انا أشعر بك. على الرغم من اني لا أعرف الكثير عن الحمل. عدا انه قاس وصعب على النساء. لكن بعد ان تقوم بوضع المولود سوف تنسى كل الالم والتبني ليس الحل لا تحرم نفسك هذا الاحساس
I feel you. Though I don't know much about pregnancy. Except that harsh and difficult for women. But after you put the baby will forget all the pain and adoption is not the solution does not deny yourself this sense
I feel you. Although I do not know a lot about the pregnancy. Except that a harsh and difficult for women. But after you place the baby will forget all the pain and adoption is not the solution does not deny yourself this sense
I feel you. Although I do not know much about the pregnancy. But it's hard and difficult. But after a child will forget all the pain, is no solution don't deprive yourself of feeling.