Experiential experiment design processes: Two experiential experiments were designedfor the learning content through infographics. The first experiment was designedto present the learning content in the form of static infographic type. And thesecond experiment was designed to present the learning content in the form of animatedinfographic type. As for the platform which was employed, WhatsApp platformwas used to display the content of e-learning through infographics in its twotypes, static and animated.Development phase: The two experiential experiments have produced the learningcontent of the infographic types, static and animated, as follows:The first experiment: The content of learning was produced in the form of static infographicsin the light of the criteria of the infographic design referred to in the previousphase using "Adobe Illustrator", one of the programs produced by Adobe. Thisprogram is considered the best for designers in the production of artistic designs andinfographic designing, thanks to the magnificence of its designing options, ultimateflexibility, and its ability to produce attractive results. It also depends on vector drawinginstead of pixels, which does not affect the drawings in any way when they aremade larger in size or smaller or by any other changes. This allows the designer toapply industry-specific drawings in the field to design logos, icons, drawings, linesand complex illustrations for printing and for interactive web, as well as videos andmobile phone pictures. The experiment has resulted in 30 static infographics whichcovered all the elements of the educational content in the experiment subject.The second experiment: The learning content was produced in the form of animatedinfographics in the light of the infographics criteria referred to in the previoussections using After Effects, a video editing program. This program is used in thedigital video industry, films, special effects and fiction effects, television productions,motion graphic animation, animations, and visual effects. It also allows designers tomove or change video in two-dimensions 2D and 3D with various merging tools andadd-ons in the program. This program is also used by most animated infographicdesigners for its flexibility and its great features in the field of visual animation designing.The experiment resulted in 30 animated infographics with a duration of 1 to 2minutes for each, covering all elements of the educational content of the experiment.