Overall strategies for sales and marketing during 2016 are:
1. Sales expansion to increase capacity utilization
2. Increase referral business
3. Increase production focus of Masakin production due to positive program changes
4. Improve internet customer conversion and acquisition
Introduce new loan products to Increase channel growth in key production segments while identifying niche segments
6. Implementation of Tamallak real estate listing portal
Our place in the Saudi Arabian home finance market has put us in a position to leverage our experience and resources to help change how consumers search and purchase real estate property. The advent of e-commerce and the growth of the Internet have provided us an opportunity to develop a site dedicated to the needs of the real estate industry. This includes real estate agents, developers, private sellers, buyers, and even real estate educational services.
Dar Al Tamleek’s Tamallak property listing portal provides consumers complete property listings which describe every aspect of a property - detailed description, photos, virtual tours, videos, map view, booking calendar, listing of real estate professional’s profile. Our real estate directory will help our partners build a reputation (comments and ratings) and connect sellers and buyers and provide a way for buyers to check whether a professional is competent and reliable.