أهمية المياه :المياه شريان الحياة وبدونها لا نستطيع العيش كما أنها عنص ترجمة - أهمية المياه :المياه شريان الحياة وبدونها لا نستطيع العيش كما أنها عنص الإنجليزية كيف أقول

أهمية المياه :المياه شريان الحياة و

أهمية المياه :

المياه شريان الحياة وبدونها لا نستطيع العيش كما أنها عنصر هام لحياة الحيوان والنبات, وتتعرض المياه في وقتنا الحاضر لعدد من الأخطار كالتلوث والاستنزاف والتملح, مما يحتم علينا ضرورة الاهتمام بها وترشيد استهلاكها والعمل على تنميتها والحفاظ على مصادرها ومواردها. قال تعالى : (وجعلنا من الماء كل شئ حي افلا يؤمنون ) فالماء نعمة عظمى انعم بها المولى عز وجل علينا فهي قوام الحياة واستمراريتها .

ما هو الماء :

الماء هو عبارة عن مركب كيميائي يتكون من ذراي هيدروجين وذرة من الأكسجين ليتكون الماء H2O هكذا تتركب قطرة المطر.فهو يتواجد بثلاث أنواع او أشكال ( سائل , بخار ، صلب ) وكميته ثابتة لاتزيد أو تنقص في التركيبة الكيميائية للقطرة وللماء قدرة قوية على إذابة المواد الكيميائية ويدخل في الكثير في الكثير من التحولات البيئية الداخلية والخارجية. كيف ينزل المطر ؟ قال تعالى ( افرأيتم الماء الذي تشربون * أأنتم انزلمتموه من المزن ام نحن المنزلون * لو نشاء جعلناه أجاجا فلولا تشكرون) تأمل قليلا في هذه الايه الكريمة نجد فيها تفسيرا واضحا كيف الله عز وجل ينزل الماء من السحاب ليكون صالحا للشرب والاستعمال ويعود مرة أخرى ليكون السحاب بفعل التبخر والتكاثف لبخار الماء وهكذا وهذا العملية هي ما تعرف بدورة الماء في الطبيعة فكيف تبدأ الدورة المائية في الطبيعة ؟ تبدأ بتبخر الماء عند تسخن الأرض بفعل حرارة الشمس وبارتفاع الهواء إلى أعلى فيصعد بخار الماء إلى الطبقات الجو العلياء ومن ثم يتكاثف ليشكل الغيوم وبهذه المرحلة تبدءا قطرات الماء الموجودة في الغيوم بالاتحاد مع بعضها البض لتشكل قطرات اكبر مما يزيد وزنها وتصبح ثقيلة ومن ثم تسقط على هيئة مطر وهكذا وتستمر برا وبحرا وجوا دورة المياه في الطبيعة.

ما هي كمية المياه في العالم ؟

الماء يشكل ثلثي حجم الكرة الأرضية موزعاً على النحو التالي :

• 97% مياه مالحة وتمثل بحار والمحيطات

• 3% مياه عذبة متوزعة كتالي ( 22% مياه جوفية 77% كتل جليدية 1% يشكل دورة الماء في الطبيعة )

ماذا تعرف عن الماء ؟

الماء عنصر هام في الحياة, وعدم وجوده يعني القضاء على جميع أشكال الحياة على الأرض , فالماء عنصر لابد منه لحياة الإنسان وباقي الكائنات الحية على وجه الأرض, فنحن نحتاج في اليوم الواحد من 8-10 أكواب من الماء, أما السوائل الأخرى فهي توفر لنا نصف الكمية التي نحتاجها من المياه, والنصف الأخر عن طريق الطعام الذي نتناوله, أن الماء يشكل نسبة 83% من الدم في أجسامنا ويساعد في عملية الهضم ويسهل حركة المفاصل ويساعد في عمليات نقل مخلفات الهضم, كما يساعد في الحافظ على درجة حرارة الجسم، كما انه هام في حفظ التوازن الحراري للجسم .

ما هي استعمالات المياه :

للمياه استعمالات عديدة في الحياة العامة وفي حياة الإنسان دون تحديد نوعيتها ( مياه بحار أو محيطات أو مياه عذبه ـ فلاج ـ أبار ـ أوديه ـ انهار ) فالعذبة تستعمل لأغراض الشرب وتحضير الطعام والاستحمام والسباحة والغسيل والسقي بكافة أنواعه وتستخدم في الصناعة وتوليد الطاقة, كما تشكل مياه البحار والمحيطات والأنهار طرق نقل طبيعية وبيئية طبيعية لحياه الكائنات الحية والبحرية والنهرية .

ما هي التأثيرات والاحتياجات للمياه ؟

تلاحظ انه تتأثر كمية الماء التي يحتاجها الجسم على عوامل مختلفة منها السن والجنس والنشاط ودرجة حرارة الجو ونوع الطعام ..الخ فالإنسان يحتاج للشرب في المتوسط إلى لترين من الماء يوميا وتقدر كمية الاحتياجات اليومية للفرد من الماء بحوالي 50 لتر تقريبا للشرب والاستحمام والتحضير وصرف الفضلات, أما بخصوص الاحتياجات المنزلية فهي تقدر بحوالي 120 لتر للفرد في اليوم معتمده على عوامل كثيرة .

فكيف نستطيع أن نوفر المياه ؟

عزيزي المستهلك لتوفير المياه يجب علينا ان نبدأ من المنزل وهنا يأتي دور ربة البيت حيث يقع عليها وعلى إفراد الأسرة الدور الأساسي فهناك ثلاث طرق لتوفير المياه وهي :

1. عمل صيانة دورية للتسربات المائية بالمنزل .

2. تغيير السلوك لتوفير استهلاك المياه.

3. استخدام أدوات الترشيد .

4. فلكل واحدة من تلك الطرق لها خطوات يمكن إتباعها لتوفير استهلاكنا اليومي والشهري ونخفف من التبذير في المال ونحافظ على المياه باكبر قدر ممكن

يعتبر الترشيد في استهلاك الكهرباء و المياه تصرف حضاري حيث يؤدي الاستخدام الأمثل و الفعلي لهما إلى تخفيض الاستهلاك و المحافظة على الموارد، و رغم ان فكرة الترشيد ليست بجديدة ، فإن زيادة الاهتمام بالمحافظة على البيئة قد ضاعفت من أهمية الاستخدام الأمثل للكهرباء و المياه و من هنا تقع على كل منا مسئولية الترشيد و عدم الإسراف في هذه المصادر

اولاً : عمل الصيانة لوقف التسرب المنزلي :

لنعلم ان الصيانة لها دور رئيسي ولوقف هدر المياه بالمنزل فالتسرب هو كمية المياه المفقودة من الشبكة الداخلية بعد العداد من خلال التمديدات والمرافق الصحية داخل المنزل فيكون اما ظاهرا او غير ظاهر ولكل واحد من تلك التسربات له ضوابطه:.

التسرب الظاهر :
هذا النوع يمكن مشاهدته من خلال التفقد الدائم مثل وجود في جلدة الحنفية او يمكن في صندوق الطرد المائي او تلف في عوامة خزان المياه الرئيسي او كسر في التمديدات والمرافق الصحية .

التسرب الغير الظاهر :

هذا النوع يكون من خلال الخط المفون الواصل للمنزل أو من خط التوزيع الواصل من الخزان على السطح إلى المرافق الصحية في المنزل .

كيفية عمل صيانة دورية لحل المشكلة :

كيف تكشف عن تسرب المياه في المنزل ؟

• أغلق جميع مصادر المياه داخل المنزل وخارجه بما فيها أنظمة الري ، وأبلغ جميع الموجودين في المنزل بعدم استخدام المياه أثناء فترة الاختبار.

• قم بقراءة العداد وسجل القراءة ، وبعدها انتظر ساعة واحدة واقرأ العداد مرة أخرى وسجل القراءة .
القراءة الثانية – القراءة الأولى = فاقد المياه خلال ساعة

• إذا لم تلاحظ بوجود زيادة في القراءة الثانية فإن ذلك يعني عدم وجود تسرب. وإذا كانت القراءة الثانية أعلى من القراءة الأولى، فهذا يعني أن هناك تسرب في مكان ما وأنه يتعيّن عليك أن تكشف عن هذا التسرّب وتصلحه فوراً

ثانيا تغيير السلوك لتوفير استهلاك المياه :

ان التصرفات اليومية لها اثر كبير في المحافظة على المال والتوفير فهناك تصرفات مرغوبة وغيرها غيرها مرفوضة تماما يمكننا ان نعيش باقل كمية من المياه وذلك عن طريق تقليل الهدر الضائع بلا فائدة ومن السلوكيات المرغوب اتباعها هي :


1. تقليل مدة الاستحمام إلى (5) دقائق ، فالاستحمام يستهلك مابين 10-20 لتر في الدقيقة .
2. إغلاق صنبور المياه أثناء غسيل الأسنان أو الحلاقة .
3.تركيب أدوات الترشيد لتقليل كمية المياه المستهلكة .
4. فتح صنبور المياه باعتدال
من: -
إلى: -
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 1: [نسخ]
The importance of water:Water lifeline without which we cannot live as they are an important component of animal and plant life, water are at present a number of risks, such as pollution and depletion, salinization, which dictates the need for attention and conservation work on the development and preservation of sources and resources. The Almighty said: (and made from water everything not believe district) water is great blessing bestowed by Allah almighty we are the strength and continuity of life.What is water:Water is a chemical compound composed of hydrogen and atom of zerai oxygen H2O water originates so composed rain drop, it exists in three types or forms (liquid, steam, steel) and its fixed maximum or decreased in the chemical composition of the water droplet and strong ability to dissolve chemicals and falls a lot in many internal and external environmental transformations. How come down rain? Allaah says (afraitm water which you drink * are you the aggressors ' anzlmtmoh of Al muzn or we are the discount * if starch is brackish made without interpretation) little hopes in this verse we find a clear explanation how God descends from the clouds of water is good for drinking, and back again to be a cloud by the evaporation and condensation of water vapor, so this operation is what is known as the water cycle in nature, how to start the water cycle in nature? Start with the water evaporates when heated the Earth by the Sun's heat and high air upwards, ascending water vapour to the air layers perches and then condenses to form clouds in this phase تبدءا water droplets present in clouds, with some goods to form larger drops which increases weight and become heavy and then fall as rain, and so on and continue by land, sea and air the water cycle in nature.What is the amount of water in the world?Water is two-thirds the size of Earth, distributed as follows:• 97% is salt water and represents the seas and oceans• 3% fresh water distributed as follows (22% 77% groundwater icy blocks 1% constitutes the water cycle in nature)What do you know about water?Water is an important element in life, and the lack of it means the Elimination of all forms of life on Earth, water is indispensable component of human life and other living organisms on Earth, we need per day from 8-10 glasses of water, other liquids either provide us with half that we need water, and the other half through the food we eat, the water is 83% of blood in our bodies and helps in digestion and facilitates the movement of joints and assists in digestion residues transfers , Also helps in the keeper on body temperature, it is also important in keeping the balance of the body.What are the uses of water:For many uses water in public life and in human life without identifying quality (water seas or oceans or freshwater rivers valleys wells flag), freshwater used for drinking, food preparation, bathing, swimming, washing, irrigation of all kinds are used in industry and power generation, and a sea, Ocean, rivers, natural and environmental routes of life organisms and sea and river.What are the effects and requirements for water?Notes that are affected by the amount of water your body needs on a variety of factors including age, gender and activity and air temperature and type of food. Etc you need to drink human average to 2 litres of water a day and estimated daily requirement per capita of water approximately 50 litres for drinking and bathing, preparation and drainage, as for domestic needs are estimated at around 120 litres per capita per day based on many factors.How can we provide?Dear consumer water we must begin from home and here comes the role of housewife, where her primary role of family members, there are three ways to save water:1. periodic maintenance water spill.2. changing behavior to save water.3. use conservation tools.4. each one of these methods has steps you can take to provide daily and monthly consumption and reduce waste in money and conserve water as much as possibleIs rationalization in electricity and water consumption behavior of civilization where optimum and effective to reduce consumption and conserve resources, and although the idea of rationalization is not new, the increased attention to environmental preservation has redoubled the importance of optimal use of electricity and water and from here all of us responsible for rationalization and not extravagant in these sourcesFirst: maintenance work to stem dropout household:To know that maintenance has a key role to stop wasting water home, leakage is the amount of water lost from the internal network after the counter through extensions and sanitation inside the House it is either visible or invisible and each one of those leaks has controls:.Leakage phenomenon:This type can be seen through the permanent inspection such as in lashes faucet or can fund or expulsion damaged main water tank float or broken extensions and sanitation.Non-leakage phenomenon:This type is by line almfon road to home or distribution line from reservoir to the surface to health facilities.How to do regular maintenance to resolve the problem:How to detect water leaks in your home?• Close all water sources inside and outside the home, including irrigation systems, and inform everyone in the House not to use the water during the test period.• Meter reading and the reading log, and then wait one hour and read the counter again and record the reading.Second reading — reading first = water loss during hours• If you notice an increase in second reading, that means no leaks. If the second reading is higher than initial reading, this means that there is a leak somewhere, you must disclose this leak and fix it immediatelyII changing behavior to save water:Everyday actions have a significant impact on maintaining money supply there is a desirable behaviour and other other totally unacceptable that we can live with less quantity of water by reducing wastage and useless lost of desired behaviours to follow are:Home1. shorten showers to (5) minutes, shower consumes between 10-20 litres per minute.2. close the tap while brushing or shaving.3. installation of conservation tools to reduce the amount of water consumed.4. open faucet water in moderation
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 2:[نسخ]
The importance of water: water lifeline and without them we can not live as it is an important element for the life of animals and plants, and is under water at the present time to a number of risks such as pollution and depletion and salinization, which requires us to the need for attention and the rationalization of consumption and work on the development and preservation of sources and resources. The Almighty said: (We made ​​from water every living thing IFLA believe) Water is a blessing super blessed by God Almighty, we are the strength of life and continuity. What is water: water is a chemical compound composed of Dhiraa hydrogen atom of oxygen consists of water H2O so composed drop Almatar.vho exist in three types or forms (liquid, vapor, solid) and a fixed quantity does not exceed or decrease in the chemical composition of the water drop and a strong ability to dissolve chemicals and enters in a lot in a lot of internal and external environmental changes. How rain come down? He says (Have you thought about the water we drink *, Do you Anzlamtamoh of Mozn or we Almenzlon * if starch made ​​it Odjaja Without meaning) hopes a little in this verse we find a clear explanation of how God Almighty come down water from the clouds to be safe to drink and use and back again to be the clouds by evaporation and condensation of water vapor and so on. This process is known as the water cycle in nature, how the water cycle begins in nature? Begin to evaporate the water when the ground is heated by the sun's heat and air, up to the top of Faisad water vapor to the atmosphere perches classes and then condenses to form clouds and this stage Tbdoua water droplets in clouds Union with each Ald to form droplets larger than maximum weight and become heavy and then fall on the body Rain and so on and continue by land, air and sea water cycle in nature. What is the amount of water in the world? water constitute two-thirds of the Earth's size, divided as follows: • 97% salt water represents the seas and oceans • 3% fresh water dispersed explained below (22% groundwater 77 % glaciers 1% is a water cycle in nature) What do you know about water? Water is an important element in life, and the lack of it means the elimination of all forms of life on Earth, water is an element necessary for the human life and the rest of the living on earth objects, we need a day One of 8-10 glasses of water, and other liquids They provide us with half the amount that we need water, and the other half through the food we eat, the water accounts for 83% of the blood in our bodies and helps in the digestive process and facilitates the movement of joints and helps in operations the transfer of waste digestion, and helps to preserve their body temperature, it is also important in keeping the heat balance of the body. What are the water uses: water for many uses in public life and human life, without specifying the quality (water seas or oceans or fresh water FLAG wells river valleys) Valazbh used for drinking, food preparation, bathing, swimming, washing and irrigation of all kinds are used in industry and power generation, also a water seas and oceans, rivers, roads natural and environmental natural transfer to the lives of the living, marine and river organisms. What are the effects and needs for water? notes that are affected the amount of water needed by the body to various factors, including age, sex, activity and air temperature and the type of food, etc. .. Man needs to drink an average of two liters of water a day, and estimated the amount of the daily needs of the individual from the water for approximately 50 liters for drinking, bathing, preparing and Exchange craps, With regard to the needs home are estimated at about 120 liters per capita per day based on many factors. So how we could provide water? Dear consumer to save water, we must start from the house and here comes the role of the housewife as it is located them and their family members the primary role, there are three ways to save water, namely: 1. Action periodic maintenance of water leaks at home. 2. Changing behavior to save water consumption. 3. Rationalization of the use of tools. 4 for sale. Each one of those methods have steps that can be followed to provide our daily consumption and monthly and temper of the waste in money and keep the water as much as possible is a rationalization in the consumption of electricity and water disposal civilized as it leads the optimal use and effective for them to reduce consumption and conservation, and despite The idea of rationalization is not new, the increasing concern for the preservation of the environment have increased the importance of optimizing the use of electricity and water and from here are each of us responsible for rationalization and not excessive in these sources First: maintenance work to stop domestic spill: to know that maintenance has a key role To stop wasting water at home Valtserb is the amount of water lost from the internal network after counter through extensions and sanitation inside the house shall be either visible or not visible and each one of those leaks has controls :. leakage apparent: this type can be seen through the permanent inspection such as the presence in lashes tap or can be in the water expulsion Fund or damage to float the main water tank or break-in extensions and sanitation. dropout non-apparent: this type is through Mufon connecting to the home line or the connecting distribution of the tank on the roof line to health facilities in the house. How regular maintenance work to resolve the problem: how to reveal the water leak in the house? • Close all water sources inside and outside the home, including irrigation systems, and told all those in the house not to use water during the test period. • Read the counter and record the reading, and then wait an hour one and read the meter again and record reading. Second reading - the first reading = water loss during the hour • If you did not notice the existence of an increase in the second reading, it means there is no leakage. If the second reading is higher than the first reading, it means that there is a leak somewhere and that you have to reveal the leak and fix it immediately should a second change behavior to save water: the consumption of the daily behavior have a significant effect in maintaining the money and savings, there are unwanted actions and other other totally unacceptable we can live with less amount of water and by reducing waste wasted useless It is desirable behaviors are followed: at home 1. To reduce the duration of the shower (5) minutes, bathing consumes between 10-20 liters per minute. 2. Close the water faucet while washing teeth or shaving. 3.trkib rationalization to reduce the amount of water used tools. 4 for sale. Open water faucet in moderation

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (الإنجليزية) 3:[نسخ]
The importance of water:

water lifeline, and without it we can't live and it is an important plant and animal life, and the water in the present number of risks such as attrition, salinization, pollutionTherefore we need to pay attention to them and their sources and resources conservation and rational consumption. The Almighty said:We made from water every living thing IFLA believe) water power bestowed by God's grace, we are the lifeblood of continuity.

what is the water:

Water is a chemical compound consisting of Dhray hydrogen and oxygen atom consisting of water H2O thus comprises a rain drop. It has three kinds of forms or (liquid,Vapor, solid) fixed amount or less decrease in the chemical composition of Llqtrt water and strong ability to dissolve chemicals and in the many to many environmental changes the internal and external.How the rain? He says (the drinking water Afraytm * you Anzlmtmwh mozen, or we Almnzlwn * if we agaja starch without hopes to be grateful) in this verse we find precious little clearly explained how God down water fromTo be fit for drinking and back again as the clouds by the evaporation and condensation of water vapour and so this is what you know the water cycle in the nature, how to start the water cycle in the nature? Btbkhr begins when water warm the earth byThe sun and the air to the top of the Fysd water vapor to the air layers perches and then thickens to form clouds in this stage to start the water droplets in clouds of the together. ALD to form larger droplets, which increases the weight becomes heavy.Then the rain fall on the ground, sea and air so the water cycle in nature.

I is the amount of water in the world?

water is two-thirds the size of the earth is distributed as follows:

97% waters the seas and oceans

3% fresh water Mtwzt looks like this (22% ground water is the water cycle in the nature 77% blocks of ice. 1%)

What do you know about the water?

and the lack of quality of life, water is an important means to eliminate all life on earth. The water element to be him. For human beings and other living things on earth.We need 8-10 glasses of water per day, the other liquids present us with a half quantity of water needed by, the other half the food we eat.That water is 83% of the blood in our body and helps in the digestion process and facilitates the movement of the joints and helps in transferring waste digestion, and helps to keep the body temperature, and it is important in keeping the body heat balance.

What are the uses of water:

The many uses of water quality control in public life and in the life of a human (the water of the seas and oceans, fresh water - bar - collapsed Awdyh Flagg. Faldhbt) used for drinking and food preparation, bathing, swimming, washing and irrigationTypes are used in industry and power generation.The water of the seas and oceans, rivers and roads transport natural, environmental and natural life marine and riverine organisms.

water needs and what are the effects?Noting that affected the amount of water needed by the body to various factors including age, gender, and atmospheric temperature and type of food.Etc. the human need to drink two litres of water a day is the average amount per capita daily needs of about nearly 50 liters of water for drinking, bathing and drainageAs for the domestic needs are estimated at 120 litres per person per day accredited by many factors.

how can we save water?Dear consumer to save water, we must start from the house and here comes the role of the housewife, with the primary role of family members, there are three ways to save water:

1. Regular maintenance of water leakage at home.

2.Behavior change to water consumption.

3. Using the tools of rationalization.

4. Each one of those steps may be followed to provide daily and monthly consumption, ease of wasteful money and keep the water as much as possible

The rationalization of the consumption of electricity and water, civilized behavior, where the optimal use and actual to reduce consumption and conserve resources, despite the fact that idea. Rationalization is not new, the increased attention to the conservation of the environment.The importance of optimal use of electricity, water, and here we are each responsible for streamlining and not wasteful. "

stop leakage, maintenance work of domestic first:

We should know that the maintenance at home have a key role to stop the waste of water diversion is the amount of water lost from the site after the meter through extensions and sanitation inside house is provided. Either visible or not visible, and each one of those spills.Controls:

the outside leakage of this type can be viewed by perpetual check, such as a stroke or tap can be in the box. Water damage in the main water tank float, or break in the wiring and sanitation.

the outside leakage of others!This kind of Almfwn line connecting home or from the distribution line between the reservoir surface to health facilities and at home.

how to regular maintenance work to solve the problem:

how to detect water leakage into the house?Close all water sources within and outside the home, including irrigation systems, and the all present in the home not to use water during the test period.

Do read the meter and reading, and then wait one hour record, read, and read the meter again.
first = second reading - reading water losses during the H

If the observed increase in reading second, it means that there is no leakage. If the reading is second higher than the first reading, it means that you have a leak somewhere and it must disclose that the leak Wtslhh immediately. "

Behavior change to save water consumption:

Your daily actions have a big impact on money and maintain a desired behavior and the other is totally unacceptable and we can live with less amount of water by to reduce waste, wasted useless and undesirable behaviors followed:


1. To reduce the length of the shower to 5 minutes, Falasthmam consumes between 10-20
2 litres per minute. Close the water tap when washing the teeth or shave
3. Install rational tools to decrease the amount of water consumed.
4.Open water hydrant in moderation.
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