The order to refuse the admittance of Ypsilantis’ rebels certainly put ترجمة - The order to refuse the admittance of Ypsilantis’ rebels certainly put العربية كيف أقول

The order to refuse the admittance

The order to refuse the admittance of Ypsilantis’ rebels certainly put Sabaneev and
Inzov, who were noted for their sympathy towards the Balkan Christians, in a difficult
position.(41) When the first reported instance of an attempt by rebels to enter Bessarabia
arose in April, both did their best to persuade Wittgenstein to admit them. Sabaneev wrote
of three armed rebels who were requesting refuge. He accepted that Wittgenstein’s
instructions of 26 March OS forbade the acceptance of revolutionaries, but pointed to a
supposedly contradictory instruction in the same order by which Balkan refugees were to be
accepted ‘in order to save their lives’.(42) Wittgenstein’s reply was non-committal. It
made no mention of the case in hand and gave only an abstract formula. All rebels
‘especially the leading ones and those who are armed’ are not to be accepted but that
‘private persons are to be accepted without discrimination as we have no means of
establishing with accuracy which of them participated in the revolt’.(43) Sabaneev
interpreted these instructions as permitting the acceptance of the rebels.(44) In May,
Sabaneev received a further request for sanctuary from 300 rebels. He declared his
readiness to grant it in the event of ‘necessity’, that is in order to save their lives. He,
however, set down two preconditions; the rebels had to ‘firstly, lay down their weapons
and, secondly, submit themselves to our cordon guards and remain there’.(45) Sabaneev
understood that as long as the rebels disarmed and caused no trouble in Russian territory he
could justify their admittance on the grounds of saving their fives. Thus of the many
thousands of refugees accepted by the Second Army between March and November 1821
there is little doubt that this number included many rebels.(46)
Whilst the military authorities in Bessarabia were dealing with the practical
problems of the influx of refugees, Russia’s diplomats in the capital were deciding the
question of war or peace. Alexander’s initial hostility to the Greek revolt had by the end of
April been greatly reduced. For following the spread of the revolution from the
Principalities to the Morea on 25 March OS, the Porte began exacting reprisals on its
Christian population with an ever-increasing barbarity. Its army ravaged the Principalities
whilst in the capital the Greek Patriarch Gregory V was executed and many Orthodox
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
The order to refuse the admittance of Ypsilantis’ rebels certainly put Sabaneev andInzov, who were noted for their sympathy towards the Balkan Christians, in a difficultposition.(41) When the first reported instance of an attempt by rebels to enter Bessarabiaarose in April, both did their best to persuade Wittgenstein to admit them. Sabaneev wroteof three armed rebels who were requesting refuge. He accepted that Wittgenstein’sinstructions of 26 March OS forbade the acceptance of revolutionaries, but pointed to asupposedly contradictory instruction in the same order by which Balkan refugees were to beaccepted ‘in order to save their lives’.(42) Wittgenstein’s reply was non-committal. Itmade no mention of the case in hand and gave only an abstract formula. All rebels‘especially the leading ones and those who are armed’ are not to be accepted but that‘private persons are to be accepted without discrimination as we have no means ofestablishing with accuracy which of them participated in the revolt’.(43) Sabaneevinterpreted these instructions as permitting the acceptance of the rebels.(44) In May,Sabaneev received a further request for sanctuary from 300 rebels. He declared hisreadiness to grant it in the event of ‘necessity’, that is in order to save their lives. He,however, set down two preconditions; the rebels had to ‘firstly, lay down their weaponsand, secondly, submit themselves to our cordon guards and remain there’.(45) Sabaneevunderstood that as long as the rebels disarmed and caused no trouble in Russian territory hecould justify their admittance on the grounds of saving their fives. Thus of the manythousands of refugees accepted by the Second Army between March and November 1821there is little doubt that this number included many rebels.(46)Whilst the military authorities in Bessarabia were dealing with the practicalproblems of the influx of refugees, Russia’s diplomats in the capital were deciding thequestion of war or peace. Alexander’s initial hostility to the Greek revolt had by the end ofApril been greatly reduced. For following the spread of the revolution from thePrincipalities to the Morea on 25 March OS, the Porte began exacting reprisals on itsChristian population with an ever-increasing barbarity. Its army ravaged the Principalitieswhilst in the capital the Greek Patriarch Gregory V was executed and many Orthodox
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 3:[نسخ]
من أجل رفض قبول ypsilantis الثوار بالتأكيد وضع sabaneev وinzov الذين تم التنويه عن تعاطفهم تجاه المسيحيين في البلقان، في وضع صعبالموقف. (٤١) عند أول حادثة محاولة المتمردين الدخول بيسارابيانشأ في نيسان / أبريل، فعلت ما بوسعها من أجل اقناع فيتجنشتاين to admit them.sabaneev كتبثلاثة من المتمردين المسلحين الذين يطلبون اللجوء.وقال إنه يقبل أن فيتجنشتاينتعليمات من 26 آذار / مارس نظام التشغيل يمنع قبول الثوار ولكنهم أشاروا إلىيفترض تعليمات متناقضة في نفس الترتيب الذي في البلقان اللاجئين يتمقبلت 'من أجل إنقاذ حياتها. (42) رد فيتجنشتاين كان مختفي.ومنلم يأت على ذكر القضية في يد ولا قدم إلا صيغة مجردة.جميع الثوارخصوصا القيادية منها المسلحين الذين يعملون 'لا تقبل إلا أنالأشخاص العاديين أن تكون مقبولة دون تمييز وليس لدينا اي وسيلةوضع معها الدقة التي شاركت في الثورة '. (43) sabaneevتفسر هذه التعليمات تجيز قبول المتمردين. (44) وفي أيار / مايو،sabaneev تلقت طلبا آخر ملاذ من 300 متمرد.أعلن صاحبالاستعداد لمنح هذا في حالة الضرورة '، من أجل إنقاذ حياتهم.هو،ومع ذلك، قد حددت شرطين أساسيين؛ للثوار 'أولا، أسلحتهاوثانيا، تقديم أنفسهم إلى كردون الحراس و البقاء هناك ". (45) sabaneevمن المفهوم أن طالما الثوار سلاحهم ولا تسبب أي مشاكل في الأراضي الروسية هوهل يمكن تبرير توظيفهم على أساس توفير خمسات.وهكذا الكثيرالآلاف من اللاجئين الذين قبلتهم الجيش الثاني في الفترة ما بين آذار / مارس وتشرين الثاني / نوفمبر 1821ليس هناك شك في أن هذا العدد يشمل العديد من المتمردين (46).بينما السلطات العسكرية في بيسارابيا كانت تتعامل مع العمليةمشاكل تدفق اللاجئين، روسيا دبلوماسيين في العاصمة قررتمسألة الحرب أو السلام.ألكسندر الأول معاداة الثورة اليونانية قبل نهايةنيسان / أبريل انخفاضا كبيرا.بعد انتشار الثورة منإمارات إلى مورا في 25 آذار / مارس السراج، بورت بدأت انتزاع الانتقام علىتعداد المسيحيين مع تزايد وحشية.جيشها اجتاحت إماراتبينما في العاصمة اليونانية البطريرك غريغوريوس الخامس نُفذ العديد من المستند
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
لغات أخرى
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