Connected reporting or integrated reporting :
The AICPA has joined forces along with the other major accounting bodies around
the world in support of the Accounting for Sustainability Forum (A4S). In December
2009 the AICPA joined with the A4S Forum in a call for the development of a
universally accepted connected or integrated reporting model. (AICPA , 2011 )
Connected or integrated reporting, is the reporting of both financial and non-financial
information, including sustainability information, in an integrated way, as contrasted
with the current prevailing practice of issuing separate, stand-alone financial and
sustainability reports. (AICPA , 2011 )
The trend towards connected reporting is responsive to the perceived need for
enhanced reporting that connects strategy, risk and performance, and encompasses
financial measures, key performance drivers, and sustainability opportunities and
impacts. (AICPA , 2011 )