Agatha تقول:
منذ 2 يوم
Win FREE 10,000 Gold In Our Fan-Story Contest!
You guys have been asking about the activities we have planned. Here’s the first!*
We've held drawing contests in the past, this time we've decided to shake it up a little bit and hold a fan-story writing contest. How does a fan-story contest work you may ask? Easy!
1) Take an incident that happened within your Clash of Kings alliance and create a story around it. It can be from the point of view of a member, the battles for the throne, an omnipotent rally, the alliance itself, or anything else you can think of. Get creative! Just make the interesting things that happened within your alliance as the key direction of your story.
2) Keep it under 10,000 characters so you can post it on the forums and allow everyone else to read your creation. (You can also add screenshots, comics, drawings, etc).
3) Entries need to be posted by 12AM PST (-7 GMT), on Wednesday May 27, 2015 (that's midnight folks).
4) You are more than welcome to comment on other people's stories, but let's keep the fan-story thread filled with stories only. Please discuss others stories in a separate thread.
5) BEHAVE. You can give users feedback regarding their stories, but you may NOT flame them.
6) Keep it clean.*
7) Maximum of 3 entries per person.*
What’s the prizes?
On May 30, 2015, the best 5 stories will be selected as the winners and we’ll give away the following rewards:
- 1st winner: FREE 10,000 GOLD
- 2nd winner: FREE 8,000 GOLD
- 3rd, 4th & 5th winners: FREE 5,000 GOLD
- All participants: Access to our exclusive Clash of Kings Fan Co-creation program.
NOTE: It's not about your mastering of the English language. I don't care if there are misspellings or grammar errors. This is about the story you weave, NOT your grammar.
What is Clash of Kings Fan Co-creation program?
We'll be granting exclusive involvement in the development, production and marketing of Clash of Kings commercials to a select few. This is no hiring, only volunteers wanted, but you'll be able to gain free gold and other privileges weekly. However, the Clash of Kings team retains the right to all your entries.*
See more: Clash of Kings Fan Co-creation program
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Agatha ; منذ 2 يوم الساعة 11:07 AM
Untouch.|Lawrence تقول:
منذ يوم مضى
Die on our Feet- Fan story
( The wind blows peacefully within our hive- UnitedOfBrotherhood ROK)
I was about to sleep.
When a sudden
Yellow-square-flashing light appeared about 5km North of my castle.
I want to see who it is then I saw HAT-KING OF BLOOD.
I was shocked,
I watch him carefully.
Maybe he just used random tp
But i was wrong.
He attacked our farms
And the castle within his grasps.
I can't do anything
I can't fight a level 19 castle
With my level 13 head-on.
What i did was to alarm everybody that we have enemy!
I sounded the war horn!
Lighted the our territory
Counter scouted him and shared it to my BROTHERS!
I do mind games
I keep on talking to him
I Destructed his attention.
But he keeps on teleporting
Every farm we have was attacked
Our alliance power from 33Million +
Went down to 28 Million +
I know we caught off guard
But it doesn't mean we will fall back!
I talk to our leader.
Suggested some strategy.
Launch our attack!
At first we failed.
He called his guards
Called his guards
They were 3 of them
All above level 18 castle
They are strong I admit.
And so we countered
3 of my brothers teleported to HAT'S HIVE AND BURNED THEIR CASTLES.
All alliance members are awake
Ready to fight.
Give everything we have.
We gave him Diplomacy
We created a brotherhood between two rivals
And now we fight as one.
We succeed before the day's end
Not because we have shield, teleport, defense or attack buff.
We succeed
Because we Choose to DIE ON OUR FEET.
rather than TO LIVE ON OUR KNEES!!
Long live ROK!!!
Kingdom 110
I want to post the picture of our attack but i dont know how.
I will post it on fb.
منذ يوم مضى
There once was a small group castles.... They were just farming and laughing until one day two much larger castles teleported next to them.... Some were brave and fought, other were cowards and fled from the others.... The leader abandoned his team and left an inexperienced castle in charge.... This new leader was fearless and loyal and the other castles stood by her side.... Together they fought strong and were able to get away from the attackers. Time went on and many more joined their team and they were flourishing until more powerful groups started attacking... They tried moving from place to place only to be found once again.... It seemed there was no hope. This alliance had become friends with another more powerful alliance and both decided to join together to fight the enemies of their kingdom. They grew more powerful than ever..... Yet there were still more powerful evils to be scared of.... After many battles fighting and defending their team these two alliances found a third group and decided to fight together.... This did not go well for these alliances as the newly formed alliance was unorganized and fell apart.... The first two alliances decided it was time to move on and teamed up with other friends of the kingdom. This was a very wise move for them as they grew stronger and more powerful than ever...... In the midst of all this, a war had broken out in the kingdom.... Many fought and conquered.... Some left for good... Castles are eating war with each other day and night and no one is safe.... The leader of the enemies is very powerful indeed.... She seems unstoppable, yet many have faith and bravery in their hearts and continue to fight this battle against the never-ending evil..... Many tears and much blood fill this kingdom as the war wages on.... Never knowing when this battle will come to an end... Until then they continue to stay strong and fight together to become the new kings of kingdom 300.....THE END.....
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة PAKISTAN1 ; منذ يوم مضى الساعة 06:33 AM
Lucas Verle تقول:
منذ يوم مضى
Hallo ik ben King lv1984 van kingdom 166, ik ben al meer dan drie maanden aan het spelen en elke dag wil ik gewoon meer en meer, in het begin wist ik niet zo goed wat te doen maar agatha heeft me toch goed geholpen, het was leuk, deede een beetje herrineren aan sim city, toch ben ik beginnen opgroeien in upgrades en aan gesloten bij een alliantie, dat was goed, zo leerde ik de rally s en het aanvallen van andere spelers, ik ben na een maand met mijn level 11 kasteel naar een andere locatie gegaan omdat de alliantie waar ik in was actief was wanneer ik moest slapen, dus ik had niet zoveel aan die alliantie daarom ik verhuisde, nu zit ik bij OMO alliantie en het word alleen maar beter en beter, ze zitten in mijn zelfde tijdlijn en ik heb veel meer aan het spel dan tevoren, Dit is echt een super leuk spel en van s morgens tot s avonds ben ik actief, ik hou van het upgraden en de nieuwe verrassingen qua updates, the gargoyles was een super goed idee want we kregen extra staal voor de blacksmid, ik wil ook nog zeggen dat het alleen maar beter aan het worden is en ik hoop toch dat ik met mijn tweede kasteel ook snel kan groeien, dat staat ook in de omo alliantie en heeft ook een sterke powerranking, het gaat me beter af in het tweede kasteel omdat ik uit mn fouten heb geleerd van het eerste kasteel, ik wil nog graag toevoegen dat ik zeker nog lang ga spelen en hoop toch dat ik het goud krijg, vriendelijk dank King lv1984 kingdom166
Christopher Paul Wines تقول:
منذ يوم مضى
Well this game started out as a time killer until my wife gave birth this started about 2 months ago. I was invited in to an alliance who shorty after I joined was destroyed, another alliance offered me to become apart of there team I said okay. After about 2 weeks with this alliance they get attacked and destroyed by the alliance (DAC). I went from reaching 80k power back to 30k I was about to quit when the new update came and gave me a shout to the entire kingdom at this time I announce to the kingdom that I'm looking for a new alliance who could help a noob get around and build up my power. That's when it happened I got invited to (6ft) from that moment on my power continues to grow 5-10k a day anything I need they make sure I have it not only that if we get attacked they make sure I have a sheild to defend my self considering I'm the lowest power in the alliance, no matter what it is I need it they give it to me and ask nothing in return. This alliance has become family, they also were the first people in the world even before my own parents to see a picture of my newborn son. This alliance is everything thanks for being there (6ft)
ParkourBOY تقول:
منذ يوم مضى
i call it the longest war in CoK
It was the phase 3 events killing monsters our allliance was calme and no one was expecting any War
Even we wasn't preparing targets for kill event .
Suddnly about 9 powerful castels telported to our hive we wasn't all online so we played the defensive strategie until more members comes
They maked bigg dameged to many farm but we started attacking back we was hitting them for hours and hours then we hidedd troops in shielded castel and we goes to sleep they attacked some at night .
The 2nd day we attacked and we succed to kill 800k of their troops we thought they will telported away
But the 3rd day reinforcement comes and others castels telported to our hive
They messaged our leader they want our hive
We refused and continue hitting they always
النتائج (
العربية) 1:
الفوز بالذهب 10,000 مجاناً في المسابقة لدينا قصة مروحة!1234567891011الأولىآخر صورةأجاثا تقول:منذ 2 يوم الفوز بالذهب 10,000 مجاناً في المسابقة لدينا قصة مروحة!图片2缩小.jpgيا رفاق قد تم يسأل عن الأنشطة التي خططنا لها. هنا هو الأول! *لقد عقدنا مسابقات الرسم في الماضي، وهذه المرة لقد قررنا أن اهتز يصل قليلاً وإجراء مسابقة لكتابة قصة مروحة. كيف يمكن لقصة مروحة مسابقة العمل قد تسأل؟ من السهل!1) أن حادث الذي حدث داخل التحالف "صراع الملوك" الخاص بك وإنشاء قصة حوله. أنها يمكن أن تكون من وجهة نظر عضو، والمعارك للعرش، وتجمع للقاهر، والتحالف نفسها، أو أي شيء آخر يمكن أن يخطر لك. كن مبدعاً! فقط جعل الأمور مثيرة للاهتمام الذي حدث داخل التحالف الخاص بك كاتجاه رئيسي لقصتك.2) الاحتفاظ بها أحرف تحت 10,000 حيث يمكنك بعد ذلك على المنتديات والسماح للجميع قراءة إبداعك. (يمكنك أيضا إضافة المزيد من الصور، كاريكاتير، رسومات، إلخ).3) الإدخالات بحاجة إلى أن تكون أرسلت بواسطة 12 صباحا توقيت المحيط الهادي (-7 بتوقيت جرينتش)، في الأربعاء 27 مايو 2015 (الذي هو الناس منتصف الليل).4) كنت أكثر من موضع ترحيب التعليق على القصص الشعبية الأخرى، ولكن دعونا نحافظ على ترابط مروحة-قصة مليئة بالقصص فقط. يرجى مناقشة الآخرين قصص في مؤشر ترابط منفصل.5) تتصرف. يمكنك إعطاء المستخدمين التغذية المرتدة بشأن قصصهم، ولكن كنت قد لا شعلة لهم.6) الحفاظ على clean.*7) الحد أقصى إدخالات 3 كل person.**ما هي الجوائز؟ في 30 مايو 2015، سيتم اختيار أفضل القصص 5 كالفائزين وسوف نعطي بعيداً من المكافآت التالية:الفائز الأول: الذهب 10,000 مجاناًالفائز الثاني: الذهب 8,000 الحرة--3rd، 4th و 5th الفائزين: 5,000 الحرة الذهب-جميع المشاركين: الوصول إلى برنامجنا الصدام من الملوك مروحة شارك "في إنشاء" الخالصة.ملاحظة: أنها ليست حول الخاص بك إتقان اللغة الإنجليزية. لا يهمني إذا كانت هناك أخطاء إملائية أو الأخطاء النحوية. وهذا عن قصة نسج لك، لا قواعد اللغة الخاصة بك.ما هو الصدام من الملوك مروحة شارك "في إنشاء" البرنامج؟ونحن سوف يكون منح الحصرية من المشاركة في التنمية والإنتاج والتسويق "الصدام ملوك" الإعلانات التجارية لتحديد عدد قليل. وهذا ليس توظيف المتطوعين فقط مطلوبة، ولكن كنت سوف تكون قادرة على كسب الذهب مجاناً وامتيازات أخرى أسبوعيا. ومع ذلك، فريق "الصدام الملوك" يحتفظ بحق جميع entries.* الخاص بكانظر المزيد: صراع الملوك مروحة شارك "في إنشاء" البرنامجالتعديل الأخير تم بواسطة أجاثا؛ الساعة منذ 2 يوم 11:07 ص انتوش. | لورنس تقول:منذ يوم مضىيموت في قصتنا أقدام-مروحةوووووسه...ووووسهههه(تهب الرياح سلميا داخل جمهورية كوريا أونيتيدوفبروثيرهود خلية لدينا)وأنا على وشك النوم.عندما فجأة الضوء الأصفر-ساحة-الوميض ظهرت على بعد حوالي 5 كم شمال قلعة بلدي.أريد أن أرى منظمة الصحة العالمية ومن ثم رأيت الملك قبعة "من الدم".لقد شعرت بالصدمة،أشاهد له بعناية.ربما كان مجرد tp عشوائيولكن كنت على خطأ.أنه هاجم مزارعنا والقلعة داخل بلده القبضات.أنا لا تستطيع أن تفعل أي شيء أنا لا يمكن محاربة قلعة مستوى 19مع مستوى بلدي 13 وجها لوجه.وكان ما فعلته للتنبيه على الجميع أن لدينا العدو!أنا بدت حرب القرن الأفريقي!المضاء أراضينا عداد مزدرى له والمشاركة فيه إلى إخوتي!مانع الألعابأنا الحفاظ على التحدث معه أنا تدمير ذلك الفائض انتباهه.إلا أنه يبقى على teleporting وكان هاجم كل مزرعة لدينالدينا سلطة التحالف من 33Million +انخفض ليصل إلى 28 مليون +وأنا أعلم أننا على حين غرةولكن هذا لا يعني أننا سوف يرتد!لديناأنا أتحدث إلى قائدنا.واقترح بعض استراتيجية.ونحنشن الهجوم لدينا!في البداية أننا فشلنا.ودعا حرسهقبعة الملك من الدم ودعا حرسهوكانوا 3 منهم كل شيء فوق مستوى القلعة 18 فقوية وأنا اعترف.ولذا علينا مواجهتها3 من بلدي teleported الأخوة وخلية برند بينهما القلاع قبعة.ملك دم كان دفعت إلى الانسحاب، وعاد إلى بلده خلية.وفي الوقت نفسه...جميع أعضاء التحالف مستيقظااستعداد للقتال.ونحنإعطاء كل ما لدينا.قبعة-ملك الدمفشل.وتساءل للدبلوماسية.اعطيناه الدبلوماسيةلقد أنشأنا في جماعة الإخوان المسلمين بين الخصمينوالآن علينا أن نكافح كأحد.أننا ننجح قبل نهاية اليوم ليس لأن لدينا درع, النقل الفضائي, برتقالي الدفاع أو الهجوم.أننا ننجح لأن نختار أن "يموت على القدمين لدينا".بدلاً من "للعيش على موقعنا الركبتين"!!عاشت جمهورية كوريا!!!المملكة 110(R0K) انتوش. | Mr.Lملاحظة:ترغب في نشر صورة لأعمالنا الهجوم ولكن لا أعرف كيف.وسوف انشرها على إف. PAKISTAN1 تقول:منذ يوم مضىThere once was a small group castles.... They were just farming and laughing until one day two much larger castles teleported next to them.... Some were brave and fought, other were cowards and fled from the others.... The leader abandoned his team and left an inexperienced castle in charge.... This new leader was fearless and loyal and the other castles stood by her side.... Together they fought strong and were able to get away from the attackers. Time went on and many more joined their team and they were flourishing until more powerful groups started attacking... They tried moving from place to place only to be found once again.... It seemed there was no hope. This alliance had become friends with another more powerful alliance and both decided to join together to fight the enemies of their kingdom. They grew more powerful than ever..... Yet there were still more powerful evils to be scared of.... After many battles fighting and defending their team these two alliances found a third group and decided to fight together.... This did not go well for these alliances as the newly formed alliance was unorganized and fell apart.... The first two alliances decided it was time to move on and teamed up with other friends of the kingdom. This was a very wise move for them as they grew stronger and more powerful than ever...... In the midst of all this, a war had broken out in the kingdom.... Many fought and conquered.... Some left for good... Castles are eating war with each other day and night and no one is safe.... The leader of the enemies is very powerful indeed.... She seems unstoppable, yet many have faith and bravery in their hearts and continue to fight this battle against the never-ending evil..... Many tears and much blood fill this kingdom as the war wages on.... Never knowing when this battle will come to an end... Until then they continue to stay strong and fight together to become the new kings of kingdom 300.....THE END.....التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة PAKISTAN1 ; منذ يوم مضى الساعة 06:33 AM Lucas Verle تقول:منذ يوم مضىHallo ik ben King lv1984 van kingdom 166, ik ben al meer dan drie maanden aan het spelen en elke dag wil ik gewoon meer en meer, in het begin wist ik niet zo goed wat te doen maar agatha heeft me toch goed geholpen, het was leuk, deede een beetje herrineren aan sim city, toch ben ik beginnen opgroeien in upgrades en aan gesloten bij een alliantie, dat was goed, zo leerde ik de rally s en het aanvallen van andere spelers, ik ben na een maand met mijn level 11 kasteel naar een andere locatie gegaan omdat de alliantie waar ik in was actief was wanneer ik moest slapen, dus ik had niet zoveel aan die alliantie daarom ik verhuisde, nu zit ik bij OMO alliantie en het word alleen maar beter en beter, ze zitten in mijn zelfde tijdlijn en ik heb veel meer aan het spel dan tevoren, Dit is echt een super leuk spel en van s morgens tot s avonds ben ik actief, ik hou van het upgraden en de nieuwe verrassingen qua updates, the gargoyles was een super goed idee want we kregen extra staal voor de blacksmid, ik wil ook nog zeggen dat het alleen maar beter aan het worden is en ik hoop toch dat ik met mijn tweede kasteel ook snel kan groeien, dat staat ook in de omo alliantie en heeft ook een sterke powerranking, het gaat me beter af in het tweede kasteel omdat ik uit mn fouten heb geleerd van het eerste kasteel, ik wil nog graag toevoegen dat ik zeker nog lang ga spelen en hoop toch dat ik het goud krijg, vriendelijk dank King lv1984 kingdom166 Christopher Paul Wines تقول:منذ يوم مضىWell this game started out as a time killer until my wife gave birth this started about 2 months ago. I was invited in to an alliance who shorty after I joined was destroyed, another alliance offered me to become apart of there team I said okay. After about 2 weeks with this alliance they get attacked and destroyed by the alliance (DAC). I went from reaching 80k power back to 30k I was about to quit when the new update came and gave me a shout to the entire kingdom at this time I announce to the kingdom that I'm looking for a new alliance who could help a noob get around and build up my power. That's when it happened I got invited to (6ft) from that moment on my power continues to grow 5-10k a day anything I need they make sure I have it not only that if we get attacked they make sure I have a sheild to defend my self considering I'm the lowest power in the alliance, no matter what it is I need it they give it to me and ask nothing in return. This alliance has become family, they also were the first people in the world even before my own parents to see a picture of my newborn son. This alliance is everything thanks for being there (6ft)love,chrisw9009 ParkourBOY تقول:منذ يوم مضىi call it the longest war in CoKIt was the phase 3 events killing monsters our allliance was calme and no one was expecting any WarEven we wasn't preparing targets for kill event .Suddnly about 9 powerful castels telported to our hive we wasn't all online so we played the defensive strategie until more members comes They maked bigg dameged to many farm but we started attacking back we was hitting them for hours and hours then we hidedd troops in shielded castel and we goes to sleep they attacked some at night .The 2nd day we attacked and we succed to kill 800k of their troops we thought they will telported awayBut the 3rd day reinforcement comes and others castels telported to our hiveThey messaged our leader they want our hiveWe refused and continue hitting they always
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