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Baran 30 years
greetings From Turkey, Sir This letter might surprise you because we have met neither in personal nor by correspondence but I believe that it takes just one day to meet or know someone either physically or through correspondence. I got your contact through my personal search. I am the foreign operations director of Bank of Turkey. My name is Mr,Kim Baran Balsan.I have a sensitive and private offer from the top executive to seek your partnership in re-profiling some offshore investment funds worth 11.5M U.S.D (Eleven Million five hundred thousand United States Dollars) I am constrained however to withhold most of the details for now.This is a legitimate transaction.If you are interested and willing to render your assistance please respond back to me via my private email address here. kimbaranbalsan12 at hot Note i am not often here in this site because of my work, I look forward to your urgent response . Best regards, Mr,Kim Baran Balsan