حسنا". سوف اقول لك. اولا" احب هذه الصوره لانك تبدو سعيدا" بها وتستمتع بحياتك. وأشعر بالغيره لانك تبدو مثير جدا" بها وتظهر بها كل منحيات جسدك الرائع تقريبا
Well ". I will tell you. I love this image because you look happy and enjoy your life. I am jealous of you look very sexy "and show them all the wonderful body almost sequestrant
Well. "I'll tell you. First" love this picture of you seem happy "by and enjoy your life. I feel jealous, because you look very sexy" and show them all the wonderful curves of your body almost
All right. " I will tell you. First, "I love that picture you look happy and enjoy your life". I feel jealous because you look so sexy ", and almost all of the wonderful sequestrant.