ماريَّنا ابراموفيك قامت سنة 1974 بخوضة تجربة لتتعرف أكثر على تصرفات ال ترجمة - ماريَّنا ابراموفيك قامت سنة 1974 بخوضة تجربة لتتعرف أكثر على تصرفات ال الإنجليزية كيف أقول

ماريَّنا ابراموفيك قامت سنة 1974 بخ

ماريَّنا ابراموفيك قامت سنة 1974 بخوضة تجربة لتتعرف أكثر على تصرفات البشر اذا منحت لهم حرية القرار بدون شرط ,, فقامت بالتجربة التالية : قررت أن تقف لمدة 6 ساعات متواصلة بدون حراك واتاحت للجماهير ان يفعلوا بها ما يريدوا .. ووضعت بجانبها طاولة بها العديد من الأدوات منها سكين، ومسدس، والأزهار .. وهكذا ببداية الأمر كان رد فعل الجماهير سلمي فاكتفوا بالوقوف امامها ومشاهدتها .. ولكن هذا لم يستمر كثيراً فبعدما تأكد الجماهير انها لن تقوم بالقيام باى رد فعل مهما كان تصرفهم تجاهها .. أصبحت الجماهير أكثر عدوانيه .. فقاموا بتمزيق ملابسها .. وقام احدهم بوضع المسدس على رأسها - ولكن أحد الاشخاص تدخل وأخذ المسدس منه - وقاموا بنكزها ببطنها بأشواك الازهار .. وتحرش البعض بها .. وبعد أن انتهت ال 6 ساعات تحركت مارينا من مكانها بدون اتخاذ اى رد فعل عدوانى تجاه الجماهير ... وبمجرد أن بدأت بالتحرك هم الجماهير بالفرار. هذا التجربة أثبتت لمارينا ان البشر الذين نتعامل معهم يومياً مهما اختلف عرقهم وسنهم وخلفياتهم قادرون على أرتكاب أفعال شنيعة ولكن أن اتحيت لهم الفرصة فقط هذا ما يجبرنا على ان نقر دوما ان السلطه بحاجه الى القوه وان الحريه لا يمكن ان تمنح بصوره مطلقه دون رادع او قانون او نظام ان حريتنا الشخصيه تقف عند حدود الاخرين اتمنى ان يفهم الانسان الحريه قبل ان يطالب بها ويعتصم من اجلها ويحرق المؤسسات ويقتل الابرياء ... لاتعط للبشر حرية اكبر مما يستحقون .......
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
Marina Ibramovik has years 1974 Boukodh the experience to know more about the actions of human beings if given them the freedom to resolution without condition,, arose experience the following: I decided to stand for 6 hours of continuous motionless and allowed the fans to do what want ..And placed beside a table with many tools including a knife, a pistol, and flowers .. Thus the beginning it was a peaceful crowd reaction Vaktefoa standing before them, and watch them ..But this did not last much After it make sure the masses it will not engage in any reaction whatever their behavior towards .. The masses have become more aggressive .. And they tore her clothes ..And one of them put the gun on her head - but one of the people entering and taking the gun from him - and they Pennekzha Bbtnha thorns flowers .. Some harassment .. And after the end of the 6 hours Marina moved from its place without taking any aggressive reaction to the masses ... Once the crowd began to move them away.This experiment proved to Marina that humans who deal with them every day, no matter what their race, age and background are able to commit heinous acts, but that Athit only chance this is what compels us to recognize always that power needed to power and that freedomCan be granted an absolute or unchecked law or regulation that personal freedom stand at the borders of the others I hope to understand human freedom before unclaimed and marching for it and burn and kill innocent institutions... Atat for humans greater freedom than deserve .......
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
ماريَّنا ابراموفيك has 1974 بخوضة experience to learn more on the actions of humans if granted them freedom of resolution without condition, and the following experience: decided to stand for 6 hours without mobility to do what they want and provided for.And on the table of many tools, knife, pistol, and flowers. Thus, at the beginning it was standing in front of a peaceful public reaction فاكتفوا viewable.But this did not last. They make sure it won't do any public reaction to whatever they owed. The crowd became more aggressive. And they tore her clothes.And one of them a gun on her head. But one of the people enter the gun. They بنكزها flowers in thorns. Harassment of others. After the end of the 6 hour marina of place without taking any move towards the masses. The reaction of invasive.The. Once they started to move audiences away.This experience has shown that the humans, who are dealing with Marina daily important differed race age backgrounds are capable of committing heinous acts, but that اتحيت opportunity just what forces us to recognize that the power always need power. And freedom.Can give a completely unchecked or code, or system that our personal stand at the borders of others, I hope to understand the human freedom before he claimed ويعتصم created and institutions and kills innocent people.. لاتعط people more freedom than they deserve.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Marina abramovik, in 1974 with his experience to learn more about the actions of human beings if you give them freedom without condition, it had the following experience: I decided to stand for 6 hours continuously without mobility and allowed the public to do what they want. And the next table of many tools including a knife, a pistol, and flowers. And so the first reaction was a peaceful, contented themselves with fans standing up to them and watch them. But this did not last much after make sure the masses it will not do any reaction whatever their behavior toward it. The public became more aggressive. They tore her clothes. And someone put a gun to her head--but someone intervened and took the gun from him-and benksha in her womb the Thistles flower. Some harassment. Having completed the 6 hours moved Marina place without taking any hostile reaction toward the masses.. Once they began to move the masses. This experience proved to the Marina to people who deal with them on a daily basis no matter their race, their age and their backgrounds are capable of heinous acts, but that opportunity opportunity only this is what compels us to always recognize that the authority needed to force and freedom Can give absolutely unchecked or law or regulation that personal freedom is at the borders of others wish to understand human freedom before claimed and defensiveness and burn and kill innocent people... Don't give people greater freedom than they deserve ... ....
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
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