications dealing with historical, literary, religious and linguistic topics, as well as a gift to the British Museum in 1946, who presented the British Museum to the Iraqi Museum Library about Four hundred folder of publications and revolves mostly around the archeology, history and indexes printed and manuscript books. For those books that comprise the museum library are: topics on the country's east / archeology affairs, particularly the old / works related to the languages ​​of Iraq's ancient and dates of its peoples and civilizations in Sumerian times and the Babylonian and Assyrian Iraq Effects The Sasanian and Islamic / topics related to the Arabian peninsula and even North Africa and of Andalusia / large body of literature researcher in the history of the Greeks and Romans and their civilizations and monuments. Iraqi Museum after 2003, the museum has suffered from greater destruction process in its history, where it began the looting of archaeological sites campaigns after the first Gulf War in 1991 , while "the armies of looters" moved to the cities and looted the contents of at least 13 museums. The museum displays a range of effects to the process of looting and theft after the occupation of Iraq in 2003. There are approximately 170 thousand artifacts have become lost in the rule, including 15 thousand pieces registered under the museum's holdings presentation

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]

is the Iraqi Museum, one of the most prominent Iraqi national symbols, because it includes all an era of the historical essence of Iraqi antiquities. This museum is still suffers from a lack of capacity to receive visitors, but in a limited way.It has already been mentioned, Mrs. Amira Eidan) chairman of the general authority of the director of museums that security conditions play a key role in the idea of re opening of the National Museum of Iraq.. " Can't risk the re opening of Museum within a security concern.Can't risk once again presented the archeological treasures unless the security situation stabilized at one hundred per cent."The museum was looted after the 2003 invasion of complicity with organized international syndicates, was by the American troops who guarded the Ministry of oil and the museum without escort."The MS Princess of chopsticks) has revealed in an interview on one of such plunder. "Central (now the National Museum of Iraq is to bear the brunt of its buildings were destroyed by vandalism, groups carrying different purposes during the insecurity after the fall of the former are different varieties are thieves Alshwayywn includingThose who arrived in the hour of chaos and they bring with them, and they know exactly what they're and how what they break.The other muggers were taken randomly and break Msrwqathm I couldn't drive the gem of human history)).
Despite the decline in violence in Iraq in recent months to restore to its lowest level in four years, about six thousand of the 15 thousand piece that has not paid the Iraqi authorities for risk the re opening of the museum until it snaps and security.As a kind of compensation for default security guard. The museums in the past is the entry to the museum is difficult. Ms. Amira Aidan

It is well known that Dr. Amira Aidan that had occupied the post of director general of Iraqi museums, born in 1967 and his Ph.D. in cuneiform and the first woman president the general of Antiquities and heritage.She was born in Al Anbar province. The effects of Habbaniyah and obtained his bachelor degree from the University of Baghdad on 1990 and got the master degree. The effects of its tagged (1999) priestesses in the Old Babylonian period) and aThe effects of Atrwhtha tagged (a new translation of the cuneiform texts in the old Alakdy) was named on 1994 in the National Museum of Iraq and attributed to the central warehouse of and then to the educational section of the museum, and served for several years.On museums, monuments and activities in Iraq, and has several research and studies in the history of Ancient Iraq.The history of Museum

founded the Iraq Museum on 1923, and the Prince Sultan holds the small space in the building or the old palace.After years Mrwrdt collected large numbers of effects as a consequence of excavation carried out throughout the country at the time was necessary to expand the Iraqi Museum. He was taken to a building, especially in road safety.The Fed took over time was the idea for a new building, characterized by descriptions of global Museum of archaeology.A special design for the National Museum of Iraq in the area of Al Karkh Allawi's al Hillah, a vast region took into consideration the museum building methods. The actual opening was on ninth November, 1966 1984, reopened againAfter the addition of the new building.
comprise the Iraqi Museum Hall (18), and includes a variety of eras such as Alhqbat Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, featuring sets a variety of Islamic arts. It contains the following chambers.The effects of the pre history of about 60000 years, and 35000 years of Batharen eras of ancient man (Neanderthal) to the late medieval IslamicThe effects of pre history to the (old man) who discovered the effects of Saddam in the regions of northern provinces.Effects of early agricultural villages that spans thousands of years old (8), 7 - 6000 years ago a stone age / era stability in the south, where I grew up state Akkadian / Sumerian civilization era and the invention of writing / Babylonian EraThe period of Assyrian / Babylonian period, simple and modern, simple and modern / pre Islamic periods (the period of the occupation Sralhdart Islamic Sassanid) / the dark ages which followed. The fall of Baghdad by the Mongols and Tatars.. (children's Museum) is a museum of miniature is an educational goal get idea how ancient people lived and how to learn and how writing was invented and built the village children
.The museum's library was founded in 1933, the first, in the halls of the directorate has made a few tanks with the observed and assigned then supervised by the staff. Her.Also, a gift of the Carmelite fathers in Baghdad is a valuable gift major bus consists of a library, collected by the linguistic sign Anstas father Marie Muhammad died in the year 1947 the this library of thousands of volumes printedAnd that is what I Bahdayh consists of six thousand printed volumes, one thousand three hundred and thirty-five volumes of manuscripts.Then, a gift of Sharif. In 1950 this gift is a portion of the precious Library of approximately one thousand volumes had been gifted Arabic publications on subjects the historical, literary, religious, linguistic, as well as a gift to the British Museum in1946, which gave the British Museum to the Iraqi Museum Library of about four hundred volumes of its publication and is mostly about the history and Archaeology and the printed and manuscript books.
for the themes of the books in the library and museum are:Topics about the affairs of the country east / Archaeology, especially the effects of Ancient Iraq works relating to the ancient languages of Iraq and its people and civilizations in the summary Walbably Walashwry Walsasany Islamic / Arab issues on the island.North Africa and Andalusia / a large body of research literature in the history of the Greeks and Romans and civilizations and their effects.After 2003

the Iraq Museum, museum, had suffered from the destruction of its campaigns began looting of archaeological sites, where after the Gulf War, 1991, first when the armies of looters moved to cities and the content of at least 13 museums.The collection of the Museum of the effects to the process of looting and theft of Iraq after the occupation, 2003. There are about 170000 pieces were lost in the judgment, including 15000 registered items in the collections of the museum.
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