Good evening, Mohamed , Hoping you had a wonderful weekend. We are expecting a very messy Monday here - freezing rain, sleet , snow and then changing to rain in the afternoon. I bundle up quite well when I go out - especially walking the dogs. It's expected to be in the low 20's for the high temperature here starting on Wednesday - here we go again!! On Nov 21 my pit bull had a seizure at 1:00 am - she went into it while sleeping. I called her vet and he was on the phone with me while she was having it and when she came out of it. Sally is only four years old. It was terrifying. I took her in for a full round of blood work which came back perfect. We're hoping this was just a one time occurence. I called my Valerie at 1:30am just after it happened. She was so great - telling me what to do and not to do - she has lots of experience with this - her residents have had many seizures. She calmed me down . I just love her so much - she makes me so proud. Nov 21 was the day you sent me the post about us both having the same birth year and how close in time our parents passed on. I couldn't believe it . Fate works in myste