النتائج (
العربية) 1:
100:01:12,157 --> 00:01:14,695صباح الخير 200:01:20,623 --> 00:01:22,781صباح الخير . اوف.300:01:22,781 --> 00:01:25,787-شكرا لك-لا شكرا لك400:01:25,787 --> 00:01:30,747مرحباً مرحباً أنا أعبر الشارع500:01:30,747 --> 00:01:35,379من ؟ لا لا ، لا لا يوجدشئ خاطئ بمخططات الإعلان600:01:35,379 --> 00:01:38,091انا دققتهم بنفسى700:01:38,091 --> 00:01:40,968لا ، لا مارجورى فقط لا بد وأنكفهمت الشهور بشكل خاطئ مرة أخرى800:01:40,968 --> 00:01:45,098نعم حسناً ، هلتكلمت مع لازلو لحد الآن ؟900:01:45,098 --> 00:01:47,096أنا لا أهتم إذا هو منزعج1000:01:47,096 --> 00:01:50,101أتصل ببيتر مرة ثانية وأخبريه أنالتخطيط يجب أن يكون أربع صفحات1100:01:50,101 --> 00:01:52,807ليست سبعة ، ليستستة ، ليست خمسة أربعة1200:01:52,807 --> 00:01:54,819- بعد- مرحبا روبن1300:01:54,819 --> 00:01:56,820حسناً ، ذلك لأننا غيرنا المصورين1400:01:56,820 --> 00:01:59,439نت باين عليك أنك تمزحآنا أنا راجعت كل شئ مرتين1500:01:59,439 --> 00:02:02,950- ما هو الخطأ فى مخططات الإعلان ؟- ما هو الخطأ فى مخططات الإعلان ، ليو ؟1600:02:02,950 --> 00:02:05,908أنا سأخبرك ماالخاطئ فعليا كل شئ1700:02:05,908 --> 00:02:08,999- لأنها مخططات الإعلان الخاطئة- مارجورى , أنا أنا ليست لدى أى فكرة1800:02:08,999 --> 00:02:12,791الآن ، لماذا أنا أقف أنظر إلى 30من صفحات المخططات الخاطئة ، ليو ؟1900:02:12,791 --> 00:02:15,667أنا سأخبرك لماذا لأن شخص ما.2000:02:15,667 --> 00:02:18,503يا ليو لم يعمل عمله2100:02:19,760 --> 00:02:21,634حسنا ، النسخة التى على الغلاف تقرأ2200:02:21,634 --> 00:02:24,929"علاقات حب فى العمل مخيفة كيفتحصلين عليه وعلى ترقيتك2300:02:24,929 --> 00:02:26,925- جيد- نعم 2400:02:26,925 --> 00:02:31,062 انظر ألىقرب ألى قليلا.2500:02:31,062 --> 00:02:35,648تمام ، هنا عظيم جيد ، أعتقدأننا حصلنا على ما نريد2600:02:35,648 --> 00:02:37,982واصلوا بابايا للحمية ؟2700:02:37,982 --> 00:02:40,311المشكلة الكبيرة هميتحدثون عن تغيير الفاكهة2800:02:40,311 --> 00:02:42,320- أى نوع من الفاكهة نتحدث عنها ؟- أنا لا أعرف.2900:02:42,320 --> 00:02:44,322- قالوا كيوى أو شئ ما- أنا لا أحب كيوى3000:02:44,322 --> 00:02:47,023هذه جاءت لأجلك إنها من فرانك3100:02:47,023 --> 00:02:50,909أنه صديقى هو طيبولطيف هو كان فى لندن3200:02:50,909 --> 00:02:54,076- غريب وغالى جدا3300:02:54,076 --> 00:02:57,080"Can't wait to see you.It's felt like an eternity."3400:02:57,080 --> 00:02:59,169- How long has he been gone?- Two days.3500:02:59,169 --> 00:03:01,331- Two days?- Yes.3600:03:01,331 --> 00:03:03,957"Meet me here at 7:30."Ooh, good choice.3700:03:05,136 --> 00:03:07,294"Bring doll."3800:03:07,294 --> 00:03:10,673Doll. He does this kindof thing all the time.3900:03:19,565 --> 00:03:23,563Hula dolls.Polynesian restaurant.4000:03:23,563 --> 00:03:25,568Now just what are you up to?4100:03:25,568 --> 00:03:27,855- It's all part of the surprise.- Thank you.4200:03:27,855 --> 00:03:30,196- Thanks. Uh-huh.- Surprise?4300:03:30,910 --> 00:03:33,447Surp... You're not breaking upwith me, are you?4400:03:33,447 --> 00:03:36,116- No.- Okay. You sure?4500:03:36,116 --> 00:03:39,450Because 69% of all relationshipsbreak up in restaurants.4600:03:39,450 --> 00:03:41,457- We're not breaking up.- Okay.4700:03:41,457 --> 00:03:44,705In fact, I want to increasethe romance in our lives.4800:03:44,705 --> 00:03:48,706- Oh, you do?- Uh-huh. First, close your eyes.4900:03:48,706 --> 00:03:50,716- Now?- Close them.5000:03:50,716 --> 00:03:52,718- Okay.- All right.5100:03:52,718 --> 00:03:54,839Now, remember all the timesthat you said we never go anywhere...5200:03:54,839 --> 00:03:56,840- And we're always working...- Uh-huh. Right.5300:03:56,840 --> 00:03:58,842- And we never have any fun?- Well, yeah.5400:03:58,842 --> 00:04:02,470Well, open your eyesand look where I am taking you.5500:04:02,470 --> 00:04:04,728- Oh.- Come on.5600:04:08,444 --> 00:04:12,227- Oh, you're kidding.- You and me in two weeks.5700:04:12,227 --> 00:04:15,027- In two weeks? I can't.- Oh, oh, you can.5800:04:15,027 --> 00:04:17,026- I can?- Uh-huh. I cleared it with Marjorie.5900:04:17,026 --> 00:04:19,443You did? Oh, you're a sneak.6000:04:19,443 --> 00:04:23,411Yeah. Six days and seven nightson the secluded...6100:04:23,411 --> 00:04:26,910tropical island paradise of Makatea.6200:04:51,734 --> 00:04:53,607Yeah. Yeah.We arrived 15 minutes late.6300:04:53,607 --> 00:04:55,609- Oh, is that a problem?- No, no. That's fine.6400:04:55,609 --> 00:04:58,193Uh, I will tell you what.Why don't I go find the bags...6500:04:58,193 --> 00:05:00,778and you... you get to go findthe charter, okay?6600:05:00,778 --> 00:05:02,776I do? All right. Okay.Yeah. I will see you in a few minutes.6700:05:02,776 --> 00:05:05,786- Sweetie?- Huh?6800:05:05,786 --> 00:05:08,078- Love you.- Love you.6900:05:33,438 --> 00:05:35,810- Uh, excuse me.- Aah. Son of a bitch.7000:05:35,810 --> 00:05:38,306Miserable piece of rat shit.7100:05:41,070 --> 00:05:43,193Could you help me?I am looking for Tropical Charters.7200:05:44,991 --> 00:05:47,861- You going to Makatea?- Yes.7300:05:49,161 --> 00:05:52,993Well, we will be readyin ten... twenty minutes.7400:06:00,254 --> 00:06:04,204But this...this isn't the plane.7500:06:05,051 --> 00:06:07,174- What?- The plane.7600:06:07,174 --> 00:06:09,170Where... Where's its mommy?7700:06:09,170 --> 00:06:13,307Oh. Tropical's planeis laid up in Fiji.7800:06:13,307 --> 00:06:17,638We're filling in.You're in luck. I am your pilot.7900:06:17,638 --> 00:06:18,420Oh.8000:06:19,605 --> 00:06:22,939No. I ca... Uh, no. I, um...8100:06:22,939 --> 00:06:25,523I can't go in this.It's, uh... It's broken.8200:06:25,523 --> 00:06:28,404No, it's not broken.It's being maintained.8300:06:28,404 --> 00:06:30,606- This is my plane.- Uh-huh.8400:06:30,606 --> 00:06:32,614This is a De Haviland Beaver.8500:06:32,614 --> 00:06:35,494This is one of the safest,most reliable planes ever built.8600:06:35,494 --> 00:06:38,864Sweetie, is there a problem?8700:06:38,864 --> 00:06:44,199Uh, yes. He, um... He seems to thinkwe're going to go in this old thing.8800:06:44,199 --> 00:06:48,244What? Uh, I-- I think..... I think we could find another charter.8900:06:48,244 --> 00:06:50,541- Don't you?- Won't find one.9000:06:50,541 --> 00:06:55,551There's a boat leaves from the port.Takes three days.9100:06:55,551 --> 00:06:57,714- Honey. Frank, honey, honey.- All right. All right.9200:06:57,714 --> 00:07:00,927Uh, sweetie, I am surethe plane is perfectly safe...9300:07:00,927 --> 00:07:05,437and I am sure the pilotis a trained professional.9400:07:05,437 --> 00:07:08,814- He is the pilot.- He...9500:07:08,814 --> 00:07:12,276Well, if you're going,it will be 20, 30 minutes.9600:07:12,276 --> 00:07:14,563I got to get some oil.9700:07:14,563 --> 00:07:17,402Oil? He's going to get some oil now.You're going to need help with this luggage.9800:07:17,402 --> 00:07:19,449- No, thanks.- No, we're good.9900:07:22,913 --> 00:07:24,906All right.Everybody tied down?10000:07:24,906 --> 00:07:27,038Listen.Are these really necessary?10100:07:27,038 --> 00:07:29,118Only if we crash.10200:07:33,298 --> 00:07:36,418Hi. Everybody, this is Angelica, our flight service director.10300:07:36,418 --> 00:07:37,168Hello.10400:07:39,763 --> 00:07:41,886Thank you. Hi.10500:07:41,886 --> 00:07:43,632- Sorry. Excuse me. Oh.- Ohh.10600:07:43,632 --> 00:07:46,340Oh, I am sorry. Excuse me.10700:07:46,340 --> 00:07:48,600- Oh.- Hi, baby.10800:07:48,600 --> 00:07:51,095Mmm, hello.Are you guys going to Makatea?10900:07:51,095 --> 00:07:54,018- We hope. Oh, you will love it. - Are you from the States?11000:07:54,018 --> 00:07:56,902Yes. I lived there for a while too. It's very fun.11100:07:56,902 --> 00:08:00,189Hey, Quinn, look.Look what I got. Check it out.11200:08:00,189 --> 00:08:03,276- What's that, baby?- It's a bathing suit, silly.11300:08:04,493 --> 00:08:06,569I thought it was an eye patch.11400:08:55,540 --> 00:08:58,162Welcome to Makatea.11500:08:58,162 --> 00:09:01,951Here we are.Thanks for flying Harris Freight...11600:09:01,951 --> 00:09:05,379where frequent flyers earn bonus pointsgood for valuable merchandise.11700:09:05,379 --> 00:09:07,963Hey, you're not tryingto steal my vest, are you?11800:09:15,809 --> 00:09:17,351- Mr. Martin, Miss Monroe?- Yes. Yes.11900:09:17,351 --> 00:09:19,516- Welcome to Hanaiti.- Thank you. Thank you.12000:09:19,516 --> 00:09:21,892I am Phillippe St. Clair, the general manager. Hi.12100:09:21,892 --> 00:09:24,181Uh, can we have the reservationfor Mr. Martin?12200:09:29,864 --> 00:09:33,611Oh. Oh, this is beautiful.12300:09:33,611 --> 00:09:35,485Wow.12400:09:36,578 --> 00:09:37,621
00:09:41,499 --> 00:09:43,705
Okay. All ri
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