This study investigated students’ perception of self
efficacy and anxiety in acquiring English language, and consequently
examined the relationship existing among the independent variables,
confounding variables and students’ performances in the English
language. The researcher tested the research hypotheses using a
sample group of 318 respondents out of the population size of 400
students. The results obtained revealed that there was a significant
moderate negative relationship between English language anxiety
and performance in English language, but no significant relationship
between self-efficacy and English language performance, among the
middle-school students. There was a significant moderate negative
relationship between English language anxiety and self-efficacy. It
was discovered that general self-efficacy and English language
anxiety represented a significantly more powerful set of predictors
than the set of confounding variables. Thus, the study concluded that
English language anxiety and general self-efficacy were significant
predictors of English language performance among middle-school
students in Satri Si Suriyothai School