her a doctor!" Shu Weng ordered Ruolan in panic.
Without thinking much, Ruolan went out to find a doctor. A??er some time, the
doctor came then checked on her while the others anxiously waiting for the
result. A??er the doctor finished analysing his patient, they were informed that
her illness had reached to her limit and her body condition was very weak to the
point of vomiting blood.
Shu Xiaofan face was already pale ever since the beginning she saw her ill
condition. She was feeling distressed since her one and only scapegoat had
fallen ill thus put her situation on the edge. "What shall we do? What shall we
do??" Murmured the young mistress as she paced back and forth[2], feeling
anxious about her future. Thinking the fact that tomorrow was the due, her
heart was pressured and grew impatient. She turned her body to face her
servant and ordered him; her tone was full of anxiety. "Ruolan! Go and find
someone who can replace Jiao Ju now! NOW!"
"But..." Ruolan hesitated.
"But what?! We are running out of time! The due is on tomorrow and she has to
move this a??ernoon!"
"The problem is, how can we find any scapegoat in a short period of time? Even
both of you had a hard time to find Jiao Ju." The mother interrupted them.
A moment of silence.
Shu Weng sighed in distress as he rubbed his temple. "Things has become like
this, Xiaofan ah... It seems like you have to..."
"NO!! Father, even if I have to be struck by lightning, never in my life will I go!"
The young mistress's disapproved voice rang through the small room as her
eyes were filled with objection mixed with depression.
The old pairs only shook their head in displeasure by her reply, but the father
was able to maintain his cool. In a calm tone he asked: "Then, do you have any
'brilliant' idea to solve this matter?"
Shu Xiaofan was dumbfounded, her brows puckered in a frown and her lips
pursed in frustration. She turned her head to meet the young servant beside her
only to see him staring at her with a troubled expression. She became even
more distress by just looking at his face then sighed loudly in despair. If only... If
only her servant was a girl, she will not hesitate to send for him. Ahhhhhhh!!
She was all doomed!
A??er been thinking hard for a while, she finally came up with an idea. Although
it sounded ridiculous to others but to her, it was her one and only last chance to
escape from calamity. Shu Xiaofan heaved a heavy sigh; her big and round eyes
shot her servant with full of hope. In a clear and serious tone she asked:
"Ruolan, can you replace me instead?"
[1] Had his one's heart in one's mouth: to feel strongly emotional about
someone or something.
[2] Paced back and forth: to walk over and over the same short route nervously
or anxiously
End of Chapter 2