النتائج (
العربية) 1:
of a free Greece; Petrobey Mavromichalis, leader of the armed communities ()fthe Mani. The fiery priest Papaflessas, whose immense drive and convictionprovoked the outbreak of the revolution in the PeIOponnese and the islands alsotook the sacred vow of the Society. Other famous names included PerrermBishop Germanos of Patras, who first raised the holy banner of liberty in (ire-ct t.on 25 March 1821; and a young Dionysios Solomos who was later to compose U it»moving words of the Greek National Anthem.Chastened by the fate of Rhigas, the Society’s leaders avowed secrecy. 'H m,created seven classes of members rising in order from ‘Vlarnides’, or brothers, inthe ‘Chiefs of the Dedicated’. The Society’s aims were not revealed to a meml u -runtil he had moved through several classes and he could only rise through theclasses after he had shown a satisfactory loyalty to the Society. Each member hadto follow without question the directions of the Supreme Head, who remaim-rlanonymous. There was good reason for this, because until 1820 there was in I'm Ino holder of that position.For six years the three founders, who had been joined by Anagnostop ml: ma man of great organisational ability, tried to find a man of outstanding stunn-and prestige 'to be the leader of the Society. They realised that they themst-Ix uswere relatively unknown and could not hope to command the support and l( rm}: yof men more famous and experienced than themselves. They therefore indut edmembers to believe that Count Capodistrias, a» native of Corfu in the Ionian islu mlsserving at the time as Foreign Minister of Imperial Russia and a Greek ofintematiOnal acclaim, was the leader of the Philike Etairia.The founders of the Society were determined to succeed at any cost. Km )wingthe terrible price of failure, they had no compunction about misleading thosewhom" they initiated into believing they had suCh an outstanding leader. They claimed that a ‘Great Power’ was supporting their Society and implied thatthis ‘PQWeI’ was deliberate deception Was reinforced by the use ofca ‘7’ ’ We’lheasfiata‘gem Succeeded in gainingthe support of wealthy influential Whe: iwould‘oth’erwise have never risked their lives and termites by ‘ ‘ ’ deride, iris
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