What are your predictions for the upcoming arc? Here are mine:
- Mutsuki will get captured and probably suffer the same fate as Kaneki did when he was captured by Aogiri. Her backstory will likely be shown and she will end up becoming Shironeki 2.0. If that does happen, then Torso will likely die.
- We'll likely be able to see Ayumu's face. She will either be extraordinarily beautiful, super kawaii, decent-looking, or hideously ugly.
- The upcoming battle will be a bloodbath of epic proportions. It'll make the Tsukiyama family extermination mission look like two high school girls fighting by pulling each other's hair out.
- CCG will likely face off againt a small army or an elite squad of Aogiri's quinxes/ ghoul zombies from Kanou's experiments. They will likely use the kagunes of Gagi, Guge, and Shirazu.
- Houji will either confront Tatara or Seidou. Given his fire symbolism and some reference from Root A, Tatara will either have a bikaku kagune and a full kakuja that allows him to turn into a dragon with fire properties or a chimera kagune consisting of a bikaku kagune and an ukaku kagune that shoots fire (or shards that spontaneously combust). Either way, expect an insanely epic fight, unless Ishida decides to troll and have him killed unclimatically.
- If Akira is part of the mission, then she will be the one to likely confront Seidou. Given that over a year has passed, Seidou will probably have a full kakuja or an evolved kagune.
- If the theories about Shikorae turning out to Rio are true, then the CCG will be in big trouble.
- Mougan will likely die in the upcoming battle. Some animes will have this one, Gar and friendly character, so that they will kill them off. He'll likely go out like a boss and be CCG's MVP for the upcoming mission (IMO, Shirazu was CCG's MVP during the previous mission).
- Ayato has a decent chance of surviving. A year has passed, so he is likely even stronger than he was during the auction arc.
- Amon will probably show up during the climax.