Didn't really care about the rest of the part with Touka part because I know her plot armor was going to save her anyways
So much butthurt in one post. You know Arima has no plans of killing them and Eto, a SSS ghoul, was meant to save their asses. Their escape from the supposed danger situation is completely justified. Even after all this, you're still insisting on the plot armor? You are special one. Go look up the definition of plot armor.
All Eto did was stopping the splatting thing (ghoul disposer / whatever) from stopping their escape. Never mind they fought Arima and multiple Special Class investigators without actually losing any one of them.
Although it could be said Arima let them live because he cared about Kaneki, you really can't deny Ishida insists on letting them live because he still needs them for the plot, or because some of the fans care too much about them.
For all that, it's still 50/50 for me if Eto is actually dead or not. She probabsy is, but I really don't want her to be killed of screen like that. She's too interesting of a character.