// 9.7
'admin_check_34' => "'Online' and 'Offline' user statuses are enabled. This feature increases the number of queries to the database from the script. Go to Script Settings » Database Queries Optimization to disable this setting.",
// 9.7
// 9.4
'admin_check_1' => "This section is used for Script Settings and User Group Settings analysis. According to results of the analysis, you get recommendations on how to disable or change various settings to reduce the server load. In the red field you can find guidelines that help to significantly reduce the load. Guidelines for the medium load reduction are in the blue field. In the green are the recommendations that allow you to slightly reduce the server load.",
'admin_check_2' => "Your settings are optimized for Maximum Performance.",
'admin_check_3' => "WYSIWYG editor is enabled in your Script Settings. This editor is heavy, and it slows down the pages loading as well as increases the amount of used traffic. It is recommended to disable WYSIWYG editor for news and comments.",
'admin_check_4' => "You have enabled to show news from subcategories when reading news from parent categories. This setting produces a more complicated publications selection in the database and uses complicated queries. Go to Script Settings » News Output Settings to disable this setting.",
'admin_check_5' => "You are allowed to rate publications in article annotations. This setting allows to rate a news article without showing the full article. Users will be able to rate several news articles from one page. Some users could increase the database load by doing this. Go to Script Settings » News Output Settings to disable this setting.",
'admin_check_6' => "You have enabled comments for published news. This capability allows to comment news, show comments, and add comments, but it also uses additional queries to the database, thus increasing the database load. Go to Script Settings » Comment Settings to disable this setting.",
'admin_check_7' => "You have enabled Gzip compression for HTML pages. This feature allows to save users’ traffic but increases the server CPU load. It is recommended to disable this setting if your server’s CPU load is high. Go to Script Settings » Database Queries Optimization to disable this setting.",
'admin_check_8' => "You have enabled Gzip compression for JS files. This capability allows to comment news, show comments, and add comments, but it also uses additional queries to the database, thus increasing the database load. Go to Script Settings » Comment Settings to disable this setting.",
'admin_check_9' => "Full-text information search is enabled in Script Settings. This type of search increases the database load greatly when it is used on websites with large databases. Go to Script Settings » Database Queries Optimization to disable this setting.",
'admin_check_10' => "You have enabled live search in Script Settings. This type of search performs frequent queries to the database as user types the text in the search field. It increases the database load significantly. Go to Script Settings » Database Queries Optimization to disable this setting.",
'admin_check_11' => "You have enabled registration and authorization on the website. This feature increases the number of queries to the database from the script. Go to Script Settings » Database Queries Optimization to disable this setting.",
'admin_check_12' => "You have enabled caching functions on the website. Script performs frequent queries to the database when this feature is disabled, thus increasing the server load. Go to Script Settings » Database Queries Optimization to disable this setting.",
'admin_check_13' => "You have enabled multicategories on the website. This feature allows to publish one news article in several categories at one time. However, the script is sending complicated queries to the database when posting news, thus increasing the database load significantly. Go to Script Settings » Database Queries Optimization to disable this setting.",
'admin_check_14' => "You have allowed to show news with the same content. This feature complicates queries to the database to search for a needed data, thus increasing the database load. Go to Script Settings » Database Queries Optimization to disable this setting.",
'admin_check_15' => "This feature allows to publish an article on a date that has not come yet. It allows to pre-add news that will appear on the site at the set time. However, this option uses more complicated algorithms of the news selection from the database when they are shown on the website. It increases the database load. Go to Script Settings » Database Queries Optimization to disable this setting.",
'admin_check_16' => "News fixation is enabled in your Script Settings. It allows to show specific articles