t’s been a while since the last I actually translated the whole script. XD;;; This blog right now is kinda like a walking zombie. There are times I thought I should just close it down because I don’t have the time and energy to maintain it the way I used to, and I feel bad for failing to reply some messages people have sent me. orz
Back then, there weren’t that many people who did early spoiler translations for TG:re, so at least there was the novelty of doing it, but right now, there are plenty others who do it faster and regularly, so I feel less obligated to do it.
But strangely enough, there are still many who follow, so I feel I shouldn’t close it down. That’s why this blog is a zombie. I sorta try to maintain it, but I’m doing a really terrible job at it. I really wish I could be more dedicated. (╥_╥)
This blog was originally made for me to post spoiler images. The translations were something I did for fun that eventually became a tradition. Several months ago, we were asked not to post them anymore, so my motivation was kinda killed right there. Though lately, I saw many people posting spoiler images everywhere, so maybe it’s no longer a problem (?) I’m not sure, that’s why I still haven’t tried posting any images yet.
So yeah, this blog will go on, and I’ll try to maintain it as usual no matter how terrible I’m at it. I apologize for not being able to write as much as usual. (╥_╥)