This one is a very important and NOTEWORTHY point.
The Belgian author, Dirk Colier, who researched on Akbar for 7 years. He has mentioned something interesting about Akbar and Mariam-Uz-Zamani in his recent book on Akbar launched in 2011.
He maintains, as per historical records which he found during his research, there are records which say that Akbar OFTEN had long talks with his Hindu Queen, Mariam-Uz-Zamani, about her Trade activities. She was the Princess of Amber, the daughter of Raja Bharmal.
This was a NEW fascinating information, which i got to know about HER, as i was not aware earlier, that there are documented records which mention about talks of Akbar with MUZ, on her trade. I am trying to get my hands at such records, but not successful till now. Will post when/if i get them. :)