2250-8493-1614-6/05/$0.00+$1.50© 2005 by CRC Press LLC17Haploid Cultur ترجمة - 2250-8493-1614-6/05/$0.00+$1.50© 2005 by CRC Press LLC17Haploid Cultur العربية كيف أقول

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© 2005 by CRC Press LLC
Haploid Cultures
Sandra M. Reed
17 C
• Haploids may be produced from male gametophytes (androgenesis) or female gametophytes

In vitro
androgenesis involves culture of anthers or isolated microspores.
• Gynogenesis may be induced in unfertilized ovule or ovary culture.
• Success of haploid cultures depends on genotype, media, and cultural conditions.
• Stage of microspore development at time of culture is critical to the success of androgenesis.
• Chromosome doubled haploids (diploids) are useful in breeding projects.
The ability to produce haploid plants is a tremendous asset in genetic and plant breeding studies.
Heritability studies are simplified, because with only one set of chromosomes, recessive mutations
are easily identified. In addition, doubling the chromosome number of a haploid to produce a
doubled haploid results in a completely homozygous plant. Theoretically, the genotypes present
among a large group of doubled haploids derived from an F
hybrid represent in a fixed form the
genotypes expected from an F
population. Use of doubled haploids in breeding programs can thus
greatly reduce the time required for development of improved cultivars. To be most useful, a large
number of haploids from many different genotypes are required.
Haploids have been available for genetic studies for many years. Prior to the 1960s, they were
mostly obtained spontaneously following interspecific hybridization or through the use of irradiated
pollen, but usually only infrequently and in very small numbers. Haploid methodology took a giant
step forward 40 years ago when Guha and Maheshwari (1964) found that haploid plants could be
obtained on a regular basis and in relatively large numbers by placing immature anthers of
Mill. into culture. This work was rapidly expanded using tobacco (
Nicotiana tabacum
which became the model species for anther culture experiments. To date, androgenic haploids have
been produced in over 170 species; several good reviews provide lists of these species (Maheshwari
et al., 1982; Bajaj, 1983; Heberle-Bors, 1985; Dunwell, 1996). While efforts have been more
limited, haploids have also been obtained from
in vitro
culture of the female gametophyte in over
30 species (Keller and Korzun, 1996; Lakshmi Sita, 1997). Gynogenesis has been successfully
applied to several species in which androgenesis is generally ineffective, such as sugar beet (
L.), onion
L.), and the Gerbera daisy (
Gerbera jamesonii
H. Bolus ex Hook).
Plant Development and Biotechnology
Although much of the terminology used in this chapter has been discussed in previous chapters,
in vitro
induction of haploids involves a few specialized terms. A haploid is a plant with the
gametic or
number of chromosomes. Doubled haploids, or dihaploids, are chromosome doubled
haploids or 2n plants. Androgenesis is the process by which haploid plants develop from the male
gametophyte. When anthers are cultured intact, the procedure is called anther culture. Microspore
culture involves isolating microspores from anthers before culture and is sometimes referred to as
pollen culture. Haploids are derived from the female gametophyte through a process referred to as
In vitro
gynogenesis involves the culture of unfertilized ovules or ovaries. While both
androgenesis and gynogenesis may occur
in vivo
, the usage of the terms in this chapter will refer
to the
in vitro
induction of haploids via these two mechanisms.
This chapter will begin with general discussions of androgenesis and gynogenesis, followed
by a review of the factors that affect the successful production of androgenic and gynogenic
haploids. Finally, some of the basic procedure used for the
in vitro
production of haploids will be
summarized. Excellent discussions of
in vitro
haploid production, along with specific protocols for
a number of crop species, can be found in Jain et al., 1996a; 1996b; 1996c; 1996d; 1997.
Haploid plants develop from anther culture either directly or indirectly through a callus phase.
Direct androgenesis mimics zygotic embryogenesis; however, neither a suspensor nor an endosperm
is present. At the globular stage of development, most of the embryos are released from the pollen
cell wall (exine). They continue to develop, and after 4 to 8 weeks, the cotyledons unfold and
plantlets emerge from the anthers. Direct androgenesis is primarily found among members of the
tobacco (Solanaceae) and mustard (Cruciferae) families.
During indirect androgenesis, the early cell division pattern is similar to that found in the
zygotic embryogenic and direct androgenic pathways. After the globular stage, irregular and
asynchronous divisions occur and callus is formed. This callus must then undergo organogenesis
for haploid plants to be recovered. The cereals are am
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2250-8493-1614-6/05/$0.00+$1.50© 2005 by CRC Press LLC17Haploid CulturesSandra M. ReedCHAPTER17 CONCEPTS• Haploids may be produced from male gametophytes (androgenesis) or female gametophytes(gynogenesis).•In vitroandrogenesis involves culture of anthers or isolated microspores.• Gynogenesis may be induced in unfertilized ovule or ovary culture.• Success of haploid cultures depends on genotype, media, and cultural conditions.• Stage of microspore development at time of culture is critical to the success of androgenesis.• Chromosome doubled haploids (diploids) are useful in breeding projects.INTRODUCTIONThe ability to produce haploid plants is a tremendous asset in genetic and plant breeding studies.Heritability studies are simplified, because with only one set of chromosomes, recessive mutationsare easily identified. In addition, doubling the chromosome number of a haploid to produce adoubled haploid results in a completely homozygous plant. Theoretically, the genotypes presentamong a large group of doubled haploids derived from an F1hybrid represent in a fixed form thegenotypes expected from an F2population. Use of doubled haploids in breeding programs can thusgreatly reduce the time required for development of improved cultivars. To be most useful, a largenumber of haploids from many different genotypes are required.Haploids have been available for genetic studies for many years. Prior to the 1960s, they weremostly obtained spontaneously following interspecific hybridization or through the use of irradiatedpollen, but usually only infrequently and in very small numbers. Haploid methodology took a giantstep forward 40 years ago when Guha and Maheshwari (1964) found that haploid plants could beobtained on a regular basis and in relatively large numbers by placing immature anthers ofDaturainnoxiaMill. into culture. This work was rapidly expanded using tobacco (Nicotiana tabacumL.),which became the model species for anther culture experiments. To date, androgenic haploids havebeen produced in over 170 species; several good reviews provide lists of these species (Maheshwariet al., 1982; Bajaj, 1983; Heberle-Bors, 1985; Dunwell, 1996). While efforts have been morelimited, haploids have also been obtained fromin vitroculture of the female gametophyte in over30 species (Keller and Korzun, 1996; Lakshmi Sita, 1997). Gynogenesis has been successfullyapplied to several species in which androgenesis is generally ineffective, such as sugar beet (BetavulgarisL.), onion(AlliumcepaL.), and the Gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesoniiH. Bolus ex Hook).226Plant Development and BiotechnologyAlthough much of the terminology used in this chapter has been discussed in previous chapters,thein vitroinduction of haploids involves a few specialized terms. A haploid is a plant with thegametic ornnumber of chromosomes. Doubled haploids, or dihaploids, are chromosome doubledhaploids or 2n plants. Androgenesis is the process by which haploid plants develop from the malegametophyte. When anthers are cultured intact, the procedure is called anther culture. Microsporeculture involves isolating microspores from anthers before culture and is sometimes referred to aspollen culture. Haploids are derived from the female gametophyte through a process referred to asgynogenesis.In vitrogynogenesis involves the culture of unfertilized ovules or ovaries. While bothandrogenesis and gynogenesis may occurin vivo, the usage of the terms in this chapter will referto thein vitroinduction of haploids via these two mechanisms.This chapter will begin with general discussions of androgenesis and gynogenesis, followedby a review of the factors that affect the successful production of androgenic and gynogenichaploids. Finally, some of the basic procedure used for thein vitroproduction of haploids will besummarized. Excellent discussions ofin vitrohaploid production, along with specific protocols fora number of crop species, can be found in Jain et al., 1996a; 1996b; 1996c; 1996d; 1997.ANDROGENESISDEVELOPMENTOFHAPLOIDSHaploid plants develop from anther culture either directly or indirectly through a callus phase.Direct androgenesis mimics zygotic embryogenesis; however, neither a suspensor nor an endospermis present. At the globular stage of development, most of the embryos are released from the pollencell wall (exine). They continue to develop, and after 4 to 8 weeks, the cotyledons unfold andplantlets emerge from the anthers. Direct androgenesis is primarily found among members of thetobacco (Solanaceae) and mustard (Cruciferae) families.During indirect androgenesis, the early cell division pattern is similar to that found in thezygotic embryogenic and direct androgenic pathways. After the globular stage, irregular andasynchronous divisions occur and callus is formed. This callus must then undergo organogenesisfor haploid plants to be recovered. The cereals are am
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