Hey Hello Everyone!
I don't really know if someone would read this but this is my first post on this website and also the first post I write in a long time! I usually write a blog in spanish but now I have no time for this because my work is the most important thing I have.
Due to my job (I work in healthcare doing some sport test) there's so munch people who doesn't speak spanish so I like to improve and learn english and communicate better with patients!
On the other hand, I am a really geeky girl, I love technology, comics and graphic novels. My friends tell me that I am a little freaky because I love with passion this world about comic books. Do you know about Mortadelo and Filemon? Clever and Smart maybe? this are two characters in a spanish comic created by Francisco Ibañez whom is my favourite. I also love american comic (special mention to super heros! I love superman!!)
And that's all folks... Be patient with me... and correct this text if you find errors...I am here to learn!!