in your reply to Ela you said almost no body on forum point out how sensitive is jalal visit to temple...forget about matha is out of Q in islam...
the main pillar of ISLAm is ONENESS Of GOD...nobody even prophey Mohammad is not eleigible to this status... islam forbid strictly idol worship, animal, human aag, suraj, nothing...only 1 GOD...
one can not imagin how dangerous is this...nor i think AKBAR did this on his life ...but how can i mention this on this forum...
joke of the day... you mentioned in this post n previous post that
the invitation should be sent to udhai singh the preeent mahrana of mevar... and than may be he could decide that from his behalf... MP will attend the wedding
how could bharmal received MP while he is not even crown prince and jalal is shahnsha...high king of amer and son in law of