Originally Posted by Biri View Post
They may be his nieces, or daughters of some his cousin(s) Al-Maktoum family is very numerous.
That is true. But you forget that here in the UAE following the names of the children says, who is descended from whom. Ela bint Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum is translated as: Ela, the daughter of Muhammad the son of Rashid from the clan of al Maktoum.
When the children were the nieces, e.g. they were named as Ela bint Hamdan bin Rashid al Maktoum. Or grandchildren e.g. Ela bint Maktoum bin Mohammed al Maktoum but not Ela bint Muhammed bin Rashid al Maktoum. I am not aware that the late HH Sheikh Rashid had two sons named Muhammed. and so......
Originally Posted by FoRbIDdEn EuPhOrIa View Post
Oh and I think RootsWeb isn't a right source. As you can see there are many mistakes (for example dates of birth) and they didn't mention Latifa 3rd as well.
You're right. It is certainly not in the sense of HH Sheikh Mohammed everyone to know everything about his private life. In addition, certainly confusing to people outside the Emirates, the different marriages, with the children from these marriages and the name following rules. You have to be a little insider in order not to lose track.
Little anecdote: Years ago I read in the european press - I do not remember when was it - an article on a state visit from a member of the Al Maktoum family , Hamdan bin Rashid al Maktoum. The hard-working journalist wrote it were the crown prince of Dubai. He had not noticed that the name on its search result was not researched properly. Because Hamdan bin Rashid (bin Saeed) al Maktoum is the finance minister and deputy ruler of Dubai. It is not Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum. Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum is not the same person as Hamdan bin Rashid (bin Saeed) al Maktoum.