During my progress of learning to live a drug and alcohol free lifestyle I was invited to "find a higher power" in the Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous meeting rooms. While the one predominately easy to "find" - was the God of the Christian belief (heck meetings ended in the Lords Prayer), it was not within the realm of Christianity I found my peace. It was within the lifestyle and knowledge of Islam. I began to learn how to live, how to love and how to be content without the reliance on any substance.
And from this knowledge I have found thus far, it is my deepest desire (insha'allah) to not only be the best parent to my son and stepdaughter, husband and person I can - but to study Islam in a serious manner (as well as Arabic) so I can eventually move forward to help others find the same peace.
I have already been accepted into a program beginning my courses in Sept (I previously understood it to be May but have "early bird access" currently) - for a 2 year 5 month program in Intensive Arabic (Through the Islamic Online University). Insha'allah to be followed by more specialized Islamic Studies programs, the tajweed being my likely "next choice".
Luckily the school is an online one allowing me to work. For the last 10-11 years of my life I've worked in most areas of the car business - most recently as the Fast Lane Manager / Fleet Service Manager on the service side of the business. Unfortunately, and the reason this gofundme account exists is as of April 21st I am under doctors orders to not be working for 3 months (due to sick leave for a number of health concerns from weight loss in excess of 40-45 lbs in a 5 month period, to low iron, to what was deemed a "mental breakdown" and high levels of stress and anxiety). With my pay structure that means I don't expect a paycheque until Sept 15th (aside from what I may make in the last 9 days of July - if the work is finished and paid for before July 31st)