وعلى حين غرة وبعد تغير الفريق السابق بداء العمل من الصفر ولم يلمس أي ت ترجمة - وعلى حين غرة وبعد تغير الفريق السابق بداء العمل من الصفر ولم يلمس أي ت الإنجليزية كيف أقول

وعلى حين غرة وبعد تغير الفريق الساب

وعلى حين غرة وبعد تغير الفريق السابق بداء العمل من الصفر ولم يلمس أي تقدم يذكر في العام 2015م , حيث أن أكثر من عمل عُلق وأكثر من مهمة أنسانية تم التقاعس عنها. أو التحجج بأن الرنامج لم يحين وقته ,
أذا كان العمل الأنساني في السجن يستمر بأي حال من الأحوال فكيف بالمرض المعدي أو أنتشار مرض معدي ويلزم القيام بالعمل والتعاون كما سبق فيكون الجواب أنه لم يدخل في البرنامج وسوف يبدء العمل مع ذلك الشهر المقبل " هذا ما أجابب=ني به طبيب اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر حينها" وقد أشعرت رئيس اللجنة في اليمن وقتها وكذلك المسؤول على الرعاية الصحية في جنيف الدكتور رائد بالأمر ...

كما قلنا يأتي جديد فلتبدء كل شيء من جديد أي عمل مؤسسي هذا وبحجم اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر أليس من المتعارف عليه أن الفريق الذي ينجز عمل ما ويغادر فأنه يأتي الفريق الذي بعده ويكمل أم أنه يتحتم عليه أن يبدء من الصفر ولا يولي أي أهتمام لما تم أنجازه أو أحرازه من قبل حيث لمسنا ذلك أكثر من مرة.

كذلك عملها أصبح في الأونة الأخيرة غير مفهوم حيث تعمل بشكل لا يتوافق مع ما عرف به عن اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر.
معاناة سجناء وتوجيه مناشدة إلى إلى اللجنة عبر الطبيب في اللجنة والذي يبدؤ أنه تم تخرجه من الجامعة وارساله إلى اليمن , مما يشعرك بأنه لم يدرب جيدا ويعد بشكل يتوافق والمهمة التي أرسل لها.
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النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
And by surprise after the change of the former group for work from scratch and haven't seen any significant progress in the year 2015, so that most of the work was suspended and more humanitarian mission had been a failure. Or the argument that the program was not until such time, If humanitarian work in prison continues in any way how infectious disease or contagious disease, and work needs to be done and co-operation as mentioned above, the answer is that it did not enter into the program and will begin work next month with "agabb = NI by doctor International Committee of the Red Cross" has notified the Chairman of the Committee in Yemen and also health care administrator in Geneva Dr pilot ...As we have come to a new فلتبدء everything again any business founders and the size of the International Committee of the Red Cross isn't it axiomatic that the team that accomplished something and leave it comes after the group completes or is it imperative for him to start from scratch and do not pay any attention to what has been done or made by where we saw it more than once.As well as its recently become incomprehensible where work does not conform to what is known as the International Committee of the Red Cross.The suffering of the prisoners and to appeal to the Commission through the Committee and who the doctor يبدؤ he was graduating from the University and sent to Yemen, which makes you feel that he has not trained well and is consistent and important email.
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
All of a sudden change after former team work from scratch disease and did not touch any significant progress in 2015, as most of the work and commented more than a humanitarian mission failure was reported. Or argue that Alr.s. not until such time,
if humanitarian work in the prison continue in any case, how the disease contagious or spread of infectious disease and the need to do the work and cooperation as previously answer shall be that he did not enter in the program and will begin the work with it next month. "That's what Ojabb = ne by a doctor of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) then "has notified the Chairman of the Committee in Yemen at the time, as well as in charge of health care in Geneva Dr. Raed thing ... As we have said new come Feltbde everything again any work of the founders of this and the size of the International Committee of the Red Cross is not it accepted that the team that performs the work of what he leaves it the team that after the supplements or that it is imperative that starts from scratch and not pay any attention to what has been done or achieved by where we have seen that most of the time comes. as well as its work has recently become incomprehensible where work does not conform to what was known by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). suffering of prisoners and an appeal to the Commission through the doctor in the Committee and who starts to have been graduating from college and send it to Yemen, which makes you feel that he has not trained well and is in line and the task that sent her.

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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