Question 17. Samuel Co acquires control of Delilah Co and under IFRS 3 must recognise all of the identifiable assets acquired. Which of the following will NOT be recognised separately, but instead will form part of the overall goodwill recognised in the group accounts of Samuel Co?
The Strawberrylicious brand name not previously recognised by Delilah Co
A patent for the process used to produce Strawberrylicious, not previously recognised by Delilah Co
Internally generated goodwill for the business. This was not previously recognised by Delilah Co
A licensed customer list. Delilah Co had not previously been able to recognise the list as an asset
Note: You will be able to review all of your answers on a summary sheet at the end of the assessment. To highlight entries for specific review in the summary sheet, click the 'Mark question for review box' below.