انتخابات البرلمان المصري: فشل السلطة أم النخب السياسية أم انتفاضة صامت ترجمة - انتخابات البرلمان المصري: فشل السلطة أم النخب السياسية أم انتفاضة صامت الإنجليزية كيف أقول

انتخابات البرلمان المصري: فشل السلط

انتخابات البرلمان المصري: فشل السلطة أم النخب السياسية أم انتفاضة صامتة؟

عكست المرحلة الأولى في الانتخابات البرلمانية المصرية حالة من العزوف عن التصويت، وتراجع الإقبال بشكل أثار دهشة وسائل الإعلام المصرية، والمسؤولين عن الانتخابات.

بعد انتخابات برلمان 2010 في مصر، والعيوب التي شابت عمليات الاقتراع آنذاك وكانت أحد أسباب أحداث 25 يناير 2011، ارتفعت وتيرة الاهتمام السياسي بشكل غير مسبوق، لدرجة أن معدلات الإقبال ونسب التصويت في استفتاء 19 مارس 2011، ثم الانتخابات البرلمانية والرئاسية والاستفتاءات التي تلت ذلك، كانت غير عادية في الحياة السياسية في مصر.

الاستحقاق الثالث والأخير في خريطة الطريق التي وضعها الرئيس المصري عبد الفتاح السيسي، هو انتخابات البرلمان التي كان الإقبال فيها ضعيفا للغاية، لدرجة أن الحكومة المصرية منحت العاملين في الدولة نصف يوم عطلة من أجل التوجه إلى مراكز الاقتراع والتصويت لرفع معدلات الإقبال.

وسائل الإعلام المصرية رأت أن الحكومة لو كانت قد منحت الموظفين عطلة ليوم كامل، لما ذهبوا إلى مراكز الاقتراع، وبقيت معدلات الإقبال كما هي. لكن المدهش أن لهجة وسائل الإعلام الحكومية وغير الحكومية (التابعة لرجال الأعمال) تغيرت بشكل يثير الدهشة والتساؤلات. فبعد أن كانت تتحدث عن "الشعب المصري العظيم"، و"الشعب المصري الواعي"، و"الشعب الذي يعي مصالحه بعد ثورة 30 يونيو"، و"الشعب الذي يدعم الرئيس"، انقلب الحديث خلال النصف الثاني من يوم 18 أكتوبر الحالي، إلى انتقادات "للشعب الذي لا يعي مصالحه" و"الشعب الذي لا يدعم الرئيس" و"الشعب غير الواعي". وتصاعدت لهجة الانتقاد للمصريين عقب إغلاق مراكز الاقتراع في اليوم الأول، على أمل أن "يفيق الشعب من غفوته" ويشارك في الانتخابات، لدرجة أن مقدمي برامج "التوك شو" وضيوفهم من رجال الجيش والشرطة ورجال الدينين الإسلامي والمسيحي بدأوا في توجيه العظات الدينية، وإطلاق الفتاوى، وتوجيه الكلمات القاسية للشباب الذين لم يشاركوا تقريبا في عمليات التصويت.

الانتخابات البرلمانية المصرية
الانتخابات البرلمانية المصرية
الانتقادات والتقريع موجهان إلى فئة الشباب تحديدا. والشباب في مصر غاضب من أجل أصدقائه الذين قتلوا خلال السنوات الأربع الماضية، وغاضب من أجل أصدقائه الموجودين في السجون بتهم سياسية مختلفة، على رأسها "التظاهر ضد قانون التظاهر". الشباب المصري غاضب لغياب العدل والعدالة والقانون، الشباب غاضب لتفشي الفساد السياسي والإداري في مصر. ولذلك عزف الشباب (60% من الناخبين) عن التوجه إلى مراكز الاقتراع، ولم يهتموا بفتاوى رجال الدين المسلمين والمسيحيين، أو يبالوا بالأخبار والتهديدات التي تنشرها وسائل الإعلام الحكومية أو التابعة لرجال الأعمال بشأن الغرامة المالية على الذين يمتنعون عن التصويت.

التفسيرات والتحليلات تتوالى بشأن هذه الظاهرة. البعض يراها فشلا للسلطة والنظام السياسي الحالي، لأنهما لم يتمكنا من ردم الهوة بينهما وبين الشباب، ولم ينجحا في لم شمل الأطياف السياسية أو إقامة حياة سياسية صحية يمكن أن تعمل فيها القوى السياسية، والتحالف مع القوى الدينية السلفية، وإعادة رموز الحكم الذي سبق أحداث 25 يناير 2011، وتوحش وسائل الإعلام الحكومية، وغيرها من المملوكة لرجال الأعمال، والتي غرقت في مستنقع التخوين وتوجيه الاتهامات بالعمالة والخيانة والجاسوسية لكل من يعارض أو ينتقد النظام السياسي الحالي.

ولكن هناك من يرى أن الفشل أيضا لا يقتصر على ممارسات النظام السياسي، ولكن النخب السياسية تتحمل جزء من المسؤولية، فهي لم تتمكن من التواصل مع الشباب، وحاولت تغييبهم والتلاعب بهم، واتخذت مواقف تتعارض مع أحلام وطموحات غالبية المصريين، التحالفات غير المقدسة بين بعض القوى السياسية والنظام السياسي، وظهور تحالفات أخرى بين قوى من أقصى اليسار مع قوى من أقصى اليمين مع طرح شعارات سياسية خادعة ومتناقضة مع برامج هذه القوى السياسية. إضافة إلى الغرق أيضا في مستنقع الاتهامات والتخوين والإقصاء.

هناك أيضا اتجاه ثالث يتحدث عن انتفاضة صامتة يمارسها المصريون عموما، والشباب على وجه الخصوص، بعد أن أدركوا حجم الهوة التي تفصلهم عن النظام السياسي وتوجهاته السياسية من جهة، وبعد أن فهموا أيضا مدى التردي السياسي الذي غرقت فيه النحب السياسية من جهة أخرى.

لكن المفاجأة المهمة التي وردت في إشارات وتلميحات، هي أن هذه الانتخابات التي تعد الاستحقاق الثالث والأخير في خريطة الطريق، ليست فقط انتخابات برلمانية، وإنما استفتاء على مرور 16 شهرا على وجود الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسي في قمة السلطة في مصر.

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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
The Egyptian Parliamentary elections: political elites or power failure or a silent uprising?The first stage is reflected in Egyptian Parliamentary elections of State abstention, a surprise turnout of Egyptian media, and election officials.After the Parliament election 2010 in Egypt, defects that marred the voting operations at the time and was one of the causes of the events of January 25, 2011, the pace increased political attention to the unprecedented, that turnout rates and proportions of votes in a referendum on March 19, 2011, and parliamentary and presidential elections and referenda which followed, were unusual in the political life in Egypt.The third and final maturity in the road map drawn up by the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, is the parliamentary elections where turnout was very weak, so the Egyptian Government granted State employees a half-day off to go to the polls and vote for higher rates of turnout.Egyptian media felt that the Government had granted staff holiday for the whole day, they went to the polling stations, turnout rates remained unchanged. But surprisingly, the tone of the media, governmental and non-governmental (of business) surprisingly has changed and questions. After that she was talking about "the great people of Egypt," "the Egyptian people are sensible", and "people who are aware of reconciliation after the revolution of June 30", and "people who support the President, turned the talk during the second half of the Oct. 18, criticized" for people who are not aware of its interests "and" people who don't support the President "and" uninformed "people. The tone of the criticism escalated to Egyptians following the closure of the polling stations on the first day, hoping to "wake up" and regains people participate in elections, to the degree that the sponsors of "Shu" tuk tuk drivers and their military and police officers and Muslim and Christian religious men started directing sermons and fatwas launch, directing harsh words for youth who did not participate in the voting, almost.The Egyptian Parliamentary electionsThe Egyptian Parliamentary electionsCriticism and censure geared to young people. And youth in Egypt angry for his friends who were killed during the past four years, and angry for his friends who are in prison on political charges are different, "demonstrate against the Act of protest". Egyptian youth angry to injustice and justice and law, the young angry outbreak of political and administrative corruption in Egypt. Therefore, playing young people (60% of the electorate) from going to the polls and didn't mind the fatwas of Muslim and Christian clerics, or heed the news and the threats published by Government media or business on fine on those who abstain from voting.Interpretations and analyses coming on this phenomenon. Some see failure of power and the current political system, because they have not been able to bridge the gap between them and the young, and did not succeed in bringing political spectrum or establish a healthy political life can operate the political forces, the Alliance with the Salafist religious force, and restore the judgment of the codes above events of 25 January 2011, cruelty, State media and other State-owned business, which sunk in the quagmire of mistrust and accusations of treason and espionage, and employment for all who oppose or criticize the current political system.But there is a view that failure is not limited to the political system, but the political elite bore part of the responsibility, is not able to communicate with young people, I tried removing them and manipulate them, and had taken positions inconsistent with the dreams and aspirations of the majority of Egyptians, Holy alliances between certain political forces and the political system, and the emergence of other alliances between the forces of the far left with the forces of the far right put up with political slogans are deceptive and inconsistent with the political forces. In addition to drowning also mired in accusations, mistrust and alienation.There is also a third trend speaks of a silent uprising exercised by the Egyptians in General and youth in particular, having realized the size of the gap that separates them from the political system and political orientation, having understood the political deterioration, which sank when the political alnhab.But the surprise Mission received signals and hints, is that this election is the third and final maturity in the road map not only parliamentary elections, but a referendum over 16 months on the presence of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi power Summit in Egypt.Ashraf al-Sabbagh
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
Egyptian parliament elections: Power failure or political elites or silent uprising? Reflected the first phase of the Egyptian parliamentary elections, a state of abstention from voting, and falling demand in the surprise of the Egyptian media, and election officials. After the 2010 Parliament elections in Egypt, and flaws in operations at the time the ballot was one of the causes of the events of January 25, 2011, increased the pace of political attention in an unprecedented way, so much so that the proportions of the vote in a referendum March 19, 2011 turnout rates, then the parliamentary and presidential elections and referendums that followed, was unusual in the political life in Egypt. Merit third and last in the road map developed by the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, is the parliamentary elections the turnout was the very weak, to the point that the Egyptian government gave state workers a half-day holiday to go to the polling stations and vote to raise the turnout rates. Egyptian media held that the government if it had been awarded employees a holiday for the whole day, because they went to the polls, and turnout rates remain as they are. But it is surprising that the tone of governmental and non-governmental organizations and the media (of the business) changed surprisingly and questions. After that she was talking about "the great Egyptian people," and "conscious of the Egyptian people," and "people who are aware of their interests after the revolution of June 30," and "the people who support the President", he turned to talk during the second half on 18 Oct., to criticism "of the people who is not aware of his interests" and "the people who do not support the president," and "people are not conscious." And escalated the tone of criticism of the Egyptians following the closure of the polling stations on the first day, in the hope that "wake up people from slumber" and participate in the elections, to the extent that providers programs, "talk show" and their guests from military men and police and Islamic and Christian religions began in directing religious sermons, and the launch Fatawa , directing harsh words for young people who almost did not participate in the voting. The Egyptian parliamentary elections, the Egyptian parliamentary elections criticism and censure geared specifically to young people. And young people in Egypt angry for his friends who were killed during the past four years, and angry for his friends who are in different jails on political charges, on top of "pretending to demonstrate against the law." Egyptian youth angry for the absence of justice, justice, law, young people angry to outbreaks of political and administrative corruption in Egypt. Therefore young Playing (60% of the electorate) from going to the polling stations, and did not care about the fatwas of Muslim men and Christian religion, or shrugged off the news and threats published by the government or of the business and the media on the financial penalty on those who abstain from voting. Interpretations and analyzes coming in on this phenomenon. Some see a failure of the authority of the current political system, because they have been unable to bridge the gap between them and the young, and did not succeed in reuniting the political spectrum or the establishment of a healthy political life can work where the political forces, and the alliance with the Salafist religious forces, and re-provision that already the events of 25 symbols in January 2011, and the brutality of the state media, and other owned business, which sank in the quagmire of mistrust and accusations employment and treason and espionage for each of the opposed or criticized the current political system. But there are those who believe that also the failure is not limited to the political system practices, but the political elites bear part of the responsibility, they are not able to communicate with young people, and tried to Ngyibhm and manipulate them, and taken positions inconsistent with the dreams and aspirations of the majority of Egyptians, alliances is sacred among some political forces and the political system, and the emergence of other alliances between the forces of the far left with the forces of the far right With the introduction of deceptive and contradictory political slogans with programs such political forces. In addition to also drowning in the quagmire of accusations, mistrust and exclusion. There is also the direction of the third speaks of silent uprising practiced by the Egyptians in general, and young people in particular, having realized the size of the gap that separates them from the political system and political orientations on the one hand, and after that also understood the extent of the political deterioration, which It sank the political gasp on the other. But the task of surprise contained in the signals and hints, is that these elections, which is the maturity third and last in the road map, is not only a parliamentary election, but a referendum on the passage of 16 months on the presence of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi at the pinnacle of power in Egypt. Ashraf pigment

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
Cult, and symbols of the judgment Wtwhsh preceded the events of January 25, 2011, the state media, and other business owned, which were mired in mistrust and accusations the employment of treason and espionage for both opposes and criticizesElections to the parliament of Egypt: the failure of the political elites, or the silent?

Reversed phase first in Egypt's parliamentary elections to vote, the turnout in the surprise of the Egyptian media, election officials.

The parliamentary and presidential elections and referendums that followed, were unusual in the political life in Egypt.After the 2010 parliamentary elections in Egypt, and in the voting at that time and was one of the causes of the events of January 25, 2011, increased frequency of unprecedented political attention and so the rates of turnout and vote in a referendum on March 19, 2011, and thenThe third and final maturity in the road map established by the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al Sisi, is the parliament election, where turnout was extremely low, so much so that the Egyptian government granted the employees in state for a half days off.At polling stations and vote to raise the rates of uptake.

the Egyptian media and found that the government had granted employees holiday for a whole day, they went to the polls, and rates of uptake..

But, surprisingly, that the tone of business media (governmental and non-governmental) changed in surprising and queries.Interest "," the people who does not support the president "and" non conscious people ".After talking about the great people of Egypt, "the Egyptian people's conscious", and "the people who understand its interests after the June 30 revolution." and the people who support President ", turned the talk during the second day of October 18, criticized the people who don'tThey started to extend religious sermons, and opinions, and harsh words to young people who did not participate in the voting process.

the Egyptian parliamentary elections, Egypt's parliamentary elections the criticism and censure were directed specifically to young people.The angry youth in Egypt for his friends who were killed during the past two years, angry to his friends in prison on political charges are different, existing on its head ". Protests against the demonstrations."Egyptian youth, youth angry angry, lack of fairness and justice, law and widespread political and administrative corruption in Egypt.Therefore, playing the young (60% of voters go to the polls), and did not pay attention to advisory opinions of the Muslim and Christian clergy, and Ybalwa news and published by the state media or for business on the fineFor those who abstain from voting.Criticism of Egyptian and tone following the close of polls in first, hoping to "wake up people from its slumber" takes part in the election, so much so that sponsors the software "talk show guests - Army, police and Islamic religious

interpretations and analysis flow of the phenomenon.Some people see failure of power and political system, because they were unable to bridge the gap between them and the young, and did not succeed in bringing together the political spectrum or a life health policy can work in political power, and with power.The current political.

Cult, and symbols of the judgment Wtwhsh preceded the events of January 25, 2011, the state media, and other business owned, which were mired in mistrust and accusations the employment of treason and espionage for both opposes and criticizesHowever, it is considered that the failure is also not limited to the practice of political system, political elites, however, bear part of the responsibility, is not able to communicate with young people, Tghyybhm tried to manipulate them, and took positions against the aspirations and dreamsIn addition to sinking too mired in allegations and accusations of treason and exclusion.

The Egyptians, holy alliance between political power and political system, and the other alliances between the forces of the far left with the forces of the far right with the logos. The deceptive political and inconsistent with those of these political forces.The political Alnhb.There is also another trend about the silent uprising by the Egyptians in general and young people in particular, having realized the size of the gap that separates people from the political system and politics on the one hand, having understood the political deterioration

The task presented in references and hints, but the surprise is that this election that maturity is the third and final road map, not only in the parliamentary elections, but a referendum on the passage of 16 months of President Abdel Fattah al sisiPower in Egypt.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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