النتائج (
العربية) 1:
Contact the local geologist or town planning department or meteorology department to find out if your home is located in a flash-flood-prone area or landslide-prone area.Learn about your community's emergency plans, warning signals, evacuation routes, and locations of emergency shelters.Plan and practice a flood evacuation route with your family. Ask an out-of-state relative or friend to be the "family contact" in case your family is separated during a flood. Make sure everyone in your family knows the name, address, and phone number of this contact person.Post emergency phone numbers at every phone.Inform local authorities about any special needs, i.e., elderly or bedridden people, or anyone with a disability.Identify potential home hazards and know how to secure or protect them before the flood strikes. Be prepared to turn off electrical power when there is standing water, fallen power lines etc. Turn off gas and water supplies before you evacuate. Secure structurally unstable building materials.Buy a fire extinguisher and make sure your family knows where it is and how to use it.Buy and install sump pumps with back-up power.Have a licensed electrician to raise electric components (switches, sockets, circuit breakers and wiring) at least 12" above your home's projected flood elevation.For drains, toilets, and other sewer connections, install backflow valves or plugs to prevent floodwaters from entering.مرساة خزانات الوقود التي يمكن أن تلوث الطابق السفلي الخاص بك إذا كانت ممزقة مجاناً. يمكن أن يكون اكتسحت المصب دبابة المتقلبة خارج وتدمير المنازل الأخرى.
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