Pragya finds abhi sitting sullenly, with his back towards the door, an ترجمة - Pragya finds abhi sitting sullenly, with his back towards the door, an العربية كيف أقول

Pragya finds abhi sitting sullenly,

Pragya finds abhi sitting sullenly, with his back towards the door, and progresses inside hesitantly. she places a hand on his shoulder. he is disturbed. she asks him to listen once. he asks why is she here. she says that she wishes to say something. he asks whats left to be heard or said, and asks if what happened downstairs wasnt enough. she asks him to listen to her once. he asks why should he, as if what he did after hearing to her wasnt enough insulting. he asks why she did so, and that she has enemity with tani, which is understandable, but what enemity she has with him. she asks how can he even suggest that. he asks how could she not think what he shall go through, as he called his own child illegitimate and bad blood, thinking that
it belongs to someone else. she tries to talk to him, but he shuts her up, asking her to merely listen and not say a word. he asks if she actually cares for her, as she doesnt, and she is highly selfish and thinks only for herself and her bright future, and she is ready to risk his child’s future for hers. he says that he cant imagine she could do it, as she isnt what he thought she is, as she could have sacrificed her happiness, but she doesnt care for relations, who only knows how to torture people, and since she cares little, then he too doesnt want to bear any relation with her. she is shocked and asks whats he saying, as she is his wife, and why would she mean his harm. he asks what if she is the wife, he wouldnt act as a puppet and comply to everything she says, without reasoning. he says that she misued her status as his wife, and hence he ends all relations with her today, be it marriage, friendship, professional or any other. she is aghast. he says that she had given him fake divorce papers, but he shall present her real ones, with signatures. she is aghast and distraught as he hastily walks out. she is then jerked into reality, and understands that she has been dreaming this sequences and is still standing out only. she is thankful that it was just a dream but thinks what if it becomes a reality and if she talks right now, he might just call off every relation, and hence she needs to talk to someone else, instead of him. she leaves from there. he turns around instinctively, and then goes out, wondering why he felt pragya was here, and maybe he still loves her only, and hence misses her. he fervently wishes that she had talked to him, and vice versa so that they could have cleared the confusion as to why she feels tanu’s child isnt his. he paces around nervously, thinking that he cant remember when they made love, and never doubted tanu, since she told him but maybe there is sense in what pragya says, because there were two DNA certificates, and that too on the same day, from the same doctor and in the same hospital, and if its pragya’s friend, who turned her foe now. he decides to find for himself whats the truth, instead of speculating.

MEanwhile, Granny talks with the boys, as to how
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
براجيا يرى abhi يجلس سولينلي، مع ظهره نحو الباب، وتقدم داخل تردد. وقالت أنها يضع يده على كتفه. تشعر بالانزعاج. وقالت أنها يطلب منه أن يستمع مرة واحدة. ويسأل لماذا هنا. وتقول أنها تود أن تقول شيئا. أنه يسأل ماذا يكون ترك سمعت أو قال، ويسأل إذا ما حدث الطابق السفلي لم يكن كافياً. وقالت أنها يطلب منه أن الاستماع لها مرة واحدة. ويسأل لماذا ينبغي أنه، كما لو كان ما فعله بعد الاستماع لها لم يكن يكفي إهانة. ويسأل لماذا فعلت ذلك، وقالت أنها قد انيميتي مع تاني، هو أمر مفهوم، ولكن ما هي انيميتي لديها معه. سألت كيف يمكن أنه حتى توحي بأن. ويسأل كيف يمكن أن لا تفكر ما يجوز الذهاب من خلال، كما دعا بلده الأطفال غير الشرعيين والدم سيئة، والتفكير في أنit belongs to someone else. she tries to talk to him, but he shuts her up, asking her to merely listen and not say a word. he asks if she actually cares for her, as she doesnt, and she is highly selfish and thinks only for herself and her bright future, and she is ready to risk his child’s future for hers. he says that he cant imagine she could do it, as she isnt what he thought she is, as she could have sacrificed her happiness, but she doesnt care for relations, who only knows how to torture people, and since she cares little, then he too doesnt want to bear any relation with her. she is shocked and asks whats he saying, as she is his wife, and why would she mean his harm. he asks what if she is the wife, he wouldnt act as a puppet and comply to everything she says, without reasoning. he says that she misued her status as his wife, and hence he ends all relations with her today, be it marriage, friendship, professional or any other. she is aghast. he says that she had given him fake divorce papers, but he shall present her real ones, with signatures. she is aghast and distraught as he hastily walks out. she is then jerked into reality, and understands that she has been dreaming this sequences and is still standing out only. she is thankful that it was just a dream but thinks what if it becomes a reality and if she talks right now, he might just call off every relation, and hence she needs to talk to someone else, instead of him. she leaves from there. he turns around instinctively, and then goes out, wondering why he felt pragya was here, and maybe he still loves her only, and hence misses her. he fervently wishes that she had talked to him, and vice versa so that they could have cleared the confusion as to why she feels tanu’s child isnt his. he paces around nervously, thinking that he cant remember when they made love, and never doubted tanu, since she told him but maybe there is sense in what pragya says, because there were two DNA certificates, and that too on the same day, from the same doctor and in the same hospital, and if its pragya’s friend, who turned her foe now. he decides to find for himself whats the truth, instead of speculating.MEanwhile, Granny talks with the boys, as to how
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
يجد براجيا أبهي جالسين متجهم، وظهره نحو الباب، ويتقدم داخل بتردد. انها يضع يده على كتفه. انه تشعر بالانزعاج. تسأله للاستماع مرة واحدة. يسأل لماذا هل هي هنا. تقول إنها تود أن تقول شيئا. يسأل ماذا يكون تركت لسماعهم أو قال، ويسأل إذا كان ما حدث في الطابق السفلي لم يكن كافيا. تسأله الاستماع إليها مرة واحدة. يسأل لماذا ينبغي قوله، وكأن ما فعله بعد سماع لاسنت لها ما يكفي إهانة. يسأل لماذا فعلت ذلك، والتي لديها enemity مع تاني، وهو أمر مفهوم، ولكن ما enemity لديها معه. تتساءل كيف يمكن أن تشير حتى ذلك. يسأل كيف يمكن لانها لا أعتقد أن ما يتعين عليه أن يذهب من خلال، كما دعا طفلته الدم غير شرعي وسيئة، ويعتقد أنه
كان ينتمي إلى شخص آخر. تحاول التحدث معه، لكنه يغلق لها حتى، يسألها لمجرد الاستماع ولا يقل كلمة واحدة. يسأل إذا كانت يهتم فعلا بالنسبة لها، كما هي لا، وأنها أنانية للغاية ويفكر فقط لنفسها ولها مستقبل مشرق، وانها مستعدة للمخاطرة مستقبل ولده لراتبها. ويقول انه غير قادر على تصور أنها يمكن أن تفعل ذلك، لأنها إيسنت ما كان يعتقد أنها، كما أنها يمكن أن ضحوا سعادتها، ولكن هي لا الرعاية للعلاقات، الذي يعرف فقط كيفية تعذيب الناس، ومنذ أن يهتم قليلا، ثم يريد دوسنت جدا لتحمل أي علاقة معها. انها صدمت ويسأل ما هو القول، كما أنها زوجته، وماذا كانت تعني ضرر له. يسأل ما إذا كانت زوجة، وقال انه لن يكون بمثابة دمية والامتثال إلى كل ما تقول، من دون تفكير. يقول أنها misued الوضع كزوجة له، وبالتالي انتهى به جميع العلاقات معها اليوم، سواء كان ذلك الزواج، والصداقة، والمهنية أو أي دولة أخرى. هي مذعور. يقول أنها قد أعطاه أوراق الطلاق وهمية، لكنه يجب تقديم تلك لها حقيقية، مع التوقيعات. هي مذعور وذهول وهو يمشي على عجل. وقالت انها ثم قريد إلى واقع ملموس، ويدرك أنها قد يحلم هذا تسلسل ولا يزال يقف خارجا فقط. هي شاكرة لأنه كان مجرد حلم ولكن يعتقد ما إذا أصبح حقيقة واقعة، وإذا تحدثت الآن، وقال انه قد يطلق قبالة كل علاقة، وبالتالي هي بحاجة إلى التحدث مع شخص آخر، بدلا منه. تغادر من هناك. استدار غريزي، ثم يخرج، ويتساءل لماذا شعر انه براجيا هنا، وربما كان لا يزال يحبها فقط، وبالتالي يفتقد لها. كان يرغب بشدة أن كانت قد تحدثت معه، والعكس بالعكس، بحيث يمكن أن يكون مسح الارتباك لماذا أنها تشعر الطفل TANU في إيسنت له. انه يسرن بخطوات سريعة نحو بعصبية، والتفكير بأنه غير قادر على تذكر عندما جعلوا الحب، ولم يشك TANU، منذ أن قال له ولكن ربما كان هناك شعور في ما يقول براجيا، لأن هناك شهادتين الحمض النووي، وذلك أيضا في نفس اليوم، من نفس الطبيب وفي نفس المستشفى، وإذا صديق براجيا لها، والذي تحول عدو لها الآن. قرر أن يجد لنفسه ما الحقيقة، بدلا من المضاربة. وفي الوقت نفسه، محادثات الجدة مع الأولاد، وكيفية

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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